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  1. Last week
  2. I had the same problem. I no longer have the Enterprise edition of uBot, so I decided to just connect using a batch script and uBot. The same error message kept turning up. I decided to search the forum to see who else had similar problems. Just bought the OpenAi plugin, but it does not work.
  3. Earlier
  4. i am still facing this problem in-spite of running the .bat file
  5. It's literally Ubot's built in function $date add days I have it as add 3 days. simple. It is skipping weekends which mean sit is treating it as 3 business days. How do we fix that? if i want to add 3 days, it should be 3 days, not 3 business days.
  6. show your code, it will easier to analyze.
  7. $date add days skips weekends so if i wanted to add 3 days, which today is friday would mean monday, it instead is giving me wednesdays date. why ? How can I fix this?
  8. please also tell me how the proxies work in browser? i have added proxy but its not launching browser. tried all these commands... plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser proxy", "", "Http") plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser proxy", "", "")
  9. hey, Any update about making this plugin compatible with ubot6? because ubot5 is not loading up i really want to convert my browser based bots on ubot6 but as this plugin is not working with ubot6. so i cant please do something about it thanks
  10. Yeah, it looks like it needs a revival tonic. Set mobile useragent and facebook will open smoothly using ubot.
  11. Hmmm... It seems like the forums are almost dead, very low activity at least. Oh well, let's see if someone is still using UBS. Have you noticed that it is no longer to login to Facebook even if a proper User Agent is set? How have you solved that?
  12. An error occured while trying to load python system. Version : 6.7.23 Error : The system cannot find the file specified . _________________ An error occurred trying to load Node JS System version : 6.7.23 Error : Object Reference not set to an instance of an object. If I still continue to use ubot ignoring these issues then chatGPT isn't working. Also tried to install previous versions but it has no chatgpt module. Attached the error screenshots
  13. you would need to just send us an email at support@ubotmedia.freshdesk.com
  14. I purchased ubotstudio and still made use of it. my computers shot and now I can not access the down load
  15. is anyone else getting this error since chatgpt's service upgrades? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5iSE_aQhjU
  16. has anyonaie dealt with this error when attemting to connect with open? "error occurred while making api request: the request was aborted : could not create ssl/tls secure channel
  17. rchased the program and i am trying to use openai chat program and am getting this error please explain this chat gpt error message "error occurred while making api request: the request was aborted : could not create ssl/tls secure channel
  18. The debugger shows no data. no list no variables nothing Has UBot changed something? using version 6.7.23
  19. Anyone know of a any good websocket plugin or website to reads the data for ubot?
  20. https://stablediffusionapi.com/
  21. How to run installed chrome in compiled versions?
  22. doing a fresh install and im getting this error the underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. this is the error logs 2024-04-07 09:04:03: Error downloading file C:\Users\stanf\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio\Browser\6.1.8\6.1.8.zip: System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request, IAsyncResult result) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBitsResponseCallback(IAsyncRe
  23. portable chrome version 91.xx.xxx and in firefox 87.xx.xx please ping me on my skype that I can see if not resolved- live:71826713e7a729e6
  24. Hello I haven't logged into my account in a long time, and logging in today shows that: "You are not eligible to use this version. Please contact support." How do I use the versions that are available to me? Thanks in advance!
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