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god can fly

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About god can fly

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    Advanced Member

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  • OS
    Windows 7
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
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  1. Yeah, of course this is the obvious answer - this is how I program my bot to do every site.. until you come to a site which does not accept HTML code when posting.. and yes these sites DO exist.. Here's some for ya: http://www.sweetcircles.com http://www.4ppl.com http://www.flixya.com I think this is what OP is talking about Try and post an article over there with <a href=" and you'll see it comes out as plain text.. they don't accept HTML and the only way to get a link is to highlight the word you want and then click the 'hyperlink' button..
  2. You must have the same mind as me. I am struggling with these issues on a day to day basis, and it really brings the quality of UBOT down. Today UBOT has crashed on me a few times. I do try and save when I can, but it would be absurd to save after every command, like you are saying. I also think Seth Turin should be on this forums more, giving us feedback. After all, he is the maker of UBOT. This software is brilliant, but it is these little things which keep on happening on a daily basis which is really getting me down. Come on UBOT team. Let's see the next update with these bugs fixed!
  3. Seth told me to say hi, so here I am. Hello.
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