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illmill last won the day on December 9 2013

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87 Excellent

About illmill

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    Advanced Member

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    Windows 8
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    Developer Edition

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  1. Good call, Lilly! (lol, I don't understand... if you're gonna use a fake name and a fake profile pic, then why not just create a new account rather than use your old one?)
  2. Thanks for your purchase and kind words! But more importantly, I'm glad it's working for you now. Everyone who bought this - you should have received an email with your new download (check your paypal email). If you didn't, please send me a pm with your transaction id and paypal email.
  3. This has been fixed now. Please let me know if there are any other issues. FYI: ubots don't really play nice with windows 8.1. There's usually extra steps you need to take to get bots to work in windows 8.1.
  4. The random wait at the end of each thread helps a lot with this. EDIT: Okay, I will give you the only two sufe fire ways to solve this problem. 1. Get Aymen's http post plugin and use that 100% of the time because it doesn't use the browser at all. Please note: there is a learning curve with this and you will not be able to convert your bots to this overnight. But, this is probably your best long term solution. 2. Create a script/bot with something (not with ubot) to run an infinite loop and close those error messages when it finds one.
  5. Hey man, my bad for not getting back to you sooner. I don't really go on the ubot forum anymore (for reasons I won't get into here). If anyone needs support on this or any of my other products, please hit me up on skype: ericmiller67
  6. Okay, I got it set up. Now I just have to modify my bot to run off the database the way that kev outlined, but I figured I could take a break to explain how you can set up your site to do this without paying for any form plugin or service (although jotforms looks really good, they wouldn't let me have fields for 'email' and 'password' so I had to figure something else out). I like to use Wishlist Member plugin for Wordpress to set up all my membership sites. I bought their license that lets me install it on as many domains as I want and I think it was something like $200 one time fee. I
  7. Update version 1.1: - Now works with non-english sites. - Saves PHP files as well.
  8. EDIT: Nevermind, someone on the skype group helped me out with the issue i'm having. I'm creating a form from scratch and using wordpress and wishlist membership plugin to set this all up. I will post instructions once I have it working so you can create these forms with more customizable options (ie. use bootstrap layouts or whatever) and it will be totally FREE!
  9. You don't even need to unzip at all. You can just open it within your zip utility (I use 7zip) and right click on the 0.uscript and edit. That'll open it in your text editor and you just remove the infinite loop and save and then open in ubot.
  10. Yooooo!!! I'm moving there this sunday and I can't wait! Ubot meetup? Hey Kev, will you still be there the 6th? I'm guessing you probably already left, but I would love to meet up for some coffee if you're around.
  11. Here meaning within ubot? It seems like languages that use non-english characters (ie. japanese, chinese, some spanish and german characters, etc) ubot acts weird with them. I'm not 100% on the details of what language or text works, but i know english definitely works fine. I'm not sure if this has been fixed in v5. I will send in a support ticket about this and see what they say.
  12. I'm not sure about the price, but I stopped paying for updates a while ago and now there is no option for me to pay monthly. I would have to pay up front for at least 6 months, i think.
  13. Just a heads up to everyone: they will close your account and ban your ip if you are asking for email/username and password. They consider this phishing even when you're not. Here's the message I got from their support: The problem is that you created a form to request password along with username/email. Creating these type of forms violates our terms of use as it is considered a phishing activity Sorry, but we cannot reactivate your account Any other ideas on other form providers you could use for this? I'm guessing any of them as long as they let you send POST data and be sent to a c
  14. It seems like there is an issue right now in how ubot scrapes text. It doesn't seem to store/display foreign characters correctly. I'm going to see if there's a work around for this.
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