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Everything posted by Pete

  1. This any good? set(#searchemail,$find regular expression($document text,"(?i)\\b[!#$%&\'*+./0-9=?_`a-z\{|\}~^-]+@[.0-9a-z-]+\\.[a-z]\{2,6\}\\b"),"Global")
  2. Product question and answers info I think so may not be on all the pages
  3. Sorry TJ but Version 5.9.44 Copies variable name and value
  4. set(#charCount,5,"Global") set(#listItem2,$insert text(#listItem2,$next list item(%listList),$add(#charCount,1)),"Global")
  5. Pete

    Imap Pop3

    Just an update to help anyone else thats trieds this It seems the native commands work (in version 5.9.44) but are being blocked by the big online free email providers so you need to use your own domains IMAP/SMTP or search out one thats not blocked
  6. Pete

    Imap Pop3

    Thanks for the reply nick But i tried that plugin with ubot version 5.9.44 and it failed to work. was hoping the native commands had been fixed
  7. Anyone know if this is working in version 6.1.1 ? plz
  8. blocked from posting my code here and from sending it in a pm
  9. Throughout life history has a habit of repeating itself
  10. Pete

    Scaping A Table

    Myself i would just take the whole tables, really depends how you like to skin you cat scrape table(<class="calls W(100%) Pos® Bd(0) Pt(0) list-options">,&TableOne) scrape table(<class="puts W(100%) Pos® list-options">,&TableTwo)
  11. Last time ubot worked one hundred percent with tumblr that i know of was version 3.5, it had its own firefox plugin (that was Firefox 3.6.13) then we had the big update to ubot 4, i have never seen it work to what i would call hundred percent with its own browser from that update, always needed a work around moblie useragent and that sort of suff, Have a look for UbotClipboardPlugin if it works with your version of ubot it may well help you if you can copy and paste
  12. This is very old code, but some may still be usfull focus(<class="dropdown settings-icon pinned-target">) click(<class="dropdown settings-icon pinned-target">,"Left Click","No") change attribute(<id="customUrl_input">,"value",$find regular expression(#Post,"(?<=<Custom Url>).*?(?=</Custom Url>)")) wait for element(<class="dropdown-area icon_arrow_carrot_down pinned-target">,240,"Appear") focus(<class="dropdown-area icon_arrow_carrot_down pinned-target">) click(<class="dropdown-area icon_arrow_carro
  13. Posted 05 February 2018 Why dig this up
  14. ui button("Go") { Google Search() } define Google Search { navigate("http://google.com","Wait") type text(<name="q">,"Hello World","Standard") click($element offset(<name="btnK">,1),"Left Click","No") } omg Try this, happy new year to all
  15. if your not subscribed for updates you area locked out of bot bank but that's no great loss imo, May not be any updates in that year a more constructive questions would of been will all updates be compatible with all the plugins
  16. I bet you get them as the email also said (we've spent the last year updating the UBot Studio core)
  17. add item to list(%Accounts,"{$account data("Username")},{$account data("Password")},{$account data("First Name")},{$account data("Last Name")},{$account data("Username")}@zoho.eu","Don\'t Delete","Global") just edit the add to list
  18. navigate("https://www.zoho.eu/mail/","Wait") clear list(%Accounts) reset account("Any") change checkbox(<id="personal">,"Checked") type text(<username field>,$account data("Username"),"Standard") type text(<password field>,$account data("Password"),"Standard") type text(<first name field>,$account data("First Name"),"Standard") type text(<last name field>,$account data("Last Name"),"Standard") change checkbox(<name="tos">,"Checked") type text($element offset(<email field>,0),$account data("Email"),"Standard") add item to list(%Accounts,"{$account data(
  19. (((http://www)|(http://)|(https://www)|(https://)|(www))[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|tiff|tga|svg) should mach then with regex for you
  20. if you want to do it with regex this is one way clear all data set(#list1,"google.com newsweek.com caller.com washingtonpost.com yahoo.com facebook.com cleveland.com foxsports.com","Global") set(#list2,"sportsnet.com google.com yahoo.com thegaurdian.com cleveland mugshot","Global") set(#output,$replace regular expression($replace regular expression(#list2,"\\b(?:{$replace regular expression(#list1,"\\r?\\n","|")})\\b",$nothing),"\\r?\\n\\s",$nothing),"Global") note cleveland.com in list 1 and cleveland are not a match
  21. set(#Domain,"ubotstudio.com","Global") set(#ip,$trim($find regular expression($trim($plugin function("Advanced Shell.dll", "$shell batch hidden", "nslookup {#Domain}")),"([\\d\\._-]*?)$")),"Global")
  22. navigate("http://ubotsandbox.com/text-area-box.php","Wait") wait for element(<name="comment">,"","Appear") loop(6) { type text(<name="comment">,$spin("\{First of all i want to thank you for taking the time reading this.|I\'ve just started playing with ubot and i\'m still in the process of wrapping my head around things.|My problem is when i try to type a text from a file where everything is in spintax the spintax command won\'t work, everything is written as in the file|What am i doing wrong ?\}"),"Standard") wait(3) }
  23. Make a copy of your file first then rename it from .ubot to .zip the rest I'm sure you can workout
  24. not sure it will work with the standard version but try ui stat monitor("<style>#container \{ display: inline-block; -webkit-column-width: 200px; height: 50px;\}</style>","")
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