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[Sell] Ustrap - The Best Drag & Drop Interface Builder For Ubot Studio! Now Only $97! - Super Fast Application | Bootstrap 3.0 | Built With Nodejs

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v1.1.0 Update.


Change Log:


  • - Fixed positioning of components after using undo button.
  • - Fixed Select Component issue where "List" would reset.
  • - Fixed issue where components could not be dropped onto other components inside a "Modal Component".
  • - Components list has been ordered alphabetically.
  • - Added "View/Edit ID's" to context menu, this enables you to edit component ID's. (Getting ready for use with the UStrap Plugin)
  • - Added the ability to import from both HTML text or Copying the HTML Panel command.
  • - Fixed issue importing interface.



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Version 2.0.5 Update   - Added: Theme Builder - You can now create completely customised themes!    Video Demo:     Hope you like! :-) 

LOL! 147 bucks with 30% off is a slap in the face to owners of the software that you abandoned along with them. So much for a "big" discount... Good luck bloodsucking this already tiny community dry,

Its my birthday today! So lets celebrate with a great update!    Version 1.1.2 Update  Change Log:   – Fixed: Modal Scroll issue fixed on small windows. – Fixed: Checkbox (style 2) default state not

file choosen  is not fixxed on Modal



Yes I know that. It is been worked on. 

v1.1.1 Update.


Change Log:


– Custom JS is now beautified after importing.

– Small change to import logic.


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Hi what is the UStrap Plugin ??? thanks !

It is not ready yet, but some features will include:


User notifications.

Show/Hide elements by I’d.

Animate elements.

Open modals.

And a few other goodies.

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Would someone be willing to make a quick demo showing using a dynamic list populating into a drop-down built with Ustrap? Ive done it before and I swear I thought I'm doing it right but it either doesn't populate or it shows all the select options on one line in the drop-down, instead of each element being a separate drop-down option.


Any sample code or pointers would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

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Hey Carl,


Last night I spent an hour designing a UI. as it wasn't done, I didn't paste the given code at Export window over to the UBot (just saved .css and ,js files). today I see it asks for the HTML code to Import UStrap.


I made a complex UI, have I lost all the work I've done!? 


If yes, then this is a terrible way to save UStrap projects. please consider a better way. like, save the .html file next to the css and js files. the user can delete that once they are done with the designing.

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I am also having the same issues with dynamic dropdowns...they dont populate at all.

Glad it's not just me.


@LazyBotter can you confirm if this is a bug or suggest proper use for dynamic drop-down?


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

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Do you have any idea how much time I have put into this software? how many lines of code I have written to build this? All to help you guys build better bots? Not to mention all the help I have given on the forum for free? I cannot just simply give away something that has taken me over 8 months to develop.



SSUB will be fixed its not as straight forward as you think. You are right I did neglect my loyal customers but for a better more stable application that works properly. 



SSUB has been fixed now and working as expected. 

hi have coupon discount ? i want to buy

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Seems the dev has gone silent - doesn't bode very well. Would love some kind of sign of life that things are being worked on (how to fix the dynamic dropdown issue, the ustrap plugin, anything)

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Reported a couple of bugs and asked a very needed feature (WYSIWYG editor) via his support system a few days ago, he replied that time. I'm waiting for an update too.

Nice, that's good to hear! WYSIWYG editor would be great


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

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Its my birthday today! So lets celebrate with a great update! 


Version 1.1.2 Update


Change Log:


– Fixed: Modal Scroll issue fixed on small windows.

– Fixed: Checkbox (style 2) default state not been set.

– Fixed: Issue when duplicating select components, where icons would not update.

-Fixed: Checkbox List component incorrect default state.

-Fixed: Dynamic dropdown not getting updated.

– Added: New Table Component. You can load data into the table edit cells delete rows. (There will be a full tutorial for this. Requires a few define commands.)

Table Component Define commands if you want to have a play before tutorials are ready:

