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Bliss last won the day on December 20 2017

Bliss had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

194 Excellent

About Bliss

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • OS
    Windows 8
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  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. not used it in a while tbh, did it connect ok? did you test connection?
  2. Here you go mate, here is a free database plugin does multi database too (not pashs) www.dropbox.com/s/fz6tugawpzrdbgx/DBCommands.dll?dl=0 hope this helps
  3. @PRO I have been using Ubot for 10 years, sold tens of thousands of bots, and use it to its fullest capacity with plugins. I know how it it works and its pros and the cons. my point was being reliant on something like a plugin and then something happens beyond your control and boom its gone. So there are plenty of other languages out there that are easy too that have built in library's or well seasoned ones that are great for rapid development. Anyway.. Good of you to take it on.. Good luck for the future.
  4. Make sure you either delete %APPDATA%\Ubot Studio or at least the options.xml file in there, that can cause a hang when you have used different versions of Ubot
  5. Hi @PROthanks for the fast reply. Yes i am a long term user of Pash's plugins, i bought the first one he did and now own 13 paid plugins from him (and few free ones). I totally understand the yearly model, all software needs to be some kind of subscription to be able to take the project further and keep them updated, (i have been doing this since 2011). I think a yearly subscription would only work in a few ways 1) each plugin would have to be really cheap to renew each year 2) all plugins are packaged and sold as a yearly subscription at a reasonable price 3) pe
  6. For those of us who have purchased them already what happens? do we get updates? I don't mind beta testing, but tbh i think the way Pash had it to use beta and stable worked quite well.
  7. Pash, So sorry to hear you are unwell and your health suffering. I hope you will be well again soon. May i personally thank you for all of your hard work, your continuous great plugins and feature expansion to Ubot. Thank you for your support time after time and adding features at the drop of a hat. Without your plugins Ubot Studio would not be what it is today. I personally would not of been able to use Ubot Studio to write the software that i have, and sold the bots i have). So again, I think you.. and i am sure i speak on behalf of the Ubot Community too. Is
  8. Excellent work TJ. This license system is not only the best out for UBot Studio bots but also offers many features allowing you to offer professional services with the least resistance for users. Before TJ released this i used to have to have 5 installs for my licenses for different bots as the system would lock up with too many licenses in it. TJ has done a stellar job with this, and the upgrades and updates he pushes out are amazing, he has helped me out several times with one thing or another, and made updates really fast to add in features that could help. Grab a copy if
  9. Is the download video fixed in this version?
  10. Found another a few more bugs Carl, i put it in your ticket system. So to clarify there are 2 (now 3) in your ticket system and one in the recent posts above Can you tell im using it again after a break lol
  11. Another Bug: I got a ticket in too on a different bug, but thought i would see here if anyone else got this working. I have quite a few tabs and want to keep the bot compatible with smaller screens so im using the dropdown menu part on the tabs. So this is what i done. I made the tabs i wanted, then dragged them into the new dropdown tab i created, the tabs show under it as they should. The problem i have is when i try and click on one of them to select it it does not do anything, so i have a nice drop down and cant access any tabs in it. Any one got this working yet?
  12. Hi Carl, I got a problem with modals..... At the moment when using modals they pop up over just the ui. Can you change that so it pops up over everything? ie the main window too? The reason i ask is i am making a small ui that uses the browser (shock lol), the ui height is only small and the modal box is taller in height than my ui so it adds ugly scroll buttons. Found a Bug too..... not sure if its been mentioned as not had time to read the thread for a while, but the footer height in the modal properties does not change if you set it to less than 55, i would like to be able to se
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