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unibotsi last won the day on May 5 2020

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About unibotsi

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    Advanced Member

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    Windows 7
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  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
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    Developer Edition

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  1. I`m having the same problem. I`ve already send an email to the developer 1 week ago but didn`t received any feedback yet.
  2. I`m getting the exact same error in 2023 with the latest version (6.7.23) During the first 3 - 5 loops everything is working like it should be, then the error is popping up. Any solutions or work arrounds for this?
  3. Yes, I`m having the same problem with the latest version
  4. Hello, I`m trying to create a bot for uploading video to a video platform, but it looks like the website can recognize, that its a bot and not a human, so the login process doesn`t work. To show the problem in more detail, I`ve created a short video: What can I do to get the login working? Kind regards
  5. Hello, I`m still facing the same problem. JavaScript will not execute in the compiled bot. I`ve red in other threads that I should open google.com first, because there is JS on the site which will trigger the bot to execute JS on the other site I want to work with, but this also doesn`t work. Is there any other thing I can try?
  6. Can you please describte this in a little bit more detail?
  7. I`m using the following JS in my bot, to enlarge a table document.getElementsByClassName('kw-left-table')[0].style.height="40000px"; which is working perfectly in ubot, but as soon as I run the compiled bot, the JS is not executed anymore. What could be the problem here?
  8. Its working now! After installing the latest version of ubot on my vps and compiling my bot again, suddently its opening. Thanks a lot for your help, cob007
  9. Sounds like I should give it a try. Where can I download this version? In my Dashboard there is only the latest version available....
  10. @cob007 Yes, the .net Framework is already installed. Here is a screenshot from the bot running, but only visible at the task manager: Report
  11. Hello, sorry for hijacking this post from 2018, but I`m facing the exact same problem like the other people here in this thread. Since its almost 2 years later now, I hope there is something like a solution/fix out there already. My problem: On my Windows 10 Pro (64 Bit), running on Oracle VM VirtualBox, I can`t run the my bots, I`ve created with the latest version of uBot. Whats happening: When I double click on the exe the first time, a window show up which will download the needed support files. After this is done, the bot will not start. I`m not using an installer for my bots, I just e
  12. I`ve managed to remove the latest .net update from my system, but the problem still exists. Its defenitely caused by the values numbers from the UI TEXTBOXES Does anybody else having this problem? I have it on 2 different computers (windows 7 and windows 10). It`s making me crazy because from one secound to the other everything stoped working correctly (on both computers) and I have no idea why. The only thing I found out is, that if I replace the numbers comming from the UI TEXTBOXES in the source code by real numbers, its working again....
  13. My input is a symple 1 as a number of course. Since 2 days I`m also having problems to run my already compiled bots (who worked before). For me it looks like I`m facing the same UI problem, described here: http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/22673-windows-10-latest-update-cause-ubot-ui-crash/ I`ve tried to perform the steps described in the video of this thread, but since my system language is german and not english, I can`t find the same websites which are showing up in that video. Any other solutions or fixes for this? Can we hope for a fix from the developer for it?
  14. While I was working on my project and running some test, suddently I get the message "conversion from string "" to type Integer is not valid" What does it mean? I think it has to do with the first loop. If I set a fixed number into the loop, instead of using a variable number coming from a UI textbox, its working. Whats wrong here? This is my code: ui open file("Textfile mit Keywords",#importedkeywords) ui save file("Save Path",#savepathset) ui text box("Position SV (Ombros = 27; Pilhar = 28)",#positionsvvarable) ui text box("Number of Loops",#numberofloops) add list to list(%keyword
  15. thank you. this is working for me. the ubot wiki entry about the math functions is a little bit outdated and irritating
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