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About Apex

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  • Gender
    Not Telling

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  • OS
    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
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  • License
    Community Edition

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  1. Wonderful and well explained, thanks a ton! When you were refering to typing more humanlike were you thinking about adding a delay between the inputs? Also do you have any idea if the "reset browser" command is something for pro users only?
  2. So, I've ben facing a small problem here. Basically I've managed to create a auto login using my own list of usernames and password in the format username:password However the issue is ubot somehow only delimites the first part and ignores the rest which makes the type text fail when I'm going to fill out login forms. My code: Also, how do I make it so ubot loops trough the list instead of getting stuck at the same username and password when it's in a loop?
  3. Hi there fellow ubotters, I'm fairly new to the Ubot scene however I just wonder how I would accomplish this. Basically I've made an account creator and when it creates an account it says that the username is already taken, I wonder is there a way to generate a new username without using the previous same since I'm doing this in a loop? I can't use the accountdata function because it would return the same username.
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