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About okuma31

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  1. Long story short, here's an example of what I currently have. ui save file("save location", #save) command() define command { navigate("http://www.google.com/", "Wait") change attribute(<name="q">, "value", $rand(2132132, 1321231231321321)) wait(1) define $test { set(#var, $scrape attribute(<name="q">, "value"), "Local") return(#var) } navigate("http://google.com", "Wait") scraping() } define scraping { add item to list(%list, $test(), "Delete", "Local") save to file(#save, %list) } The primary issue I'm running into is when navigat
  2. Thanks man that worked, but after testing here's the issue I'm running into. It appears that when I navigate to a new web page it drops the returns value, is there a workaround for this? I'd like to keep the scraping command as is if possible, it's quite a bit of code to copy and paste in every location it's neccessary. ui save file("save location", #save) command() define command { navigate("http://www.google.com/", "Wait") change attribute(<name="q">, "value", $rand(2132132, 1321231231321321)) wait(1) define $test { set(#var, $scrape attribute(<name="q">, "
  3. That's really not an option, my entire program is organized into commands for upkeep. Here's a typical example of what I'm running into... command() define command { navigate("http://www.google.com/", "Wait") change attribute(<name="q">, "value", $rand(2132132, 1321231231321321)) wait(1) define $test { set(#var, $scrape attribute(<name="q">, "value"), "Local") return(#var) } navigate("http://google.com", "Wait") change attribute(<name="q">, "value", $test()) }
  4. I cannot for the life of me figure out a solution to this, I've actually tried several dozen solutions over the last couple of hours and to no availe =/ I have an overall define command used in my program that contains a variable that I need to get to the define function, but it's just not working. Anyone care to offer a solution to this seeing as how a page scrape refuses to work in a define function. define container { set(#variable one, $page scrape("<body>", "</body>"), "Local") define $return function { return(#variable one) } }
  5. I appreciate it your help north_star, I've figured it out and I feel like a massive idiot atm. It took me a while to figure it out, but my stubborness and ability to continue to smash my face into the wall until I figured it out payed off. When I was page scrapping I was getting the initial start of the html such as <header><body>http://domain.com/ , this is why it was causing an issue. I sincerely appreciate the help. Tyler
  6. I have but the current set up seems to work well, I'm just having an issue figure out why it's not working. If you run the bot, you can clearly see that the variable is exactly correct, it just for whatever reason fails to make it to the page. Here's an example site you can use to test it yourselves. http://determinedtodevelop.org/?q=node/193623
  7. ui stat monitor("stat", #Scrapped Node Add Link) set(#Temporary Account Creation Url, $url, "Global") run javascript("document.write(\"{#Temporary Account Creation Url}\");") set(#Scrapped Node Add Link, "{$page scrape("", "/node")}/node/add", "Global") navigate(#Scrapped Node Add Link, "Wait") I am literally baffled as to why this is failing, it's causing me some serious frustration. Can anyone explain it?
  8. For those in the future that run into this issue, try using the add list to list statement instead.
  9. Why oh why isn't this working, it's extremly frustrating When I run this I get every item in the list back to back like this http://domain.com/http://domain.com/http://domain.com/2323131
  10. clear list(%root domain urls) clear list(%master url list) add list to list(%master url list, $list from file("C:\\Users\\Tdub\\Desktop\\extracted from thoughthappiness.txt"), "Delete", "Global") add item to list(%root domain urls, "http://7minutegarden.com/", "Delete", "Global") add list to list(%final output list, $common list items(%root domain urls, %master url list), "Delete", "Global") save to file("C:\\Users\\Tdub\\Desktop\\the final output list.txt", %final output list) The root domain list contains one url, as you can see in the above code, but when I open the final output list.txt
  11. This is a great idea, I'm playing with this now, but it appears to only scrape exact match urls. As an example The item I'll use is a root domain http://aol.com/ Now my list of urls is filled with all kinds of crazy stuff, but the specific 15 or so I'm looking for contain extra strings on the root such as... http://aol.com/311234 http://aol.com/33424 http://aol.com/76876 http://aol.com/12321 http://aol.com/8978978 Regardless, I feel like this is getting closer, if this ends up working be sure and send your paypal and I'll send you a fiver for a beer on me. =]
  12. That's what I was planning on doing, but I see two issues with this 1) Lets say it takes 15 seconds to find the url, that's going to kill my links per minute. 2) In theory it will always select the first target because that's the first link it will uncover.
  13. I have a list of 100k+ urls in a text file and what I'd like to do is pull a URL from that txt file using a specific string (the root url). I have likely 15-20 urls matching the root but would like to select one at random. I'm new at this, but the only thing I've come up with thus far is to run them through a text field until i found one, but obviously this would destroy any speed the program has. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this, I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure it out.
  14. Hey guys, can anyone help me figure this out. Basically, I want to set a temporary url when I enter a website, and then after performing the account creation I want scrape the url to determine if it's the exact same as the temporary url I set earlier in the sequence. set(#test, "http://yahoo.com/", "Global") if($comparison(#test, "=", $url)) { then { navigate("google.com", "Wait") } else { pause script } }
  15. I'll check that out, I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how to say that with ubot. Do I throw the variable in and then say = 50 or is there another way, would you mind showing me a quick example please?
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