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ecbzh last won the day on October 2 2012

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47 Excellent

About ecbzh

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/10/1975

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  • Interests
    Stand Up Paddle, Running, Family and off course UBOT !

System Specs

  • OS
    Windows 7
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  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Very happy whith my purchase and I have already created some awesome bot with your plugin. I'm trying to play with chrome extensions. I have succesfully uploaded the chrome extension with "$ExBrowser Load Browser Extension" function. I can't figure to interact with the extension. Need some help. Thanks ! Manu
  2. I have a gmail trick bot and a fakemailgenerator bot. Pm me if needed.
  3. Great job ! Do you sell the source code too ? Thanks.
  4. Hi Aymen, Need some help to connect to fiverr using your http plugin. The source code you give us with the purchase is not working for me. I have open a topic to solve my issue few weeks ago. Can you check it ? http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/17940-fiverr-login-http-plugin-need-some-help/ Thanks !
  5. Hi Ubotters, I still need help and can’t connect to fiverr using http plugin. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. Manu
  6. I have spend hours on it now ... But still failed I would be grateful if someone could take a look at my script below ... The http parameters needed are : utf8=%E2%9C%93&authenticity_token=9A8rmHS%2BKOIrnBJ6%2FR%2BjuDmZbCEpRUzdCvFJMl8Lbow%3D&timestamp=1433856218&spinner=f27a98d6e053bd07e02983e26c95feef&ed708b32bb579d95026a3e411b1b4419=YOURUSERNAME&login=&87cea62ef1ee78b6980dccbf937ec542=YOURPASSWORD&password=&user_session%5Bremember_me%5D=1 My ubot code : ui text box("username :", #username) ui text box("password :", #password) ui stat monitor("uft8 :
  7. Hmm ... I have compared both code above. I’m still trying but I’m unable to sign in to fiverr using http plugin. Seems easy to code but I’m missing something important...
  8. Thanks HelloInsomnia for your help ... Will take a look at your code now. Thanks again !
  9. Hi Ubotters, I try to connect to my fiverr account using http plugin. I can't figure how to do it. I'm able to scrape security token, etc ... It seems the sample source code given with http plugin is outdated. I'm missing something .... Any help will be appreciated ! Thanks ! Manu ui stat monitor("auth token :",#auth token) ui stat monitor("timestamp :",#timestamp) ui stat monitor("spinner :",#spinner) ui stat monitor("login :",#login) divider set(#auth token,"","Global") set(#timestamp,"","Global") set(#spinner,"","Global") set(#login,"","Global") set(#get,"","Global") set(#p
  10. Nice update HelloInsomnia ... Android is a great feature. Thanks for great job !
  11. Just watched the demo video ... Great share and good job. Huge time saving tool here ! Thanks !
  12. Looks great ! Is it possible to edit the blogger template with the blogger api ? If yes can you add this function ? I just realized that blogger api is manually approved by google team. Is it easy to get approved ? Thanks.
  13. 30 secondes to lauch Ubot 5 now ... 30 minutes before ... Looks great !
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