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  1. Yesterday
  2. We’re excited to announce the release of a new version! This update addresses all known bugs and includes important fixes to enhance performance and stability. Please download the latest version to ensure you have the best experience moving forward.
  3. Last week
  4. Hey, sorry, Johhny and I had some miscommunication about the location of the log file. The file I need is in your documents folder, like if you hit the documents shortcut on the left side menu in windows explorer. Please see the attached image. Thanks for your patience, and we'll get this fixed ASAP once we find the issue.
  5. Some users have had trouble locating the log file, so here are more detailed instructions: Open File Explorer (the main file browser for Windows). In the address bar at the top, type %appdata% and press Enter. Find and open the UBot Studio folder. You should find the ubot_log.txt file at the BOTTOM of this folder.
  6. I have the identical problem. Removed appdata folder, still the same issue 2024-09-13 12:25:22: !!! Version: 6.7.25 2024-09-13 12:25:22: !!! An error happened while trying to Load Python System: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at ..(String , String ) at ..(String , String , Boolean ) at ..() at UBotDev.MainWindow.<LoadPythonSystem>c__Binding.Invoke(Object& , Ar
  7. Sorry, Johnny is referencing this tool: https://ubotstudio.com/files/ubot_chromedriver_fix.zip To explain: Chrome changed something and made it so that we have to download a new version of chromedriver (which is what runs the chrome automation) for every new version of chrome. The latest version of UBot Studio should automatically do this on startup. But if it's error, there could be a few reasons why. The tool I linked to will try to manually update chromedriver to the correct version. If it fails. it will give us information on why it failed, so that we can fix it in UBot. Like Joh
  8. Earlier
  9. When you run the file, it will generate a log file in your Documents folder named ubot_setup_log.txt. Kindly send that log file to us, and we will forward it to our technical team. In some cases, running the updated file may resolve the issue, but if not, we’ll be able to determine the next steps based on the information in the log. Thank you for your cooperation. please send us an email to support@ubotmedia.freshdesk.com
  10. for those struggling with this, use the CDN of jscolor;no need to host it yourself, the below code works <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jscolor/2.5.2/jscolor.min.js"></script> <script> function addHtml() { document.querySelector('#out').innerHTML += '<input data-jscolor="{}">' jscolor.install() // recognizes new inputs and installs jscolor on them } </script> <button onclick="addHtml()">Click to generate HTML input</button> <p id="out"></p>
  11. Unable to Load Python and Node JS, how to fix this? (ubot ver 6.7.25)


  12. Now, generate unlimited video views with the bot. It supports profiles so you can send login views. Please note that this app uses proxies & works only with rotating proxies, HTTP/HTTPS proxies. This app will immediately stop working if you use dead proxies. Functionality: Randomize Urls: Support Unlimited Urls IP rotation: sets a new IP for every navigation using Proxy. Support SSL/HTTPS Proxy (Recommended) Randomize Visit Time: Time type: Seconds (THE BOT ACCEPT THE WATCH TIME IN SECONDS YOU MUST CONVERT MINUTES INTO SECONDS) Randomized User-Agent: User-age
  13. Hi Chrome made a recent update that broke UBot's connection to Chrome. I'm working on a fix for it that will be released in an upcoming version, but for now, run this script and it will patch the necessary files and get things running again. Download at: https://ubotstudio.com/files/ubot_chromedriver_fix.zip
  14. Hi can I get anyones help please? These 3 errors below are what I see before it starts. I have the latest version. I saw in a different forum to install this java, I did. https://www.java.com/download/manual.jsp As well when I checked the X64 version it said I have it and asked if I wanted to repair. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 I have Norton Antivirus, I made sure to set Ubot Studio to allow internet access & unblocked it's activities. Any idea on how to fix this, I've put in a support ticket but have n
  15. They keep telling me to use revision 55 but the link they give me downloads 44. Will the .bat file above work with this version?
  16. I had the same problem. I no longer have the Enterprise edition of uBot, so I decided to just connect using a batch script and uBot. The same error message kept turning up. I decided to search the forum to see who else had similar problems. Just bought the OpenAi plugin, but it does not work.
  17. i am still facing this problem in-spite of running the .bat file
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