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Rob JH

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About Rob JH

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  1. It worked first time: thread { in new browser { set browser property("screen.width", 1024) set browser property("screen.height", 768) navigate("http://whatis.myscreenresolution.com/", "Wait") wait(30) } } But stays on native resolution now, what am I missing?
  2. I found that the bottom 2 suggestions you gave were also showing the href before on the names list, this worked in the end based on your first suggestion: I actually realised I could just get away with: clear list(%SuggestedUsernames) add list to list(%SuggestedUsernames, $list from text($page scrape("<a href=\"\">", "</a>"), $new line), "Delete", "Global") As the page did not have any other empty hrefs though I could do with knowing why the Regex was bringing back the href before it and not just the username if possible please for future reference when I need the Regex.
  3. Hi Guys, Strange problem here, I have this code working perfectly fine in 1 bot which has no defines, I try and copy and paste the code or put it in a define and it throws up an error, even in a brand new bot. I am getting: Script Error: Input string was not in correct format. Script > set > $rand And the code which basically gets a random URL and its matching Keyword from a CSV. clear table(&Targets) create table from file("{$special folder("Application")}\\data\\targets.csv", &Targets) set(#RandomRow, $rand(0, $eval($subtract($table total rows(&Targets), 1))), "Glob
  4. Great thanks BotGuru for the in depth answer, I do know Regex in general just could not get it going in UBot, Ill read up on the docs when I get the time as it is something I need to do, though only been using Ubot a couple of weeks. And in answer to your question yes the hrefs are like that, that's the exact code from the page, the reasoning behind the scrape is to get the page to do the hard work of creating a username as I think that is the smallest footprint when signing up rather than trying to put a username together yourself like #firstname #lastname #dob etc, there are just so many var
  5. Hi Guys, How do I go about scraping just the values from the below div? So I want to end up with: peterjeffry86 jeffrypeter456 pjeffry27 Obviously suggestions are going to change so I think I need a regex? though i just cant figure out how to get going with regex in UBot. <div id="username-suggestions" class="username-suggestions" style="display: block;">Available: <a href="">peterjeffry86</a><a href="">jeffrypeter456</a><a href="">pjeffry27</a></div> Any help appreciated.
  6. Ok thanks, I thought so. Was not that difficult to work out here is the code for anyone else needing it: clear table(&targets) create table from file("{$special folder("Application")}\\data\\targets.csv", &targets) set(#random row, $rand(0, $eval($subtract($table total rows(&targets), 1))), "Global") set(#target keyword, $table cell(&targets, #random row, 0), "Global") set(#target url, $table cell(&targets, #random row, 1), "Global")Had to add the eval function to stop it returning blank entries
  7. Hi can someone give me some advise on the best way to do a url:keyword list So basically I need a list or keywords with corasponding urls, I have seen this done in this format before: http://myurl.com:mykeyword http://myurl.com,mykeyword Which was done in text files, Is this the best way to do it? Maybe a user interface way? Considering on URL may have multiple keywords it may get a bit repetative doing it that way, any suggestions? Also if I do it that way how do i go about importing that into ubot as url into 1 var and matching keyword into another var? Just FYI I am not new to cod
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