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About SaHiN

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
    Not Telling

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  • OS
    Windows 7
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  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Hi, I am getting this error in all plugins of pash. https://prnt.sc/1p0qwgb Site is not working. http://ubotplugin.com , http://www.ubotplugin.com/ I can't contact her. Anyone having the same problem as me?
  2. SaHiN

    hi pash, web site down? solve it?

    1. SaHiN


      It's not nice to walk away like this !!!!

      I bought 9 plugins from you. And none of them work anymore.
  3. hi, Variable Name, List Name, Table Name Export?
  4. hi, my code; var images = $('img'); for (each in images) { console.log(images[each].src); } how to make return value ?
  5. Run Java script var images = $$('img'); for (each in images) { console.log(images[each].src); } and , return result ubot value.
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