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Everything posted by pftg4

  1. i have been noticing i can't paste copy fine but not paste code veiw is good but nothing else no regex builder spintax editor etc wonder if you guys could check that out??? already did a ticket rejected
  2. you can use page scrape also little easier than regex
  3. you should put this in the freelance section
  4. ui log view("Log") set(#log,$nothing,"Global") section("scrape google url\'s") { purpose("scraping google url\'s from search term") define scrape google search terms(#Search term) { log("loading google") navigate("https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl","Wait") wait for element(<id="logocont">,"","Appear") log("page loaded") type text(<name="q">,#Search term,"Standard") wait for element(<id="sblsbb">,"","Appear") log("search term loaded") click(<login button>,"Left Click","No") log("sea
  5. with window commands mouse move,click etc
  6. ui open file("Get urls",#geturls) ui stat monitor("Where are we:","{#wherearewe}/5000") set(#wherearewe,1,"Global") clear list(%get urls) add list to list(%get urls,$list from file(#geturls),"Delete","Global") loop($list total(%get urls)) { navigate($next list item(%get urls),"Wait") WaitForAll() increment(#wherearewe) wait($rand(3,10)) }
  7. this can be done with move mouse and click in window commnads there is code for it on the forum somewhere you guys will have to look
  8. make a temp define and add them to that then move them where you need then move them out of define and delete
  9. ui log view("Log") purpose("to determine odd or even") define $is even(#number) { activity("checking if number is present") establish("no number present ",$comparison(#number,"!= Does not equal",$nothing),"No") { alert("no numer to check") log("no number is present") stop script } activity("Taking number dividing by 2 ") set(#is even,$divide(#number,2),"Global") activity("checking for . (period) if is present it\'s odd") if($contains(#is even,".")) { then { return("is odd") log("returning odd") }
  10. hi there you don't have a plugin key or there is a problem with just fyi
  11. been doing that since beta not sure why that is not fixed if you install iron python manually i think it goes away
  12. really dude it's not even late yet and your complaining lol
  13. there was a work around to call it via windows commands using short cuts search forum sure you'll find it
  14. think there is a built in command for that
  15. there is a parameter $url does that not work???
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