comment("UStrap SETTINGS USED:
Table Name: table
Table Data: #table")
ui html panel("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><style>{$read file("{$special folder("Application")}\\strap\\css.css")}</style></head><body><div id=\"view\" data-theme=\"default.css\"><div id=\"dropzone\" style=\"height: 800px; width: 1000px;\"><div id=\"Ti6JWJLfCb\" class=\"component-wrapper table-component\" data-type=\"table\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"true\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: 997px; height: 797px; top: 1px; left: 1px;\" data-original-title=\"Table\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-down resize-handle resizable-handle-se\"></i></div> <div class=\"toolbar\"> <button class=\"btn btn-sm btn-danger delete\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash\"></i> Delete</button> </div><table class=\"table\" data-table-name=\"table\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;\" id=\"JColResizer1\"> <thead> <tr> <th data-field=\"state\" editable-col=\"false\" data-checkbox=\"true\" data-width=\"42px\" col-width=\"42px\"></th> <th data-field=\"name\" editable-col=\"true\" data-width=\"233px\" col-width=\"233px\">Name</th> <th data-field=\"email\" editable-col=\"false\" data-width=\"421px\" col-width=\"421px\">Email</th> <th data-field=\"password\" editable-col=\"false\" data-width=\"234px\" col-width=\"234px\">Password</th> <th data-field=\"action\" editable-col=\"false\" data-width=\"65px\" col-width=\"65px\">Action</th> </tr> </thead> </table> <textarea style=\"display: none;\" class=\"table-data\" fillwith=\"value\" variable=\"#table\"></textarea> </div></div><div id=\"modalzone\" style=\"height: 1200px; width: 1200px;\"></div></div><input type=\"hidden\" variable=\"#ustrap_data\" id=\"us_data\" fillwith=\"value\" value=\"\"><script>{$read file("{$special folder("Application")}\\strap\\js.js")}</script><script id=\"custom-js-script\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script></body></html>",800)
Create Table()
define Create Table {
    clear table(&table)
    comment("- SET INITAIL ROW \"0\" AS HEADERS -
    set table cell(&table,0,0,"name")
    set table cell(&table,0,1,"email")
    set table cell(&table,0,2,"password")
    loop(60) {
        reset account("Any")
        set table cell(&table,#Row,0,$account data("First Name"))
        set table cell(&table,#Row,1,$account data("Email"))
        set table cell(&table,#Row,2,$account data("Password"))
define USTableAction {
    comment("Parse the \"Action\" and call define commands accordingly")
    if($comparison($eval("JSON.parse(\'{#usTableData}\').action"),"=","delete_rows")) {
        then {
            USDeleteRows($eval("JSON.parse(\'{#usTableData}\').table"), $eval("JSON.parse(\'{#usTableData}\').indexes"))
        else if($comparison($eval("JSON.parse(\'{#usTableData}\').action"),"=","edit_cell")) {
            USEditCell($eval("JSON.parse(\'{#usTableData}\').table"), $eval("JSON.parse(\'{#usTableData}\').rowIndex"), $eval("JSON.parse(\'{#usTableData}\').colIndex"), $eval("JSON.parse(\'{#usTableData}\').newValue"))
        else {
define USDeleteRows(#Table, #Indexes) {
    with each($list from text(#Indexes,","),#Index) {
        if($comparison(#Table,"=","table")) {
            then {
                plugin command("TableCommands.dll", "delete from table", &table, "Row", #Index)
            else if($comparison(#Table,"=","yourTableName")) {
                plugin command("TableCommands.dll", "delete from table", &yourTableName, "Row", #Index)
define USEditCell(#Table, #Row, #Column, #NewValue) {
    if($comparison(#Table,"=","table")) {
        then {
            set table cell(&table,$add(#Row,1),#Column,#NewValue)
        else if($comparison(#Table,"=","yourTableName")) {
            set table cell(&yourTableName,$add(#Row,1),#Column,#NewValue)

-Added: New WYSIWYG component.

– Added: File Chooser component, this is to replace the standard input file. (You can convert your existing “Input File” components to the new one with a single click!)

– Added: Custom JS now evaluates JS syntax for errors.

​Video Tutorials are next on the list!! They will follow shortly. The new components took a lot of work to get them to work with UBot so I hope you appreciate it!

Thanks guys :-) 

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Wow, excellent update, thank you very much! Happy birthday to you! Very much appreciated - excited to dig more into tables, looks great from first glance.


I'm still having problems with getting dynamic dropdowns to work, though. Probably something stupid on my end - I've tried setting the "List" variable in Ustrap to %listName, converting the list to a variable in ubot and setting the Ustrap "List" variable to #listName, and trying to set the "List" variable to just listname without a # or %, but still not having any luck.


Could anyone who is able to get that working properly post some info on how they're doing it? Would be very much appreciated - if not, hopefully the tutorials will cover that. Either way, thank you Carl! Excellent software, great work.

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For the dynamic dropdown you need to set the #variable value comma delimited. 


Here is an example:

