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Hi, Dan


ExBrowser Confirm Dialog Command only click "OK" button to confirm  a confirm/alert dialog, If I need to click "Cancel" button what should I do?


or is there a way to detect a confirm/alert dialog was raised? 




Just found autoitX, I think this one should works :)

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I am trying to create a Google account using Exbrowser. However, I can't select a dropdown and make it work. It simply says: You can't leave this empty.


I have tried everything I can think of. But I can't get it to stick when it selects a month for your birthday.


Here is the code:


plugin command("ExBrowser.dll""ExBrowser CleanUp")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll""ExBrowser Launcher""Firefox""""")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll""ExBrowser Navigate""https://accounts.goo...&ltmpl=default")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll""ExBrowser Click""<id=\":0\">")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll""ExBrowser Move Mouse""<id=\":3\">")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll""ExBrowser Click""x://*[@id=\':3\']")



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Try this code :  @TimC

plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", $plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Set User Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1"))
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F&ltmpl=ecobh&btmpl=mobile")
loop(1) {
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://span/select[@id=\'BirthMonth\']")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://select/option[@value=\'06\']")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://span/select[@id=\'BirthMonth\']")
loop(1) {
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://select[@id=\'BirthDay\']")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://select/option[@value=\'27\']")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://select[@id=\'BirthDay\']")
loop(1) {
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://select[@id=\'BirthYear\']")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://select/option[@value=\'1983\']")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://select[@id=\'BirthYear\']")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://label/input[@id=\'FirstName\']")

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FF 47.0.1 will be supported in next version.



HINT: No one replied to my Beta Tester invite.. That's the reason why the release takes longer.
I have to test everything on my own. If some of you guys would help, this could speed up the whole thing a lot..
Just saying.. 

So if you ask for the next release.. but didn't offer your help for Beta testing.. Well  :D  :P  :D 


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FF 47.0.1 will be supported in next version.


HINT: No one replied to my Beta Tester invite.. That's the reason why the release takes longer.

I have to test everything on my own. If some of you guys would help, this could speed up the whole thing a lot..

Just saying.. 


So if you ask for the next release.. but didn't offer your help for Beta testing.. Well  :D  :P  :D 




Not entirely true Dan.


I have contacted you over skype to offer help but never answered both on the elite group and in private, and more, it looks like you have me and others blocked and ignored for an unknown reason at least to me :(


Don't get me wrong, yes, its your turf to take decisions and i'm personally amazed and pleased of your work but beta testing also means to colaborate.


PS. sorry if my thoughts are wrong and thank you for all your work and active support.

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I just purchased this plugin...


I sent an email to support just a couple hours ago...


do you guys have a private forum where consumers directly communicate with staff and not a public one like this?

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is there a specific reason...


why my ExBrowser Launcher sometimes does not open a browser?


actually I would say most of the time...




i had to add cleanup and it fixes everything...



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Not entirely true Dan.


I have contacted you over skype to offer help but never answered both on the elite group and in private, and more, it looks like you have me and others blocked and ignored for an unknown reason at least to me :(


Don't get me wrong, yes, its your turf to take decisions and i'm personally amazed and pleased of your work but beta testing also means to colaborate.


PS. sorry if my thoughts are wrong and thank you for all your work and active support.


I don't use Skype for customer related communication. 

You can always contact me: support@bot-factory.com


This is the way it works and I will not change that Sorry.


Supporting this plugins takes a lot more time than it might look like.



Thanks a lot for your understanding.


Kindest regards


I just purchased this plugin...


I sent an email to support just a couple hours ago...


do you guys have a private forum where consumers directly communicate with staff and not a public one like this?


No, we don't





is there a specific reason...


why my ExBrowser Launcher sometimes does not open a browser?


actually I would say most of the time...




i had to add cleanup and it fixes everything...




Glad it works. 


I highly recommend that everyone watches all the videos that are available here:



It will answer 97% of all questions I receive.


Kindest regards


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First of all, amazing plugin!


Second, Firefox has Responsive Design Mode option: CTRL+SHIFT+M , can this be manipulated through ExBrowser?

If yes, can you give an example?


