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zozo31 last won the day on January 7 2017

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About zozo31

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    v3.5 & v4.0
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  1. but ur list is delimited properly, u use ":" as a delimiter and ubot do exactly that.. maybe you might want to change ur delimiter from ":" into "$new line".. and use a lil bit of $regex replace or use strings management plugin and use the $Get Before + $Get After function to separate your username and password.. oh and a wait command between each type text command is totally important.. it's best to check each input element after each type text command to make sure it's filled with proper data.. good luck
  2. err.. i'm sorry if this isn't what u need.. but maybe u can try this software: http://www.highmotionsoftware.com/products/imbatch(nope i'm not an affiliate or etc..) it can remove exif and do other stuffs too, and it allows bulk edit even in free version.. maybe it will be easier to code in ubot since it's local and doesn't have much to do with html things.. good luck!
  3. My solution is using local jquery file instead of using external url (download and saved it in app folder).. and everything's works again
  4. Been there done that.. and no i don't know why it behaves like that.. My problem was inability to set variables with UI HTML panel (always go back to default) while using external jQuery. It's one of many ways to troubleshoot in ubot, by disabling all of our plugins and start plugin-less, if the problem's solved, try enable the plugin one by one..
  5. using api is totally 100% feasible with ubot.. but the issue would be requesting the api key to instagram.. as they requires to see/review the software/program utilizing their api, and will decide about the approval of our request if they deem the software/program isn't violating their term.. CMIIW..
  6. By everything, can i get more details, please And why ubotlocker's bot behave like this? Thank you
  7. My subs also experiencing this issue, and with same exact condition, win10, latest .net framework, etc.. Thx for opening this thread, i thought it was my code.. I'll go check tracker for now..
  8. I think OP wants to use his/her own key for the final bot.. or not? i'm not so sure.. but if it is, you can simply use on load and set the key into a variable within it.. CMIIW
  9. Wonderful.. thanks TJ sir.. *ps: it's absolutely helps a lot! *pps: sign up and download it guys, i know someday somewhat somewhere someone will be looking all around for this.. and waiting is a bitxh.. *ppps: one more thank you for sir TJ
  10. I too love those functions in macrotoolwork.. In ubot, "define" is the similar thing to those..
  11. I got 5, but still it worries most of ppl.. idk why but they do, and prefer not to use it at all.. now even GDrive act bitchy.. uploaded a zip containing my bot files (.exe and license), and when ppl go to the URL, it says that the files contains virus and only the owner can download.. wtf... http://i.imgur.com/NjM4eL5.jpg
  12. Hi @pash Is there a command/function to get the name of the channel who uploaded the video from videoID? i couldn't find it anywhere.. thanks
  13. No, not the URL.. the goal. Is this the only way to achieve it? Is this the only place you can check your site's mobile friendly status? If it isn't: then why? If it is: then maybe you forgot to search "mobile friendly test" in google or bing or yahoo or 3search or yandex or... well you get what i mean... as for your next question, same question with above..
  14. is this really the only way available(to achieve your goal) or do you have to deal with this captcha in this URL no matter what?
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