ui html panel("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><style>{$read file("{$special folder("Application")}\\strap\\css.css")}</style></head><body><div id=\"view\" data-theme=\"default.css\"><div id=\"dropzone\" style=\"height: 800px; width: 1000px;\"><div id=\"LP9QOPTIpF\" class=\"component-wrapper select-component\" data-type=\"select\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"false\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: 200px; height: auto; top: 53px; left: 71px;\" data-original-title=\"Select\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right resize-handle resizable-handle-e\"></i></div> <label>Select One</label> <select class=\"show-tick selectpicker\" data-width=\"100%\" data-style=\"btn-default\" tabindex=\"-98\" list-fillwith=\"options\" variable=\"#selected_one\" list=\"#select_one_list\"></select> </div><div id=\"Fx1D_Pw0Jv\" class=\"component-wrapper button-component\" data-type=\"button\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"false\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: auto; height: auto; top: 77px; left: 287px;\" data-original-title=\"Button\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right resize-handle resizable-handle-e\" style=\"display: none;\"></i></div> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-success\" onclick=\"ubot.runScript('Add()')\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i> Add Item</button> </div><div id=\"WmyhyDIZT6\" class=\"component-wrapper select-component\" data-type=\"select\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"false\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: 200px; height: auto; top: 53px; left: 401px;\" data-original-title=\"Select\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right resize-handle resizable-handle-e\"></i></div> <label>Select Two</label> <select class=\"show-tick selectpicker\" data-width=\"100%\" data-style=\"btn-default\" tabindex=\"-98\" variable=\"#selected_two\" list-fillwith=\"options\" list=\"#select_two_list\"></select> </div><div id=\"BiCQ4lpw1s\" class=\"component-wrapper button-component\" data-type=\"button\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"false\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: auto; height: auto; top: 131px; left: 491px;\" data-original-title=\"Button\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right resize-handle resizable-handle-e\" style=\"display: none;\"></i></div> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-info\" onclick=\"ubot.runScript('Load_Items()')\"><i class=\"fa fa-refresh\"></i> Load Items</button> </div></div><div id=\"modalzone\" style=\"height: 1200px; width: 1200px;\"></div></div><input type=\"hidden\" variable=\"#ustrap_data\" id=\"us_data\" fillwith=\"value\" value=\"\"><script type=\"text/javascript\">{$read file("{$special folder("Application")}\\strap\\js.js")}</script><script id=\"custom-js-script\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script></body></html>",800)
define Load_Items {
    clear list(%List One)
    clear list(%List Two)
    add list to list(%List One,$list from text("Item 1,Item 2,Item 3,Item 4,Item 5",","),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#select_one_list,$replace(%List One,"
define Add {
    add item to list(%List Two,#selected_one,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#select_two_list,$replace(%List Two,"

Hope that helps!

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For the dynamic dropdown you need to set the #variable value comma delimited.


Here is an example:

ui html panel("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><style>{$read file("{$special folder("Application")}\\strap\\css.css")}</style></head><body><div id=\"view\" data-theme=\"default.css\"><div id=\"dropzone\" style=\"height: 800px; width: 1000px;\"><div id=\"LP9QOPTIpF\" class=\"component-wrapper select-component\" data-type=\"select\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"false\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: 200px; height: auto; top: 53px; left: 71px;\" data-original-title=\"Select\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right resize-handle resizable-handle-e\"></i></div> <label>Select One</label> <select class=\"show-tick selectpicker\" data-width=\"100%\" data-style=\"btn-default\" tabindex=\"-98\" list-fillwith=\"options\" variable=\"#selected_one\" list=\"#select_one_list\"></select> </div><div id=\"Fx1D_Pw0Jv\" class=\"component-wrapper button-component\" data-type=\"button\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"false\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: auto; height: auto; top: 77px; left: 287px;\" data-original-title=\"Button\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right resize-handle resizable-handle-e\" style=\"display: none;\"></i></div> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-success\" onclick=\"ubot.runScript('Add()')\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i> Add Item</button> </div><div id=\"WmyhyDIZT6\" class=\"component-wrapper select-component\" data-type=\"select\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"false\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: 200px; height: auto; top: 53px; left: 401px;\" data-original-title=\"Select\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right resize-handle resizable-handle-e\"></i></div> <label>Select Two</label> <select class=\"show-tick selectpicker\" data-width=\"100%\" data-style=\"btn-default\" tabindex=\"-98\" variable=\"#selected_two\" list-fillwith=\"options\" list=\"#select_two_list\"></select> </div><div id=\"BiCQ4lpw1s\" class=\"component-wrapper button-component\" data-type=\"button\" data-dropped=\"true\" data-resize-x=\"true\" data-resize-y=\"false\" data-placement=\"top\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"\" style=\"width: auto; height: auto; top: 131px; left: 491px;\" data-original-title=\"Button\"> <div class=\"component-handle\"><i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right resize-handle resizable-handle-e\" style=\"display: none;\"></i></div> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-md btn-info\" onclick=\"ubot.runScript('Load_Items()')\"><i class=\"fa fa-refresh\"></i> Load Items</button> </div></div><div id=\"modalzone\" style=\"height: 1200px; width: 1200px;\"></div></div><input type=\"hidden\" variable=\"#ustrap_data\" id=\"us_data\" fillwith=\"value\" value=\"\"><script type=\"text/javascript\">{$read file("{$special folder("Application")}\\strap\\js.js")}</script><script id=\"custom-js-script\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script></body></html>",800)
define Load_Items {
    clear list(%List One)
    clear list(%List Two)
    add list to list(%List One,$list from text("Item 1,Item 2,Item 3,Item 4,Item 5",","),"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#select_one_list,$replace(%List One,"
define Add {
    add item to list(%List Two,#selected_one,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#select_two_list,$replace(%List Two,"
Hope that helps!
You're a saint my friend! Thank you so much, that makes perfect sense. Will test asap.


Enjoy your birthday, buddy, and thanks again!


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

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