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Everything posted by abbas786

  1. Thats why the OP never confirms that this bot will bypass 300 views freeze
  2. Make sure u are not using button type parameter ="submit" . it should be something like <button name="CallUBotCommand" value="Hit me" onclick="ubot.runScript('UbotDefineCommand()')">
  3. These Type of Software are not using any kind of proxies thats why are capable to generate millions of views. Magic views and other custom bot using RTSP Protocol to generate and bypass utube security and IMHO right now it is not possible in UBOT
  4. @uniquebot: Buyer even dont know how to generate moblie views . Even with UBOT u cant generate mobile views
  5. Yes, Possible even u can generate Organic Traffic from google or other search engine to your site and all traffic u can see in ur Google Analytics
  6. No u cant use it in multi threaded environment as every thread will start changing ip. You can tweek the script a little bit so only one thread can change the ip while other threads wait for the new ip and once u got a new ip u can run the rest of the threads to do the task.
  7. Worked on a better version, Here are the Code and instructions 1) Open AutoHotKey and write down this code IfWinExist, Automation WinClose 2) Save Flie as CloseUIHTMLwindow.ahk 3) Complie it and make an exe file 4) Open AutoHotKey and write down this code IfWinExist, ui_html_window_automation ;// name of ur UI HTML Window { WinActivate ; use the window found above SetControlDelay -1 Send {Alt}t sleep, 50 ControlClick, x101 y52,,,,, Pos ;// x and y are the cordinates of ur menu u need to call return } 5) Save it as OpenUIHTMLwindow.ahk 6) Compile it as an exe 7) Here is the ubot code ui
  8. Yes, it is possible. With AutoHotKey you can write a simple script to open any window. Here is the script Send {Alt}t Click 101,52 // These are the cordinates of your UI HTML Menu or HTML Menu return Save this file as .ahk and compile the script, call it in ur UBOT Script. Hope it helps Here is the Video http://www.screencast.com/t/2bXs9ZHHpeJ
  9. Hey Fred Not talking about bot freezing, as per my information youtube freeze view counter at 300 if detected bot view with proxies, no matter even if u used it with private proxies and change useragents and other techinques. I wont bypass 300 views freeze.
  10. If u are using UBOT version 4 than there is a command useragent use it to change it. As stated earlier ubot browser is crashing while using iphone and android as a useragent while it is working perfectly with IE8, Chorme and Safari (have tried these 3 user agents only). Changing Proxies are nothing to do anything with User Agents.
  11. Android and iPhone are crashing while able to tweet with these settings Internet Explorer 8 Chrome Safari Hope it will help you
  12. Change your useragent to Android or iPhone and than visit m.twitter.com to post ur tweets
  13. This is because your ips are getting blacklisted, u are posting too much and twitter can sense the limits per day, per hour even per mint. You are not allowed to tweet more than once in every 2 mints. Try to capture the 403 Forbidden Error and Rotate your IP |
  14. Forget it , u will not get any multi threaded bot that can generate 30K views. Botted Views will freeze at 300 Views, no matter if u are using private proxies that are not blacklisted .
  15. Hey Fred, Can u assure that bot will bypass 300 views freeze issue !
  16. Hey, Just checked my referral bot, it is working perfectly. Even with public proxies, can see all hits counted by google analytics. Check it http://www.screencast.com/t/Dg7vrzTW
  17. Hey, Ninjamanz. Use ReadFile Option instead of Naviagte, hope this will helps u.
  18. Yes, u can easily scrape all parameters and save them in a csv file.
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