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[SELL] UbotLocker Web: Web Based Licensing Solution That Prevents Decompiling And Cracking

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Hi Meter,


Of course you can limit what you want to open.. :)

It would be great if the plugin dev can modify the looks of the license form like adding a logo on it, Changing the popup alerts for each errors, etc. Something like that and not the main core of the licensing..


Hi Kreatus,


I think this is a good idea, and I'll be posting this code somewhere soon. Do people prefer a bitbucket account, or just an attachment to a forum post here? I also have code from Aymen and LazyBotter where they built improvements into UbotLocker, and then sent me the source. I think it would be useful to open source these as well, with their permission! I'll be PMing both of them now.



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UPDATE: Hello all, After many years I am stepping down from maintaining Ubotlocker. I will no longer be selling Ubotlocker, and will stop providing support. After consulting with both T

Meter I wanted to pass on a very big thank you for the licensing system! I can honestly say that your software has made me very profitable. I've written and distributed bots before but I was always fi

Attached is source code to License.dll, which handles entering of licenses and updates. You need Visual C# Express 2010 to edit and compile it, and ILMerge to merge the exe and DLL produced by compila

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Just going through the Ubot Locker pdf.

I got Windows 7 and .Net Framework Version 4.0 Client; 4.0 Extended.

Is that enough for Ubot Locker ? What other requirements do I need, I wonder apart from Ftp Client and Php and MySql webhost.


Hey uniquebot, best to get .NET 2.0 and 3.5 as well! But what you have now should be fine.



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Hi Kreatus,


I think this is a good idea, and I'll be posting this code somewhere soon. Do people prefer a bitbucket account, or just an attachment to a forum post here? I also have code from Aymen and LazyBotter where they built improvements into UbotLocker, and then sent me the source. I think it would be useful to open source these as well, with their permission! I'll be PMing both of them now.




That's a great news! Looking forward to it.. :)

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Attached is source code to License.dll, which handles entering of licenses and updates. You need Visual C# Express 2010 to edit and compile it, and ILMerge to merge the exe and DLL produced by compilation.



Aymen has agreed to make this changes to UbotLocker public. I currently have them saved to another computer, so soon as I have access to that computer I'll post that a well!






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Attached is source code to License.dll, which handles entering of licenses and updates. You need Visual C# Express 2010 to edit and compile it, and ILMerge to merge the exe and DLL produced by compilation.



Aymen has agreed to make this changes to UbotLocker public. I currently have them saved to another computer, so soon as I have access to that computer I'll post that a well!







Thank for this meter! I notified aymen and TJ about this.

I hope they will make some addons to it soon..

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This is going in a very good path. Im glad I bought this.


Im starting to implement an interaction with WooCommerce, the difficult thing here is the recurring payed for subscription members. Struggling a little bit How I will do it.

Is there a way to implement a checker whenever a user open the compiled ubot app , it checks if that field in the database is true or false. If is false it close the application, if its true that means the user keeps paying the monthly membership.


Any ideas how I can hook this? So if user cancel paypal subscription everything is turned off.

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Hi rodvaN,


There is a 'status' field in the license table which lets you enable/disable licenses. This might be what you are looking for.




This is strange, I dont have it.

Saw a post that you updated, but I never received an email from update.

Can you resend it to me please?

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Hi rodvaN,


When I say license table I mean the MySQL table, not the one you see in UbotLocker! Pretty sure you have the latest locker running now.



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Attached are the upgrades done by Aymen and LazyBotter, independent of me. Aymen allows for trials and 2Checkout IPN amongst other things, while LazyBotter uses Twitter Bootstrap 3 instead of 1 like I do!


Much thanks to both these gents for agreeing to let me post their changes here!






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Hi rodvaN,


When I say license table I mean the MySQL table, not the one you see in UbotLocker! Pretty sure you have the latest locker running now.




Ohh I see, so I can do custom SQL to join My Wordpress table and users along with it.

That is great. I will check into it.

Any idea whats the file and line of code to create licenses when purchase is done? I will stick it into WooCommerce subscriptions.



Attached are the upgrades done by Aymen and LazyBotter, independent of me. Aymen allows for trials and 2Checkout IPN amongst other things, while LazyBotter uses Twitter Bootstrap 3 instead of 1 like I do!


Much thanks to both these gents for agreeing to let me post their changes here!







Thanks! I didnt know Aymen did this mod, it will be great offering trials!

