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Hello, I have seen alot of people sharing a lot of things lately. So I thought it would be fitting to share my Hotmail Account Creator. It will continue looping until it creates the number of accounts that you specify. It is multi-threaded so you can easily create accounts super quickly. But that's not all. After the account is created it will create a new rule to send all emails to your inbox. This will help greatly when confirming accounts. If this is a great interest I will add proxy support to be able to really create ton's of accounts as hotmail has a temp ip ban when creatin81 points
http://image.prntscr.com/image/5d61968cf8c24ebe9075a2eb898ecb43.pnghttp://image.prntscr.com/image/f3a13b25912244bd89dd415303d1874a.pnghttp://image.prntscr.com/image/27fa51acd90a4a2ca77a8012da7cd3f2.png Hello, i created a plugin for personal use with some commands, functions. I am releasing it for free. - For threads lock i use simple commands not container because container stuck in multiple threads - Every command / function is thread safe- varSet set a variable that exist only on running thread so you can varset and varget from everywhere in same thread without passing arguments. Before th31 points
I've been waiting for this feature to get implemented and I just realized today that its already possible using javascript. Download: onload.ubot Just change the "definesub" with your own sub name. This will work even if you have standard license. Hope you like it. K28 points
so i made my first command and i decided to share it for free i know it is not that great plugin , but i know it will be useful to someone ! this plugin i used to close the current bot , thats it http://i45.tinypic.com/2djweip.png Download Link : Not sure why i can't attach it !24 points
Her eis example code you can use for multi threading that is very simple to setup and use with "most" applications. ui drop down("Thread Count", "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", #num threads) ui text box("Number of accounts", #number accounts) set(#num created, 0, "Global") set(#used threads, 0, "Global") loop(#number accounts) { loop while($comparison(#used threads, ">=", #num threads)) { wait(1) } loop process() } define loop process { increment(#used threads) increment(#num created) registration procedure() } define registration procedure { thread { in new browser { registration code here() decr23 points
I made this for myself, after wanting a quick/easy way to code up the HTML for my UI HTML PANELS. This bot will create the HTML for you, for every UI element you might put in the UI HTML PANEL. You choose your UI element type, set the label, set the variable, and set the values (for drop downs and list boxes.) Click generate code and it will show you an example of your UI element, and the HTML to copy/paste into your bot or html editor. It will generate the HTML for the following types of UI elements, no reference required if you have this bot: Text box Block text Check box Open file21 points
http://i.imgur.com/Agmei.jpg Hello Fellow Botters, Have you ever spent precious hours of time automating flash sites with Image Recognition only to get stuck on the captcha? Are you tired of feeling like there are some sites that are just to hard to automate? Well I have good news for you then because those days are finally over! That's right, in this tutorial I am going to show you how to tackle the once thought impossible flash captcha such as the one found at pinger.com/tfw I originally though about selling this solution but decided that this community is just to awesome to try and20 points
UPDATE - NOW WORKS WITH ALL VERSIONS OF UBOT STUDIO (see below for standard/pro version) I needed a small progress bar for a project I'm working on and wanted it to be "lightweight" and easy to work with without a lot of 'riff-raff'. It worked so well I thought I'd share it with all of you. I've attached code and .ubot file. Notes: This is accomplished using HTML5Displays in HTML UI Panel (Dev Only)Updated to display rounded numbers in % set(#progress, 0, "Global") ui html panel("<body> <progress variable=\"#progress\" fillwith=\"value\" max=\"100\" style=\"width:300px;\"></20 points
I thought this may be interesting for many applications. Let's build together a REGEX to grab ALL URLs (links) from a page or text. Links may start with http (and sometimes https) or eventually whatever else you may need, say, for instance ftp OR they may lack that at all and be written the old fashion way with only a www. etc... So our expression should start looking to match this at the beginning of the substring: (ftp|http) --> (the | means OR) so basically either starts with ftp OR http and the parenthesis () will enclose them to be considered a group; however, we may have also19 points
These footprints can be used to search and find sites Footprints for proxy, just type in google search bar and you can find a lot of proxy +â€Â:8080? +â€Â:3128? +â€Â:80? +â€Â:8080? +â€Â:3128? +â€Â:80? “fresh†+â€Â:8080? +â€Â:3128? +â€Â:80? “new†+â€Â:8080? +â€Â:3128? +â€Â:80? “latest†+â€Â:8080? +â€Â:3128? +â€Â:80? “Last updated February 18, 2011†blog types footprint article directory powered by wordpress blog powered by wordpress blogs powered by typepad inurl trackback powered by wordpress pow19 points
