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Monovski last won the day on January 15 2015

Monovski had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

4 Neutral

About Monovski

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/20/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    in your heart
  • Interests
    Search Engine Optimization

System Specs

  • OS
    Windows 10
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  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. hi thanks for reply I already insert "max redirect" command to increase number result I don't received: Too many automatic redirections were attempted again but login is failed BTW thanks for reply I try to contacting Aymen as the dev but nothing reply since couple weeks ago
  2. Hi everyone, I need help from you.. What this means: http post Too many automatic redirections were attempted Case: I use http post plugin to login in my wordpress site But failed with notice: Too many automatic redirections were attempted That's all thanks so much fow answer
  3. plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket container") { plugin command("SocketCommands.dll", "socket navigate", "GET", "https://automaxed.com/") } result: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
  4. sad hear it Pash, hope you will get health soon
  5. Hi, What version now? I still use thanks for answer
  6. Hi pash, Is it possible to post product with woocomerce with your plugin? thanks
  7. what and where location the file attributes? in my website or in my PC? I dont upload file (just new post), the featured images already in WP media library.
  8. Hi, pash I got error message "Unable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced retained its original name." https://prnt.sc/nmqwqn thanks bro
  9. Hi guys, anybody in this room fixed this problem? "operation did not complete successfully because contains a virus or potentially unwanted software" I tried to uninstall -> reinstall or repair etc but always failed I tried to disable my antivirus and or add ubot studio to trust file/directory but remain the same this problem comes today never happen before My PC: Win 10 with 360 Total Security insalled Ubot Studio developer edition please need your advice thanks
  10. ui block text("ffff",#NewText) set(#NewText,"","Global") set(#ccccccc,"my first paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget massa quis nulla mollis facilisis. Maecenas vel lectus in justo accumsan pellentesque. Integer suscipit sem ac finibus aliquam. In vestibulum tellus nec facilisis volutpat. Morbi iaculis lacinia vehicula. Nam congue eros nisi. In tellus felis, pretium laoreet lobortis vitae, commodo sed sapien. Nullam blandit tellus ut hendrerit semper. Sed augue orci, sollicitudin nec rutrum sit amet, dignissim eget ligula. Maecenas condimentum eu felis i
  11. Hello all how are you I need help, I have .txt file contain e.g" my first paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget massa quis nulla mollis facilisis. Maecenas vel lectus in justo accumsan pellentesque. Integer suscipit sem ac finibus aliquam. In vestibulum tellus nec facilisis volutpat. Morbi iaculis lacinia vehicula. Nam congue eros nisi. In tellus felis, pretium laoreet lobortis vitae, commodo sed sapien. Nullam blandit tellus ut hendrerit semper. Sed augue orci, sollicitudin nec rutrum sit amet, dignissim eget ligula. Maecenas condimentum eu fe
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