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Everything posted by zdot

  1. Just bought this baby. Can't wait to use it. It is a really handy way to manage tables easily....
  2. I bought this nice Progress Bar few days ago and it is brilliant. It's a great plus for any Bot if you plan to sell them... Well done, easy to use and Arno is always online to help you out and assist you to set it up. I can't wait for the upgrades he plans to do. Great stuff. Work outside the box.
  3. I wanted to mention this really well done Bot when I saw the name of your post. But there are many free software to do that. The Freemake free video software pack is one of them. http://www.freemake.com/
  4. Great stuff. I thought I turned deaf suddenly..... As I said on skype: if I understand right, the $BotGuru Secured Function is no use if we use the Jane's plugin, and the "BotGuru Secured Licensing - Remote License Management" is to manage the database locally and to add customer manually too instead of messing around in phpmyadmin?......... also, can we add different host in BotGuru Secured? I checked briefly and it seams that we can save only one mysql setting. Also, about the price. What is the setting if you do a dime sale? enter starting price and JVZoo/WF+ take care of the rest?
  5. I'd like to see the demo as well whenever you come back from skying. I had snow as well when I got back from the GF last night... scary
  6. well done both of you. I just installed the main software and got my plugin license from Jane. I'm happy to be customer n°1. Going to read and watch everything before contacting you guys. Seams pretty straight forward. Just one quick question: can you run the online part on shared hosting plans or it must be on a VPN? good luck with the sale.
  7. I added a loggin to the forum first. ui button("login to Ubot Forum") { login() } ui text box("", #search) ui button("search Google") { search() } define login { navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/", "Wait") click(<login link>, "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<innertext="Sign In">, "", "Appear") wait(3) type text(<username field>, "usernmae", "Standard") wait(3) type text(<password field>, "password", "Standard") click(<login button>, "Left Click", "No") } define search { navigate("http://www.google.com/",
  8. I'm using Bitdefender security suite. I'm happy about it. I'll probably going to switch to Eset Security Suite because Jane recommended it. Before that I had Avira.
  9. Amazing. I was using UI HTMLCODE GENERATOR whish is also really nice but this one is just perfect!
  10. you can submit to flikr too. But you need a pro account otherwise you are extremely limited.
  11. I was one of the first Uboter who got the SMS software, as most of the guys in my list already know from my late night testing.... The send message to stranger function is a must and will be extremely useful when I'll launch my first Bot. Some bugs occured when I first opened SMS, but 99% of them got fixed already, less than 24 hours later. You should all get advantage of this huge saving offer. This is quite an handy tool to ease internet marketing
  12. Ok after trying out both version of the bot, i have the same issue with the block text command. the block text is wrong. I get: <br/> <br/> <textarea rows="10" cols="100%">stats: <textarea variable="#stats" fillwith="value" style="width:"> when I generate the code. I checked in the code and everything look normal........ I tried both bot, same issue. this is the code that looks absolutely normal: if($comparison(#UIElementType, "=", "block text")) { then { set(#ui element html output, "{#UIElementLabel}: <textarea variable=\"#{#UIElementVariable}\" fil
  13. thx Addam and josh for this amazing contribution. I'd definitely use it!........
  14. You can buy a tutorial teaching you how to make $154325698785226.45 in 2 clicks and craft a bot to automate those 2 clicks.
  15. can't wait to start. Just to answer to the "negative comment". All the resource sites and info you are mentioning are amazing, let alone the help you get on the skype group from amazing coders like TJ, johnB, or UbotBuddy among many of them... But, there's not a clear step by step instructional explaining exactly what Ubot is and how to use it properly. Copy and paste solutions from here or skype would help on the spot, but not on the long run. Also learning it that way (that's what I do since January) creates lots of missing part in your learning curve. It's like trying to run before lear
  16. AS I already said this is a unique opportunity to enhance your bots and improve their saleability. There are many free solution, and you can come up with ftp upload script of your own, but this one works great and $27 is a hell of a saving when you consider the time saved. Just copy and paste and there you go. I started to use it yesterday and it's definitely a option I'm going to insert in my bots as soon as I need FTP.
  17. index2 here as well. I don't like the sales letter one, but if every IM do extra long sales pages, it's for a reason. It looks like all the products from click bank.
  18. Duane is right. A registration site to listen to replay and download example code would be really good. You could turn into an online ubot instructor. Just collect questions, and make a simple video or just audio file with few screen shot.........
  19. Count me in. Plus you could use the material to publish a How to run Ubot ebook and make extra income and/or tape the chat/phone call and upload them on a registration site. I can start anytime Dan.
  20. I was harvesting blogs using SB and 5 of my private proxies appeared to be blocked. Also, I have almost no result using scrapebox since a long time, even when using proxies that are not labeled as blocked by SB. Is it possible that my main IP is blocked also? and that my private proxies do not protect me? How can I check that? I wanted to harvest without private proxies to check but I was afraid of doing so........ is there a program online, or even a bot to check that?
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