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deliter last won the day on January 4 2019

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203 Excellent

About deliter

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  1. here is the playlist url https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBS2_VJs2CPZSWZdQLMKbtx2Yd9P5sfxX
  2. Ubot has not changed since then I suggest YouTube "Automation League Ubot studio" that got me started, short video series but it is excellent
  3. the target="_blank" is the problem, it opens the link in a new window, either scrape the href and navigate to there, or change the target value to nothing, with "change attribute"
  4. The UI HTML Panel is not run on CEF it is the same browser since Ubot 4
  5. No idea about the other things, but I dont think the UI HTML Panel uses CEF
  6. yes Jquery should always be put at the end also other jquery plugins, after the jquery, as the jquery needs to be loaded before the plugins can work
  7. No just the URL decodeI think, which is in the ubot socket commands, or Ayman has a http text encode function if you do not have the socket commands
  8. also this if you want to use ubot selector tools on the http data http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/20577-use-ubots-scraping-tools-with-socketayman-http-gets/
  9. You try this method http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/20500-asynchronous-http-gets-when-logged-into-a-site-from-ubot-browser/
  10. sorry for the tone of that, I can see what you mean
  11. Sorry Im not looking to make a clone or real alternative to Exbrowser, I probably will not make any more adds to this, I just needed it
  12. heres another example plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "In New Browser Chrome", "") { plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "Navigate Chrome", "http://www.google.com/") plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "Chrome Wait For Element", "#lst-ib", 10) plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "Type Chrome", "#lst-ib", "ubot studio") plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "Click Chrome", "[value=\"Search\"]") plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "Chrome Wait For Element", "#foot", 10) alert($plugin function("DeliterCSS.dll", "Deliter CSS Selector", $plugin function("DeliterCSS.dll", "Chrome Page Sourc
  13. yeah, though it doesn't have even close to the features that plugin offers, I just needed to use a chrome browser for a project, and made the commands that I would need to accomplish that Run Javascript Type Text Switch Frame Click Wait For Element I new Browser Navigate Eval Page Source
  14. I'd suggest to read the forum, this question pops up from a newbie about every month, the reason it has been requested so much, and has never been implemented is because far better solutions already exist
  15. Hey Its pretty basic, I designed for my own use, will keep you posted if I add anything else or fix the things that do not work https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgO9AudYbciJheoHbEYsVRJrOkmn0w You will need to download the chromedriver.exe from https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html and store it in C:\Program Files (x86)\UBot Studio 5 plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "In New Browser Chrome", "") { plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "Navigate Chrome", "http://www.google.com/") plugin command("DeliterCSS.dll", "Chrome Wait For Element", "#lst-ib", 10) plugin command("Delite
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