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Seth Turin

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Everything posted by Seth Turin

  1. This thread is my favorite thing that I've read in a while.
  2. Disclaimer: Nothing I say should be considered legal advice and you should seek qualified legal counsel before doing anything you're unsure of. What I say is only my personal opinion. To me, this just sounds like typical overreach of big business. If you're not selling copyrighted information as your own, then what business is it of any what you do with information that was made publicly available? Still, I agree with UBotDev that it's probably a good idea to read the TOS.
  3. Also, for what it's worth, the general section isn't really the place to try to sell stuff.
  4. This is actually a pretty good point, but I think it would create a lot of work for the moderators in evaluating the honesty in each person's post. We'd have to be really careful in drawing that line in the right place and it would just get muddy. That point aside, it looks like the clear winner here is that affiliate links are allowed in signatures but not in posts. That sounds like a pretty reasonable compromise to me. I furthermore generally agree with TJ's point that if you're marketing someone else's product under the guise of an honest review, you should use the principal of full dis
  5. Recently, I was made aware of a post someone made in which he gave some useful, solid information, but also put in a ton of affiliate links. This was a regular member of the forum. The post itself doesn't come across as spammy if you read it, but the affiliate links are pretty transparent. In my mind at least, it cheapens it a little. In my own opinion, we should probably have a rule against using affiliate links in posts to keep our forum from looking like an article dumping ground. I wanted to get everyone's opinion on this first though.
  6. My name is Seth. I'm the president of a software company. I'm also breaking into the speaking/business training field.
  7. Whenever we see issues like this, we bug the virus scanner company to fix their software. I encourage you guys to do the very same. If you go into their forums and support telling them that their software is wrongly flagging UBot bots, and enough people are bothering them about it, then they'll have no choice but to fix their algorithm more quickly.
  8. These rules are just for the General Discussion Forum I really want to be clear on this. I truly and genuinely appreciate each and every one of you. It's because of all of you that we're able to live our dreams of running a small business creating automation software. Your passion toward the continued improvement of the software is almost as great as our passion for the very same. I also have a responsibility to the users of this forum. If the UBot forum becomes a complaint department, then we're robbing people of the real value of the community. There are always going to be issues and
  9. These are the rules of this forum. If you follow these rules, everyone will be happy forever. If you break them, your threads may be moved, locked, or deleted. If you keep breaking the rules, you will be temporarily suspended. If you still keep breaking the rules, you will be permanently banned. 1. The purpose of this forum is to discuss the everyday use of UBot, ask for help, offer help, get feedback on ideas, talk about the weather, or talk about other off-topic things. 2. This forum is not for bug reports, complaints about the software, or complaints about the company. Feel free to dire
  10. We've talked in the past about making a dev feature that allows you to compile to an msi. We have a couple other big fish to fry before we could get to that, but would everyone get behind a feature like that?
  11. Haha I can never come on the forum without people bugging me for features. UI is actually one of our next big projects.
  12. I think one of the big questions is really how far you can take it. All those stories we tout about people making six figures with the bots they sell - those are all true. Those are real people that we still keep in touch with from time to time. If you can figure out something that people want and need, there's no reason you can't do the same thing. Welcome to the community.
  13. Don't worry, You've still got a good 8 days to pull it together.
  14. We scoured everything in several ways and never saw a trace of anything suspicious. The only thing that ever said we had malware was google, and they couldn't give us any information other than saying we had malware. We reinstalled the forum as a precaution, Our best guess is that it was a false positive.
  15. Sorry to hear that. I'm going to have Ed contact you to see what the issue is.
  16. That's not actually true... But I'm glad you guys like the update.
  17. This was unintentional. Ed is taking a look at it. It's also on our list of features to implement in the software itself, so you won't need a workaround anyway.
  18. It is, and I believe the browser crashes are all fixed. We are working out a few kinks still, but its pretty stable.
  19. This quote was taken from a sales thread that some of our devs put feature requests in. My point in saying that was to let potential buyers know that the things being talked about only applied to a handful of people, since the sales threads are specifically for potential buyers. As it is, the next update will have a lot of the ui stuff you guys have been asking for.
  20. Well the cookie would be stored in UBot's browser, so the person would actually have to pay using UBot. I think that most people would generally be uncomfortable making a purchase using the UBot browser. One thing you could try is making the button run shell("http://myaffiliateurl.com/?affiliatenumber") This would make the link show up in whatever their computer's default browser is.
  21. beatgnu, by reading between the lines of your last post, it is now clear that your only intention all along really was just to get the cheaper price. I find it extremely hard to believe that any lawyer told you a lawsuit would be a good idea. I actually doubt you talked to any lawyers about this at all. Here's why: 1. To sue us, you would have to leave work, fly to America with your lawyers, pay for your accommodations, and pay for their accommodations. Considering the amount of money in question, no lawyer in their right mind would suggest this course of action, even if you were in the righ
  22. beatgnu, I get where you're coming from. I think that we can all relate to an experience that we had with a company where it seemed like they didn't have our best interest in mind. Back before the days of UBot, when my credit wasn't as good, I remember some phone calls with a company that said they could fix it. I didn't have to talk to them for very long before it became clear that they were really just after my money, and had no interest in doing anything for me at all. An experience like that can leave you with a sense of indignation and that there needs to be justice for people who have be
  23. You get 3 months of free updates, and after that you can subscribe to further updates. If you're confused about where you stand with it, please open a ticket at support.ubotstudio.com and they can look at your account.
  24. I don't actually have the ability to ban anyone from the skype group. You were banned by the owner for being disruptive and not adding anything to it. As for the forum, criticism is always allowed, but being disrespectful to my staff or other members is not something we tolerate.
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