http://i.imgur.com/QolhQHU.png Fer's Plugin Commands Play sound - Play any .wav fileStop sound - Stop any .wav file from playingRepeat sound - Repeat any sound endlessly, unless stoppedConnect HMA - Connect HMA! VPNDisconnect HMA - Disconnect HMA! VPNChange IP HMA - Change IP HMA! VPNCopy to clipboard - Copy something to the clipboardClear clipboard - Clear the content of the clipboardClipboard to file - Save the content of the clipboardShutdown PC - Shutdowns the computer without prompts, handy if you finish botting during the nightRestart PC - Restarts the computerClose UBot - Close UBot's p18 points
Hi you peeps out there, This is for everyone of those fellows, who are still scratching their heads on how to use the "thread" command in Ubot to achieve Multi-Tasking their tasks. I know there are many pros there, who are already using thread command in there bots or are working on the implementation of such a technique to their existing bots. There could be numerous ways to do this, but I thought I'll take the pain to bring it to all of you in a simple way. I have compiled this script from various resources on this forum and some from my own experiences and tweaks. Thanks to the memb18 points
There probably as many rant posts here as there is question and answer posts regarding ubot. Give yourself time and permission to make mistakes when learning how to program with ubot. Truly it's a pretty powerful little package shortcutting a difficult job - automating web pages. I've personally tried and purchased several programs that promised this feat, but ubot is the only one close to full delivery! Here's the rub for you though. You have to learn rudimentary programming. There's no way around it. You will come in at a particular level of 'expertise' and that's where you start. So16 points
SQLite Database Tutorial Features: Creates DatabaseSelect/Change DatabaseCreates Projects TableCreates new projectDisplays tablesDeletes tablesCreates profiles tableCreates any tableAdds E-mail and password to profiles tableAssigns random proxies to all accounts or per profileOver 15 commands and functionsSQLite Queries used: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT INSERT INTO SELECT SELECT FROM DROP TABLE DELETE FROM FOREIGN KEY ALTER TABLE UPDATE ADD COLUMN COUNTThis is a training bot that is capable of making real databases. It is designed to be user friendly and intuitive. It16 points
Hey Guys i've written this new cool plugin that does many cool stuff ! Video Demo : http://www.screencast.com/t/YLwELb6J Commands Change Extension : change the extension of a fileOpen file : opens a file in its default program ( can open a web page too )base64 to image : converts a base64 code to an image (if the base64 code is an image of course)app shortcut : creates a shortcut to a certain applicationurl shortcut : creates a shortcut to a certain URL Functions : $directory name : return the directory path of the file$file name : return the file name without the path$get extension :15 points
Hello All, Due to the influx of newbies posting questions that have already been answered previously, I have decided to create this handy dandy little bot to search the ubot forums. When I first started out I had alot of troubles searching the forums. Then I discovered this little trick using google that helps greatly when searching the forums. The reason I created this was to help people who are first starting out from asking un-neccasary questions that have been answered before, sometimes more than once. To all the newbies out there, please start searching the forum before asking q15 points
This is a simple php script that I got a programmer to make, for some bots which I planned to make and sell. This would help to protect your bots by doing a simple code/ key validation on your domain. You can use this if you intent to sell any bots that you made, it will check for a valid key in the URL, and then returns a value. You can then prompt the bot to navigate to the page and validate either the "VALID" or "ERROR" text. The keys can be added by you through a simple login panel. Download script here I am not sure if this is secure enough (should be.. as the keys are all stored in a14 points
Hello, I am providing this plugin for FREE. This plugin can be helpful for people who wish to make their own scheduler. For example. You can use this plugin to make bot run on every sunday to make website backups.. To receive news and updates, please subscribe on the download page. Below are the functions (under system function): $currentweekday= Displays the current weekday.eg. Friday$currentmonth= Displays the current month.eg. April$currentyear= Displays current year. eg. 2013$currentday= Displays the day of the month, from 01 through 31.$currenthour-12h= Displays the current hour, using13 points
