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Everything posted by pftg4

  1. you can have as many pages as you like just add more tabs
  2. you need UI HTML WINDOW it is in dev i think you have pro
  3. doesn't matter will change it no matter how many or position
  4. you can use windows commands to click it
  5. tj has a good fb plugin probably do this with that
  6. yeah you can do that use read from file for that then ubot has email commands that can click the links for you i thought you meant throw away email accounts
  7. well you can't really do that. there are company's that do that like mailinator but these are normaly blocked from signup forms but you can give it a try
  8. type account data in search box it will come up
  9. there is a function for that under account data use the drop down and pick what info you need you will also need a reset account at top of loop or script or your info will stay the same
  10. have you tried anything yourself ????? post what you have so we can take a look and help you
  11. Eddie left this cant be true SLAVES are only ever sold
  12. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15993-sell-ultimate-ubot-plugin-all-in-one/?hl=ultimate%20plugin
  13. plans to sell or share Dan????
  14. Hi Dan How about making online database that uses plugin from mj so we can run encypted script and also we could choose what to share and what to keep for ourselevs if that makes sense????? this way we keep the code in the database and not in ubot so it doesn't get bogged down???? keep up the good work
  15. yeah return breaks loop
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