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Praney Behl

Fellow UBotter
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Praney Behl last won the day on October 31 2012

Praney Behl had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

314 Excellent

About Praney Behl

  • Rank
    Master Blaster
  • Birthday December 8

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sydney, Australia

Contact Methods

  • Skype

System Specs

  • OS
    Windows 8
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Get an id or class or something on the popup and then execute some javascript : var popup = document.getElementById("popupId"); // In case of id var popup = document.getElementsByClassName("popupClassName") // In case of class as the selector. and then: popup.scrollTo(0, this.scrollHeight); like say for this page here your post (#1) has an id of "post_id_99088" now assume if it was the popup and you needed to scroll down to the bottom of this post here is the code you'll use: var popup = document.getElementById("post_id_99088"); popup.scrollTo(0, this.scrollHeight); It would work
  2. Well its pretty easy using a little javascript Here: To zoom-in use: document.body.style.zoom = 2Where to is the x-times zoom. You can use 1 decimal place if you want. To zoom-out use: document.body.style.zoom = 2Here is an implementation using ubot buttons: ui button("ZoomIn") { run javascript("document.body.style.zoom = 2") } ui button("ZoomOut") { run javascript("document.body.style.zoom = 1") }Hope it helps. Good Luck
  3. Well its a touch call as it might need a lot of testing and we all know how testing goes with ubot
  4. Hey long time mate, good to see you're still around. I wonder there plan is...
  5. Hi admins, Its been a while, I was busy developing for other patforms. I see a sleak UI in Ubot 5 now. Just have a quick question for the Ubot dev team - Do you guys have any plans for Cross Platform Deployment/Compile? Just wondering if you do, or else I'll have to use nodeWebkit or something equivalent. Thanks
  6. load it from a file by using the "$read file" command. Hope it helps.
  7. Ok just found in another mail folder. Thanks mate.
  8. Unfortunately the same link has the old plugin file. Waiting for the update...
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