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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Sounds like its running late, No need to make a new system restore point just yet then
  2. Guys I would forget the TOS as none are worth a damn now days as all of them contain bla bla bla change these terms at any time. This is a legal mine field where the outcome will depend on 1, you having very deep pockets 2, where in the world you are living 3, where in the world you host/use this content There is no cut and dry answer
  3. Even the best private proxies are now almost all listed up on blocked IP lists like stop forum spam Public proxies are not only a pain to work with some are there just to track you and steal your data
  4. Sentence Case() define Sentence Case { clear list(%Temp) set(#TextInput, "cOnTRarY to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. iT has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of \"de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum\"
  5. navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14832-making-1-string-from-multiple-items/", "Wait") set(#AE, $replace regular expression($replace regular expression($page scrape("<p>What i want to achieve is the following example:</p> <p> </p>", "<p> </p> <p> </p>"), "<(style|script)[^<>]*>.*?</\\1>|</?[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^<>]*>|<!--.*?-->", $nothing), $new line, $nothing), "Global")
  6. How to remove/change the browser fingerprints In short how to spoof all this panopticlick.eff(DOT)org
  7. What the max number of cycles you guys are getting before these browser crashes and how many threads are we talking 5,10,15,20 or more? As I'm sure this has more to do with your bots design/structure/work flow then ubot it's self
  8. Some of you may find this helpful cleaning up the crashed browsers BrowserControl() define BrowserControl { comment("You will most almost certainly have to reset the “Crash Control” scrap text, but this will have a lower CPU and Memory overhead then using WinAutomation.exe to close the crashed browser window and error message. Downside is if you are selling bots it will most lightly fail unless you find a way of getting X Y position of the browser crash error massage ") set(#CrashControl, $plugin function("WindowsCommands.dll", "$scrape text", "Browser.exe", "#32770", 118, 18), "Glo
  9. Sounds like you need to post the page url or this could go on a long time working with code snippets
  10. add list to list(%Names1, $list from text($page scrape("<div class=\"image-container\"> <a href=\"", "\"> <img"), $new line), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%Names2, $list from text($scrape attribute(<href=w"*">, "fullsrc"), $new line), "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%Names3, $list from text($scrape attribute(<href=w"*">, "href"), $new line), "Delete", "Global")
  11. loop(10) { navigate("http://www.bing.com/", "Wait") PageLoadWait() navigate("http://www.google.com/", "Wait") PageLoadWait() } define PageLoadWait { wait($rand(0, 15)) wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", 15) }
  12. Version 4.2.17 Set Browser Property has been removed from the toolbox due to it not functioning correctly. Has to be V4.2.16 or earlier
  13. Check your router DNS setting make sure its going direct to the correct IP
  14. Why do people take the time to reply to posts like this. It’s very clear he has no idea what his doing or asking for
  15. define $container { set(#variable one, $page scrape("<body>", "</body>"), "Local") return(#variable one) } navigate("http://ubotsandbox.com/radio-buttons.php", "Wait") set(#returnedcontainer, $container(), "Global")
  16. Make the define a function not a command
  17. Re-initialize to return a computer program to the condition it was in at the start of processing, so that nothing remains from previous executions of the program. Where is this information coming from please I'm asking because Eddie has said in the passed
  18. That is the correct way to open a new browser instance preform the task then close it If the bot uses the same instance of the browser for each row after x amount of time it will bog down
  19. A csv file is little more than .txt so unless it’s a huge file I don’t see the problem, unless you want to run multithreaded bot, which can be a problem, with the write to file conflicting,
  20. navigate("https://twitter.com/MariahCarey/media/grid", "Wait") wait for element(<class="grid-media ratio">, "", "Appear") wait(2) focus(<class="header-subtitle js-nav">) loop(50) { type text(<class="grid-media ratio">, "\{DOWN\}", "Standard") wait(.100) }
  21. One way to get the first item is set(#proxy_php, "echo (file_get_contents(\"proxy1.php\")); echo (file_get_contents(\"proxy2.php\")); echo (file_get_contents(\"proxy3.php\"));", "Global") set(#proxy_php, $list item($find regular expression(#proxy_php, "(?<=contents\\(\\\").*?(?=\\\"\\)\\))"), 0), "Global") I've given them numbers just to show it grabs the correct item
  22. nnavigate("http://www.amazon.com/Apple-iPhone-16GB-Black-Verizon/dp/B004ZLV5UE/ref=sr_1_1?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1371147950&sr=1-1", "Wait") loop(20) { run javascript("window.scrollBy(0,50); // horizontal and vertical scroll increments scrolldelay = setTimeout(\'pageScroll()\',.1000);") wait(.100) } wait for element(<href="#Next">, "", "Appear") wait for element(<innertext=w"Page 1 of *">, "", "Appear") loop($subtract($trim($scrape attribute(<class="num-pages">, "innertext")), 1)) { click(<href="#Next">, "Left Click", "No") wait(1)
  23. Never said i was judging you just noted your post count to the problem and this regex is not that hard (?<=\"\>)\d{1,3}(?=\sAds) or (?<=Credits\s\#)\d{1,3}(?=\:\s)
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