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About Chirag8520

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    Advanced Member

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    Windows 8
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  1. hello sir i make a script for google + post 1) i make a csv file http://screencast.com/t/ksDLIgHT 2)when i run my script all the data will display in once, my aim is in one loop one one data is field after in second loop another data is fill http://screencast.com/t/CbyRNyofR so sir please help i also want to add function like when my first loop finish then row one will be delete automatic and again start from row one google+ bot.ubot
  2. hello sir i make a script for google + post 1) i make a csv file http://screencast.com/t/ksDLIgHT 2)when i run my script all the data will display in once, my aim is in one loop one one data is field after in second loop another data is fill http://screencast.com/t/CbyRNyofR so sir please help i also want to add function like when my first loop finish then row one will be delete automatic and again start from row one
  3. sir i try but value not come in text file Please help
  4. hello sir i make a script to abstract innertext value in text file, but the value is not stored, please check and help me. In my ubot scrape table function is not seen Please check below link http://screencast.com/t/YyoEFEnVg timedoctor.ubot
  5. hello sir, i am confuse to make a script please help 1) first user choose the file 2) then from the desktop the file will choose automatic Please check below link it gives you clear picture what i am saying http://screencast.com/t/3SqWUV1BD0w6
  6. Hello sir I want to see a page source of any site can you please guid me which command wii be use and how
  7. i want to post in Facebook Group but my capture code is not working i have Balance $2.25 FacebookGroupPost.ubot
  8. Hello sir, I want help to make a script for Google Group Post reply check 1) I will make a script for Google Group post , where i post my Question. 2) Now i want to make a bot like this, if there any user reply me on my Google Group post then and then only that url Extract and give me Output other url will be neglect I attch my .ubot File and also one post of my google Group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.java.programmer/A791iVdvx3I http://screencast.com/t/tho58p2lh Google Group Reply check.ubot
  9. Thank you sir.. Sorry for not define my problem, actually i have a problem in tumblr http://screencast.com/t/rmluOHcu0CcD Plz help sir, i try but i can get any success
  10. Hello sir, Plz help me, how can i take all href and save in text file Plz share any video or script For detail check Link http://screencast.com/t/HiOiooooo1
  11. Hello, How can i make a script for count the load Urls which will be Perform and also save the value where the script will be stop at which number Thank You Chirag Sharma
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