Thank you.

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First of all, amazing plugin!


Second, Firefox has Responsive Design Mode option: CTRL+SHIFT+M , can this be manipulated through ExBrowser?

If yes, can you give an example?


Thank you.


No. Well you can open that page. That should be possible. But you can't control the buttons and elements on that page. Because it's not a website and those controls are not HTML elements. 


Just out of interest. What is the usecase here? When do you need to automate that site. I see that the first time today.



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No. Well you can open that page. That should be possible. But you can't control the buttons and elements on that page. Because it's not a website and those controls are not HTML elements. 


Just out of interest. What is the usecase here? When do you need to automate that site. I see that the first time today.





I understand.

I don't understand what site you are referring too.

As I understand it, that's a FireFox tool to test responsive html templates but changing the settings there also changes the Screen Resolution in Firefox.

That's what I've tested so far on: http://www.whoishostingthis.com/tools/user-agent/

With ExBrowser I've only be able to change the browser window size.

It will be nice for randomization.


Thank you

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Hi dan,


I am able to use exbrowser in incognito mode in chrome( because else fb shows shows a pop-up to enable or disable notification) to post a status update fb. However on switching to headless browing in phantom it didnt work... This is the code which works with chrome but doesnt with phantom, what could be issue.


ui text box("Username",#Username)
ui text box("Password",#Password)
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", "  {$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Incognito Mode")}")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Delete All Cookies")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://facebook.com")
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "//*[@id=\"email\"]", "Appear", 20)
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://*[@id=\"email\"]", #Username, 100, 150)
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://input[@type=\"password\"]", #Password, 100, 150)
plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Send Special Key", "x://input[@type=\"password\"]", "Enter")
if($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Element Exist", "x://*[@id=\"loginform\"]/div[4]/a[1]")) {
    then {
        alert("try again!")
        plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Close")
    else {
        plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://textarea[@title=\"What\'s on your mind?\"]", #hello, 100, 150)
        plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://button[@class=\"_1mf7 _4jy0 _4jy3 _4jy1 _51sy selected _42ft\"]")
ui text box("hellp",#hello)

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Hi dan,


I am able to use exbrowser in incognito mode in chrome( because else fb shows shows a pop-up to enable or disable notification) to post a status update fb. However on switching to headless browing in phantom it didnt work... This is the code which works with chrome but doesnt with phantom, what could be issue.


ui text box("Username",#Username)

ui text box("Password",#Password)

plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp")

plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", "  {$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Incognito Mode")}")

plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Delete All Cookies")

plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://facebook.com")


plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "//*[@id=\"email\"]", "Appear", 20)

plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://*[@id=\"email\"]", #Username, 100, 150)

plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://input[@type=\"password\"]", #Password, 100, 150)

plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Send Special Key", "x://input[@type=\"password\"]", "Enter")

if($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Element Exist", "x://*[@id=\"loginform\"]/div[4]/a[1]")) {

    then {

        alert("try again!")

        plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Close")


    else {


        plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://textarea[@title=\"What\'s on your mind?\"]", #hello, 100, 150)

        plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://button[@class=\"_1mf7 _4jy0 _4jy3 _4jy1 _51sy selected _42ft\"]")



ui text box("hellp",#hello)


Facebook is probably showing different HTML code for the Phantom Browser.

And if the HTML code changes, you have to adjust your Xpath Expressions.


To answer your next question: How can I debug that.

With a web debugger like Fiddler.


Are there any other options besides web debugger to fix PhantomJS Problems:  No.


Kindest regards


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Okay,the same thing is happening with twitter as well? I have asked the question here;




And are there any tutorials on how to use fiddler with phantom JS?


It can happen with any website. But mostly the bigger ones. Because they try to "optimize" their sites for different browsers.

Sometimes you can fight that with setting the user agent to Chrome for example. But that doesn't always work 100%.


There is no specific PhantomJS Fiddler tutorial.

But you can search on youtube for Fiddler tutorials.


You have to manually analyze the HTML code. And fiddler can intercept the http communication between browser (phantomjs) and the webserver for you.

