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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. You can add the article to a list and check each line and replace whatever you want, but if it occurs twice in a line, it will replace both. John
  2. Are you still having this issue? John
  3. Ok...it definitely works....whenever you use add item to list, even if you have 1000 items it treats them as a single item. John
  4. Change add item to list to add list to list. John
  5. Hi http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif
  6. If Duane's suggestion does not work, then try scraping the href of the url and navigating directly to it. Jophn
  7. Here is a script that shows how to scrape what you want... scrape twitter users.ubot
  8. That's correct...just copy the code and re-take the images John
  9. Do you have access to the file's direct url? It's kind of hard to give any kind of answer without knowing what you are working with... John
  10. It's just the save ti file command...You can save with any extension you like. John
  11. Are you using add list to list? Add item to list will treat everything as one item. John
  12. Yes, replace your current delimeter with commas and save it as a csv file. John
  13. No problem...Your goal would be achieved a lot easier if you used csv files for your data. Are you scraping it into that format? John
  14. Hello everyone. I just wanted to post a tip that I answer a lot. It is mostly for you new users, but it's important to understand... If you navigate to a page and click on a link or a button that navigates to a new page, the click command does not have an integrated wait feature. Therefore you need to add a wait command after the click so the new page has time to load. If you find your form fields fill when you use the step or run node features but not when you actually run the script, this is most likely the problem. I hope that helps... John
  15. Yes it is, and you will be speaking with me. John
  16. A new browser is a new browser window. A thread allows you to run multiple tasks simultaneously. So if you wanted to search google for two keywords at the same time, you could do that using two threads, whereas if you used two browser windows, one would have to finish before starting the second one. John
  17. Thank you. This bug has been reported and you have a bot that reproduces it that would be really helpful. We are currently aware it exists but are unable to reproduce it at the moment. John
  18. I said August for the change, that was wrong...it was June 1st, not August. Sorry for the mis-information. John
  19. Hi Stan. Are you talking about interacting with the front end of WP blogs or the backend? John
  20. Talk to Bliss, she may be able to help you. John
  21. Yes on both...that is the awesomium library crashing and the free update period changed from 12 to 3 months in August. Awesomium's release is in alpha, so it's getting closer to a release, but we still have no idea when. John
  22. add list to list(list from text) delimeter, $new line Use the variable of the text area as the text. John
  23. You can also use the local url if you are running a web server on your local machine, but I guess that's kind of obvious, huh? http://ubotstudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif John
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