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dmbfan last won the day on April 5 2013

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About dmbfan

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    Advanced Member

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    Phoenix AZ

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    Windows 10
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    Developer Edition

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  1. Thank you! Changing the visibility does the trick! I had no idea that command even existed!
  2. I am working on a project where a webpage loads that contains the name and other protected information of medical patients. I am trying to obscure some of the personal information so that it is not visible to the end user. What I have tried so far is adding a "wait for browser event" and selected "DOM Ready" then I use the change attribute command to change the innertext of all the sensitive elements to the word "Obscured" The process works, however there is a brief period of time where the page loads and the patient name is still visible before the attribute is changed. I have also tri
  3. Has anyone had any success getting 6.0 to run on an AWS EC2 connection? I was able to update UBot on the server, the program starts and I see the new logo screen, but UBot doesn't actually open to the point where I can edit/open bots. Just seems to hang I'll put in a ticket as well, but wanted to see if anyone has been successful with this and I am missing a step.
  4. Hi, I see the same thing when I try to pull it down. I have been playing with the video commands for a couple weeks now and have found that there are some uBot just can't grab at all for some reason. I have also seen situations where it will grab the video but not the sound. I put a ticket in on the issue but the result of the ticket was that it was working on their side. I just had to go out and grab another program to pull the video down from youtube. Wish I had a better answer
  5. I'll put it in. the more I played with it, there were cases where it wouldn't grab the video either. Not a huge deal, I just used a different application to pull down the ones I wanted. Thanks for the reply
  6. I started playing with the video features in the Bot bank this week. Specifically the Download youtube video command. I have been successful in downloading every video I have tried with the command, the issue is that some seem to include sound and video and others just video. This is a link to one that just pulls the video and not the sound: youtube.com/watch?v=D4deW5Okmr4 For the output file path, I am simply saving it to my desktop with an .mp4 file extension. I have tried a few other file extensions without success. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, were you able to ge
  7. This worked for me: clear cookies set user agent("iPhone") navigate("https://www.reddit.com/login","Wait") wait for element(<username field>,"","Appear") type text(<username field>,$list item(%LoginNames,#LoopCounter),"Standard") wait for element(<password field>,"","Appear") type text(<password field>,$list item(%LoginPW,#LoopCounter),"Standard") wait for element(<class="SquareButton__content">,"","Appear") click(<class="SquareButton__content">,"Left Click","No")
  8. Created a bot that pulls stories off our JIRA software development boards and creates planning poker games for them in a matter of seconds. Manually, it took forever!
  9. I have run into this scenario in the past, I've found that If I navigate to another script tab (or add a script tab and then navigate to it) and then return to the original script tab, it allows me to run the bot. Typically when I get this warning there is a command open somewhere that needs to be closed and I assume there is the possibility of losing that piece that you were working on if it isn't closed. I only use the above for those rare occasions where, for whatever reason, uBot seems to think I have a command open for editing somewhere.
  10. I typically just do this: set(#Random username,$account data("Username"),"Global") I don't know if they ever repeat or the frequency at which they might.
  11. Just wondering if anyone has received the attached error when starting a compiled bot: "There was an error verifying files The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized If you are having trouble contact support." My client receives this when trying to start a bot I have installed on their windows 7 machines running .net 4.5 They are connected to the same wireless network I am on. I never receive this error when starting the bot and they receive it every time and prevents them from using it. I coded and compiled the bot in version 5 dev Does anyone know what causes this and h
  12. I agree it is much faster. I am going to shift to programming to 5.5 to see how it holds up. So far the stability seems much better.
  13. Just picked this up and ran it once and I already feel like I got my money's worth. Nice job on this software and I agree with the comments of others that this could sell for more and would still be a steal! Thanks!
  14. I am trying to scrape the pins/locations from the following site to then navigate to each one or a specific one and collect the availability information for the location(s) http://www.bikesharetoronto.com/stations I haven't had any luck figuring out a way to scrape the information and have been at it a couple hours. Before I spend many many more hours, I thought I would check to see if any of you think it is even possible. Thanks
  15. Probably not the most elegant way, but this works: set(#facebook id, "a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/ericmadrid?fref=grp_mmbr_list\"", "Global") set(#facebook id, $replace(#facebook id, "a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/", $nothing), "Global") set(#facebook id, $replace regular expression(#facebook id, "\\?.*", $nothing), "Global")
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