You have to check every site and look through the html elements to see if the element you're using with Chrome is still there. It might just be a different parameter. 

But sometimes the html code looks completely different.


There are many ways to do it. But it's a lot of manual work sometimes. Because you have to check every http request one by one. Until you find the problematic ones. 


One way to narrow it down a bit is to use page screenshots. That way you see very often where it fails. Or use alerts with element exist. To check at which point your code breaks.



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plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Open New Browser Tab")





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plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Open New Browser Tab")







support(ad)bot-factory.com  with some more details please.

Exbrowser version, and the complete code to reproduce please.


Because it works perfectly fine for me:



PS: Please try the V1.9.0.0 Beta Version. I implemented a lot of improvements for the open tab / window stuff. 

That works a lot better in V1.9.0.0.  The screenshot looks like it's still V1.8x in your case. Because I used an alert in the old version. Which is no longer the case now.





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Hi dan,


Thanks for all fast customer support, one question I wanted to ask is can a website come to know that some automation is going on and people are using the website to get some data if i distribute my software to lot of customers using exbrowser plugin?


For example let us say we have a website like  xyz that allows to scrape tags and and lot of people use their bot programmed by me with exbrwowser to get data using headless browsing i.e phantom JS from the website , so can the website owner know in any way that some sort of automation is going on?

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Hi dan,


Thanks for all fast customer support, one question I wanted to ask is can a website come to know that some automation is going on and people are using the website to get some data if i distribute my software to lot of customers using exbrowser plugin?


For example let us say we have a website like  xyz that allows to scrape tags and and lot of people use their bot programmed by me with exbrwowser to get data using headless browsing i.e phantom JS from the website , so can the website owner know in any way that some sort of automation is going on?




If there are patterns, of course someone can detect that. And if you manipulate html elements that are not supposed to be changed, that can be detected as well.




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Hi dan,


I ran into a unusual  issue bcause of youtube changing html.


You had created a video on howtocode xbrowser in of your videos where you scrape the youtube URL and the xpath for that is:




This worked fine for 15 days or so until my bot stopped scraping the title URL, so on checking my bot program, I had to change xpath to


x://h3[@class=yt-lockup-title contains-action-menu]/a


Now all of sudden when I checked today the new xpath didnt work


So I had to revert back to;





So now the software is working again with regards to exbrwoser scraping title information.


So what if the class element changes again, would I need to keep updating like this again and again by constantly checking or should I use a "or" command as

below so that whichever class is working the exbrowser will use that]


On running OR command as below didn't work in xpath builder Pro;(maybe i am doing something wrong with OR statement]


x://h3[@class=yt-lockup-title" or @class="yt-lockup-title contains-action-menu]/a

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Hi dan,


I ran into a unusual  issue bcause of youtube changing html.


You had created a video on howtocode xbrowser in of your videos where you scrape the youtube URL and the xpath for that is:




This worked fine for 15 days or so until my bot stopped scraping the title URL, so on checking my bot program, I had to change xpath to


x://h3[@class=yt-lockup-title contains-action-menu]/a


Now all of sudden when I checked today the new xpath didnt work


So I had to revert back to;





So now the software is working again with regards to exbrwoser scraping title information.


So what if the class element changes again, would I need to keep updating like this again and again by constantly checking or should I use a "or" command as

below so that whichever class is working the exbrowser will use that]


On running OR command as below didn't work in xpath builder Pro;(maybe i am doing something wrong with OR statement]


x://h3[@class=yt-lockup-title" or @class="yt-lockup-title contains-action-menu]/a




That really depends on the structure of the HTML code. It might be better to start one or two elements above and target the correct element from there. 

Maybe you can select it by starting higher in the code. 


The one thing you have to ensure is that your code is always unique. So if the correct element is yt-lockup-title contains-action-menu then you have to ensure that yt-lockup-title

is not also somewhere in the code.


But yeah, this is the pitty of webautomation. As soon as a site changes, you have to adjust your bot.

But you could pull that value via a configuration file. That way you don't have to ship a new bot all the time. 


But there is probably a way to target that element without changing the bot all the time.

Please take a look at the surrounding html elements, maybe they provide an unique way to select it.




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