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to create a license from any system create a hidden php file you can send post data to witht eh following code


 // set post data from cron to variables below
	$epoch = time(); // current time
    $dt = new DateTime("@$epoch"); // convert UNIX timestamp to PHP DateTime
    $payDate = $dt->format('H:i:s M d, Y T'); // output = 2012-08-15 00:00:00
    $payerName = $_POST['first_name']." ".$_POST['last_name']; // full name
    $itemName = str_replace("+", " ", $_POST['item_name']); // project name
    $payerEmail = $_POST['payer_email']; // generate email
    $amount = $_POST['payment_gross']; // amount no decimal

    $actionType = 'charge'; // charge
    $actionTypez = 'charge.succeeded'; // charge.succeeded
 // read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd'  
	$req = 'cmd=_notify-validate';  
	runQuery("INSERT INTO paypallogs VALUES(null, '$itemName', '$actionType', '$payerName', '$payerEmail', '$payDate', '$req')"); 
        if(($actionType == "charge") || ($actionTypez =="charge.succeeded"))
			addLicense($itemName, $payerName, $payerEmail);
        else if(($actionType != "charge") && ($actionTypez != "charge.succeeded"))
			removeLicense($itemName, $payerEmail);


post data to send

$_POST['first_name'] // first name

$_POST['last_name'] // last name

$_POST['item_name'] // project name exact as in Locker system

$_POST['payer_email'] // their email address

$_POST['payment_gross'] // payment amount to log the details

Curl example to send post data

$url = 'http://domain.com/get-post.php';  // url to the file you saved with above code inside the locker folder
$fields = array(
						'first_name' => urlencode($first_name),
						'last_name' => urlencode($last_name),
						'payer_email' => urlencode($payer_email),
						'payment_gross' => urlencode($payment_amount),
                                                'item_name' => urlencode($project_name)

//url-ify the data for the POST
foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }
rtrim($fields_string, '&');

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, count($fields));
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);

//close connection
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So, are these 2 different upgraded versions where we cannot use both (technically) ? We have to choose which one we want ? If so, then do we have to uninstall Mr Metre's version ?

In terms of marketing interests, which one of the 2 upgrades you recommend over your own ?


And, if you and LB are Aymen and giving away the updates for free then wouldn't that prevent your original versions (which you wrote yourself) getting sold ?

its just the backend system not the part that's important (the reason for buying ubotlocker) the .exe locker

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Just want to say thank you to TJ for making his mods public :) Just remember to escape the $_POST inputs ;)


@Luis: These changes were made public to help people mod their UbotLocker assuming they have coding knowledge. If you don't, it'd be best to wait until I integrate these changes into UbotLocker trunk and release it.



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ok for the last few bots i have tried to use ubot locker with it will work and after i enter in the email and key the program will never open for me at all i have done exactly as i have every other time i used ubot locker ????

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This is strange, I dont have it.

Saw a post that you updated, but I never received an email from update.

Can you resend it to me please?



Meter, can you send me too the last update please ?

Edited by zenos
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Meter, can you send me too the last update please ?



Hey zenos, I'm 100% sure you have latest update!


has there been an update release, or is this just the sound of hungry folks licking their chops in anticipation ?


None yet, it's still coming along...

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Hey zenos, I'm 100% sure you have latest update!



None yet, it's still coming along...


Hi meter, while on the subject, may I ask whether you had the time to consider the license activation issue we talked about? Is there any chance the new version could be made so it doesn't use MAC address at all? My commercial bot has many users who use VPN services (different kinds), and the license issue seems to happen with all of them (not just HMA). It also happens if someone uses their phone network (this might not really be relevant since there aren't many people who do that, but I think there is quite a lot who use VPN services).


Kindest Regards,


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Hi meter, while on the subject, may I ask whether you had the time to consider the license activation issue we talked about? Is there any chance the new version could be made so it doesn't use MAC address at all? My commercial bot has many users who use VPN services (different kinds), and the license issue seems to happen with all of them (not just HMA). It also happens if someone uses their phone network (this might not really be relevant since there aren't many people who do that, but I think there is quite a lot who use VPN services).


Kindest Regards,



What about a self service license reset for the users? A website where they could reset their license when they change their mac address?



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What about a self service license reset for the users? A website where they could reset their license when they change their mac address?




I have that already, but I only give it out to special customers. When you have hundreds of copies sold, I'm sure you can understand why it's not recommended to use such script. Even meter doesn't recommend it as a solution.


(also, I had to create an auto recovery solution for my bot (in fact I'm positive every serious UBot bot should have one), which means the bot would restart automatically after an unexpected crash (obviously we are talking about a multi-threaded application). After a restart a new activation is made every time (since the VPN service is running). So telling the users to start the VPN service after(!) opening up the bot is not enough)

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