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Everything posted by Pete

  1. You will need the plugin plugin command("Advanced Shell.dll", "shell batch hidden", "start wmplayer \"c:\\windows\\media\\chimes.wav\"", "Yes")
  2. add list to list(%input, $list from text(" OS:Windows 7 Total Memory:8Gb Framework:unsure License:Standard Edition", $new line), "Delete", "Global") loop(20) { navigate("http://www.bing.com/", "Wait") wait for element(<name="q">, 30, "Appear") change attribute(<id="sb_form_q">, "value", $list item(%input, $rand(0, $subtract($list total(%input), 1)))) wait(1) }
  3. remove the EXB container replace it with the EXB Launcher
  4. Or go mobile clear cookies set user agent("Android") navigate("http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Restaurant_Review-g1016887-d1847312-Reviews-Wild_Boar_Restaurant_at_Sitwell_Arms_Hotel-Renishaw_Derbyshire_England.html","Wait") wait for element(<class="close_button">,300,"Appear") click(<class="close_button">,"Left Click","No") click(<class=" noDivider ">,"Left Click","No") alert($url)
  5. I've seen this error with version 3 on windows 7, it did run on it but not anymore I thought it was a ubot problem but it turned out to be a windows update stopping it from running an any pc with a O/S after XP Which then limits your browser to IE 9 i think was the lost one on XP
  6. I would replace add list to list(%Hosting Details, $list from file("F:\\Bot Drive\\Data\\{#Domain}.txt"), "Delete", "Global") with add list to list(%Hosting Details,$list from text($trim($read file("F:\\Bot Drive\\Data\\{#Domain}.txt")),$new line),"Delete","Global")
  7. (?i)\b[!#$%&'*+./0-9=?_`a-z{|}~^-]+@[.0-9a-z-]+\.[a-z]{2,6}\b
  8. copy and paste function most important is the paste action
  9. Seems you need to scroll the page and add a large delay for all the data to load So the site has a very slow server or the page is only loading what’s on screen Play with it take parts of the code out, the loop or the delays then recheck the results
  10. This should give you a starting point clear list(%OutPut) navigate("http://v3.torontomls.net/Live/Pages/Public/Link.aspx?Key=6106f46dc223411685c459310be3c8c0&App=TREB","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded",30) loop(2) { run javascript("javascript:window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded",30) add list to list(%OutPut,$list from text($trim($find regular expression($replace regular expression($document text,"\\r?\\n",$nothing),"(?<=<div class=\"report-container\">).*?(?=<div class=\"footer\">)")),$new
  11. Dan Is it possble at add (thread safe clipboard)?
  12. Dan just a heads up your beta release plugin "lic expired" now shuts down ubot studio so now the user has to do a manual edited to remove the plugin before using the software
  13. Hi Dan CBrowser Change Attribute:, CBrowser Type Text:, CBrowser Run Javascript: all fail on the ace text editor HTML Editor However i posted this for others to see the support you get, as i have lost faith in the plugin and will not be using it
  14. A few facts I first meassage diskwizzat the start of feb with a cbrowser problem and was promised a fix Ref page 10 I then messaged him again on 02 march saying i was disappointed with this plugin, end result was promised a fix By the 18 marchi told him i will charge it back at the end of the month if it not fixed his reply "fair enough" So april i started a "charge it back" and end result i lost the dispute Maybe because the seller lied to paypay dispute comments 01/04/2015 21:35 BST - Seller: PLease stay in contact with the developer as you have been doing, i am sure if he is aware of
  15. Thats not 100% correct as 3.5 could used IE /FF and was working fine, untill the server went off line a few weeks back, But regardless the fact remains no one working on bugs
  16. I don't believe that, I think it’s a block Seth added years ago to stop the ubot stalling on some sites Problem is he hard coded it so we have no control Because of bugs like this and the lack of updates, I’ve unsubscribed myself from updates and refusing to use ubot.
  17. Rss is faster and friendly Edit sorry Insomnia I should of been a little clearer example http://www.bing.com/search?format=rss&q=site%3Awestminster.gov.uk+contact+us+%40
  18. No it's now six months or once per year Yes just it's shameful the time taken for bug fixes Seems we only have a saturday morning boy doing it
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