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About johnny

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  1. you would need to just send us an email at support@ubotmedia.freshdesk.com
  2. The issue has been successfully resolved, and everything should be back to normal now. Additionally, we have implemented measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.
  3. We wanted to inform you that our server is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance and is being restarted. We anticipate that it will be back up and running shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.
  4. The issue has been resolved, and the server should be operational now.
  5. We apologize for the inconvenience. Yes, it appears that the server is currently experiencing some issues. Our team is aware of the situation and is actively working to resolve it as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  6. We apologize for the wait. Our server has been down, and we have been trying to resolve this issue. We've been tirelessly working on it through the night as well. We do not have an ETA for when our server will be up but will keep you updated.
  7. You will need to contact Automaxed for this
  8. You can send us a ticket with your code and we can look into it.
  9. The crypto_data folder is used to store data about different tokens, defi exchanges, and liquidity pools. It's used only with the new enterprise commands. For instance, there's a file called "generated_coins.json". When you load a command like "swap tokens", the dropdowns for Token A and Token B are populated from that file. None of the data in the folder comes from the user, it all comes from either our servers or directly from the blockchain. There are no mining operations going on, and I assure you we are not scamming you. UBot Studio runs functions to interact directly
  10. the differences are listed on the sales page https://product.ubotstudio.com/products/ubot-studio-enterprise-edition
  11. Welcome developers and automation enthusiasts! If you want to join this UBot Community Forum, please do as follows: Register your new account http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/register/ Open a support ticket and send us your account email address https://support.ubotstudio.com/ We will activate your forum account and you are ready to go! (Can take up to 24 hrs, but typically much faster) Welcome and thanks for being part of the UBot Community! 💪🤖
  12. You don't have the "reply to this topic" box at the bottom of each message?
  13. Please send us an email at https://ubotmedia.freshdesk.com/support/home and I can refer your question to a specialist? No need to create an account, just send a ticket please.
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