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blumi40 last won the day on March 9 2017

blumi40 had the most liked content!

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222 Excellent

About blumi40

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    Advanced Member

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    Windows 8
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    Developer Edition

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  1. depence on how cookies are set....there is a new functionality in html since 1-2 years calles HttpOnly. it means, it blocks to get the cookie per Javascript
  2. it calls supercookie... try it with ubot and u know why http://www.radicalresearch.co.uk/lab/hstssupercookies
  3. Interesse schon, jedoch passt mir dieses Investment überhaupt nicht. Schliesslich weiß ich nicht 1. Wie Dein Code nun wirklich funktioniert und ob er funktioniert... 2. Wie Zeitintensiv die Einarbeitung in die Projekte ist (Kann man dem Kunden ja nicht berechnen) 3. Stundensatz von € 35,--- ist viel zu wenig. Was soll da hängen bleiben nach Abzug der Steuer etc (Deutschland) 4. Kann ich nicht wirklich ermessen, wie hoch letztlich ds Auftragsvolumen des Kunden sein wird. Zu Punkt 1 Natürlich spreche ich Dir Deine Skills nicht ab, verstehe das bitte nicht falsch nur aus Erfahrung heraus, weiß i
  4. WHAT erros? noone can helps u if we don't see your problem
  5. this works fine for me $.get("http://ipinfo.io", function(response) { console.log(response.ip); }, "jsonp");
  6. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubotstudio.com%2Fforum+http+post+plugin
  7. Aymen got many Videos about that. And what u want is one of the easiest things with the Postplugin. Everybody who watch the Video can do this. the forum and all the guys here has unwritten rulez evrybody knows. one of that is "how to ask for help" the next "is the person who ask willing to try things by self" what we do is helping each other, but no one of us will be willing write u a script if we see u dont have any idea about coding and ubot. learn things and show what u have done and then ask in a rigth way and im 100% sure u will get answer ! But if u need someone who write a script fo
  8. if u dont understand, why u use it? we like to help but, men u have things to learn by ya self.... i see no wait in your loop...u fire google like a bigone thats what i see and thats why u dont get results. also maybe im blind but i dont see any proxymethode on your script! If u wanna know how to work with Ubot and Socket learn it there are enought tuts about here in the forum
  9. [...Does not use any licence system...] made my day
  10. thread will be deleted, like any other thread before about that... stop try to chance thinks here, it will not have any affect to the guys! use ubot for prototype your projects and do the real stuff in c# or python !
  11. blumi40


    Nice Work ! Well done !
  12. __NODEVIEW is your Problem! It means there was a #Variable, %List, &Table or $Function. Thats can be happend if u copy paste things from ubot to your editor and back
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