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Everything posted by vonnch

  1. Hi Dr Dre, so how is this working for you so far?
  2. How much does it take to modify the script? Seems like a daunting task.
  3. LOL, "IMBOt", they should have placed somewhere that if you are human, type something else.
  4. Hi Uncle, I'm pretty curious on how much you can earn here. Can you please share your script?
  5. I tried this with Blackberry and working so far on uBot4.
  6. Just a recommendation when sending traffic over the internet, might as well use VPN to go along with this.
  7. Excellent tool, and it's given for free!
  8. I haven't noticed anything like this yet. How much percentage does it spike and for how many seconds?
  9. Tried this one for a test and it works! Thanks.
  10. Might as well weigh things first before investing.
  11. Count me in on http post tutorials too please!
  12. Count me in here too.I hope to see this API at some point in the future.
  13. Thanks for the command too. I got it working on other usage.
  14. You might also want to check your content type. Is it Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed? It should be Content-Type: application/zip
  15. It says $67. Do you think that this would be a fair price?
  16. I never knew it was this easy but nice to see that this worked already. It just amazes me that removing $eval did the trick here.
  17. I tried this. Not sure if I did everything right but it didn't work for me.
  18. By the way, I think you missed posting the price. Good luck in selling this too.
  19. By the way, how much does a project like this typically cost?
  20. Thanks Software! I think this one is helpful for new guys, works like a good foundation.
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