http://i.imgur.com/gdb2wGV.png I made this script for a client and I decided to share with UBot members. This script requires two plugins: This first plugin is the Http Post Plugin which is a paid plugin and can be found here. The second plugin is the Threads Counter plugin which is a free plugin and can be found here. We are not allowed to list EXE's so if you want the compiled bot PM me. Small Demo Video: http://www.screencast.com/t/hpY5fHeKI On the Proxy Scraper the bot will hang at the very end. This is due to a small bug in the Threads Counter plugin. So just make sure to a13 points
I was planning on selling this but have changed my mind. What it does: 1)Generate code for tabs to use for ui's. Can be customized. 2)Generate code for ui elements with customizable features.(to be used with html editor) Tabs Screenshot Elements Screenshot Click Here To Download corrected version It is not necessary but if you want you can if you find this code generator useful. Cheers.13 points
How to run software from an iPhone Ok folks, this is a complete walkthrough on how I set up my software so as people can run their services on their mobile devices whilst the bots run on my VPS or local pc and running 24/7. The end user, or customer, can access the software via a web form integration from their smart phone or any web browser that feeds the data into a MySQL database which the software will read the data from. Things I use: A jotform account (http://www.jotform.com and you can get a free account - not an affiliate link). Please note, I bought a jotform package on a "Black F12 points
There are a few methods of changing your IP using HMA Pro out at the moment. The ones i found so far. One of the methods just changes the IP and you have to put your own WAIT command in there and guess the amount of time it will take to change the IP and the other is a nice one that uses a php script that you upload to your server. The 2nd one is nice if you have a server or hosting plan you can upload it to. Anyway i was messing about the other night, annoyed with not changing the IP at the right moment with random wait times etc so i decided to solve my problem. Below is a solution to cha12 points
Download the plugin without subscribing (you lose ) Download here12 points
Hey Guys i know there is a lot of people looking to implement a progressbar in their UI , so this may come handy to many of you! i was playing with ubot and came up ith this http://content.screencast.com/users/aymen99/folders/Jing/media/694bb631-9975-4e33-8817-d062659db7c6/2013-03-07_0050.png Video Demo : http://screencast.com/t/wgcMqbgDo Hope you guys like it Progressbar code.ubot12 points
Sorry about my previous post it was wrong, here is a stop pause script that should do what you're after. Paste this in ubot anf hit the start button and you will see how it works. ui html panel("<button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'run_bot()\')\">Start</button> <button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'stopbot()\')\">Stop</button> <button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'pausebot()\')\">Pause</button> <button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'un_pausebot()\')\">Un-Pause</button>", 300) define run_bot { load html("Hey") wait(1) Stop Pause Check() loa12 points
It's been a while and I did make the promise to one member in here but I have finally done it! I revisited UBot v3 and re-created my bot that controls Microsoft paint. Doing it in v4 is not quite there yet. For those of you that never believed that I could do it. Watch this video. http://screencast.com/t/J8lY5Jj2hn5 If anyone wants this bot then it is a first come first serve Awww Heck! If you ask for it in here then I will send it to via a PM. REMEMBER! This is an as is bot. I run two monitors and my primary monitor is set to 1280 x 800. I am also running Windows 7 Enterpr12 points
Hey everyone this is the free XAML template I have told some of you about. There are also 5 themes that come with it. I also show you in the video how you can easily change the colors and how to use it to build your own GUI with it. If you need a fully customized template or GUI for your next big project feel free to shoot me a message. You need Aymen's XAML plugin for this, and if you want the datagrid that plugin as well. Download Link11 points
Since the new UBot Studio v.4.2x we've finally got support to connect to external databases, using MySQL. I am no master of this myself, but I'm sure many people with more knowhow will chime in and add their contributions. I wanted to put up a bit of code as an example usage for people new to all this. Hope it helps. Pre-requisites: _________________________________________ You will need to have a MySQL server installed, either on your machine, or remotely (as in your website hosting account for instance - all cPanel powered hosting accounts have a MySQL Management tab there, you will11 points
Hi Guys I know that quite a few of the guys in the community have been having issues with the memory being eaten up by the bots which causes bot failure. I have experienced this as well. I have found a temporary solution that "manages the memory leak" until the dev team at UB can get issues fixed. I have been testing this on my bots and have had better success and less memory failures. I have been using an app called CleanMem http://www.pcwintech.com/cleanmem The reason why I used this is because it allowed me to track the memory usage per process example: UBtBrowser.exe UBot Studi11 points
I was pretty bored today and thought I would come up with a way to load and save user created project files. This example script will show you how to store and later call the users data. By clicking on the load button under the Tools tab you can quickly switch between projects. I was gonna add a delete project button in this script but got to tired. There are 3 projects in the zip you can load to test, or quickly create your own to see how it works. Video: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?vo0a2f2ayhl9o9r11 points
http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/5816/54046799.jpg Here is an old program I wrote that changes the Useragent in Ubot. Seeing as people are requesting this feature, I recompiled it and put it here for yall: http://www.mediafire.com/?dlw76b7zikuez1k How to install: Put ChangeUserAgent.exe in the same directory as the Ubot exe (UBotDevTool.exe) or the compiled but. How to use: ChangeUserAgent.exe takes 3 parameters. First parameter is the running exe name of the bot you want to change the useragent of (without the .exe) (note: bot must be running). Second parameter is the useragent y11 points
Ubotplugin.com End of Business Good day Ubot community. Over the last 9 years I invested a lot of time in developing the plugins. I hope that it was of good use for all of you. Only in the last months you did not hear much from me anymore. This has some reasons: Because of inevitable personal and health reasons I am no longer able to sell and provide plugins or to work on the code anymore. The license servers run out of payment in the end. Sorry for the inconvenience. My plugins (Ubotplugin.com) have reached the products end of life cycle with me now. Ubotplugin.com will become10 points
Hello. Today I would like to share a very simple way of adding functionality to UBot Studio with you. There are a lot of great commandline utilities available. And you can use them from within Ubot Studio. You need a FREE plugin to do that: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13798-free-plugin-advanced-shell/ This plugin allows you to execute shell commands. So you can run a command and load the results back into ubot. You can also run that shell command completely hidden from the user. Here are a couple of shells commands you could use with Ubot: http://www.sqlite.or10 points
http://content.screencast.com/users/lowridertj/folders/Ubot%20Studio%20Plugins/media/937a1217-f688-402e-bb2e-022087db9962/05.01.2017-03.png Plugins included Ubot Plugin - Cursor Position XY Locator ( plugin info ) Ubot Plugin - TypeWriter Effect Ubot Plugin - CSV Commands ( plugin info ) Ubot Plugin - File Folder Functions ( plugin info ) Ubot Plugin - HMA Commands ( plugin info ) Ubot Plugin - OS Addins ( plugin info ) Ubot Plugin - RSS Commands ( plugin info ) Ubot Plugin - Sound Commands ( plugin info ) Ubot Plugin - System Commands ( plugin info ) Ubot Plugin - Watermarking ( plugin info10 points
Hey Ladies and Gent's, Introducing Asynco A Technique in Threading... http://network.ubotstudio.com/store/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/12/thread-docta-pro-edition.png http://network.ubotstudio.com/store/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/12/ubot-advanced-threading-boot-camp-550-b-r-600x600.png Updated and some example codes, read this. Basically what this does is: splits a list into a bunch of other lists spins up threads based on how many lists there are each thread loops through their respective lists until complete combines all list into oneSay you have 1000 usernames an10 points
10 points
Video Demonstration (best viewed full screen) Simply upload the php file to your server (curl is needed) Open the Ubot source file in v4 Ubot Studio Change the email, password, and link to the tbs.php file Enter your text to return spun text from and Done! Hope you all enjoy. And thanks to Forum user "BlissUK" for allowing me to test with her details. tbs.php The Best Spinner.ubot10 points
I was just testing out the new socket commands and thought I would share my script since there isn't any other examples posted on the forum. Tip: With sockets you can raise the thread count higher than you could when using the browser. youtube scrape.ubot10 points
Just been playing around to see if I could schedule a bot to run a define command and it worked! Just thought id share to see if anyone wanted to play around with the script... ui html panel("<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=\"en\"> <head> <meta charset=\"utf-8\"> <meta name=\"generator\" content=\"CoffeeCup HTML Editor (www.coffeecup.com)\"> <meta name=\"dcterms.created\" content=\"Fri, 15 Feb 2013 12:42:09 GMT\"> <meta name=\"description\" content=\"\"> <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"\"> <title></title>10 points
Some people were asking for how to use Javascript in ubot, so this is a quick intro to using it in ubot studio . Hope this helps!10 points
Happy new year guys!!!! Seen a lot of posts for while now about the Date people trying to get date with JavaScript with $eval command. using regular expressions also with ubot $Date command. So wanted to share a very very easy way to get any info you need in one node. Full Ubot Date. set(#Ubot Date, $date, "Global") Date. set(#Date, $substring($date, 0, 10), "Global") Day. set(#Day, $substring($date, 3, 2), "Global") Month. set(#Month, $substring($date, 0, 2), "Global") Year. set(#Year, $substring($date, 6, 4), "Global") Time. set(#Time, $substring($d10 points
Version 2 is now out: https://elitebotters.com/product/ubot-launcher/ Some pics:9 points
hi folks here i show u quick and dirty how to run external ubotscripts with a nice free plugin http://skapps.webhop.net/tuts/1.jpg Thanks to William and his Coder awesome work realy Here is my script that will run outsourced http://skapps.webhop.net/tuts/2.jpg http://skapps.webhop.net/tuts/3.jpg http://skapps.webhop.net/tuts/4.jpg load the external script in a var like this http://skapps.webhop.net/tuts/5.jpg then select the "Run Ubot Script" http://skapps.webhop.net/tuts/6.jpg and then run it thats all http://skapps.webhop.net/tuts/7.jpg U also can select the encrypted9 points
I know the title is a bit over used nowadays, but it really describes my journey using Ubot. I'm probably one of Seth's first customers for UBot and I can remember late version 1, early version 2. What attracted me to it way back when is the fact that I really wanted to learn how to program and ubot seemed pretty cool! Now, I've been using ubot for several years and done reasonably well with it. I've been able to make money with it on a continuous basis just by solving ecky web problems with automation. Things like, I've managed several customer infusionsoft accounts and correcting commiss9 points
This response was sent via your ticket after your first refund: "Posted on: 08 May 2014 02:31 PM Hi Sebastien Your refund has been processed and your account permanently shut down as per our one time 30 day money back guarantee. If you purchased with a credit card, your refund should arrive in 3 -5 business days. Please contact your bank if you need more information. If you have any further questions about UBot Studio, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your interest in UBot Studio. " We provide a generous one time 30 day money back guarantee to allow anyone to try o9 points
A useragent is a string all browsers identify themselves with as you visit a website. This useragent is how sites like Twitter, Facebook, and others are able to tell if you're a mobile device like iPhone and Android, or a normal web based browser like Opera, Chrome or IE. Your useragent can also enable these sites to see you're using automation software depending on the footprint provided by your useragent. Becasue of this Meter has developed a great tool to manipulate the computer's memory so that uBot's Useragent could be changed! What I've done was wrapped Meter's exe with a ubot sub t9 points
Hey Guys, Here is a WORKING example of a Multi Threaded PRIVATE Proxy Checker. This is from a bot I made that I will be releasing for free here in the near future. It is different from the one I will be releasing soon. But I wanted to show you you can change private proxies in multi threading. My released bot will include a few other features than this one and also have pure Sockets. So I stripped this out of that one to give to you here. I have seen a few other threads regarding this, so it inspired me to give back to this awesome community of helpers. My released bot will probab9 points
Hi guys, its Sunday and raining - so I spent the day in front of the computer doing a a bunch of things. Today I got another email from someone asking how to control & trigger ubots from a website. So as more and more people tend to ask me this and similar questions I thought - ok lets check if there are actually a bunch of people that want to know this. So I created a video (as I had not much time it is pretty amateurish though) where I show an engine that we use in our company to literally take our UBot projects to the next level. What I mean is full UBot automation, like: Mana9 points
Here's mine... if the customers votes count I know I'll win! http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p40/dpf_photo/ubotbanner-big_zpsea3c698a.gif9 points
Hi guys, We've just released some great mini bots - (inc Twitter Poster, Facebook Poster, Article Scraper, Auto-Ping and some Proxy Scrapers - with more bots being added). Current access is being sold for $27 but as a small gift back to the community, we're giving all members of the Ubot forum FREE access to all of the bots and a load of other goodies too. The link will be live until 30th November. Download them all here - Enjoy!9 points