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Everything posted by jason

  1. Dan, The security itself is described in the wiki/blog, WarriorPlus/Ejunkie currently, Not sure what you mean by list-building, There are no timed features but you can delete licenses at any point, Yes Please see the wiki entry for more information, as well as this blog post. I'd be happy to answer more questions if anyone has them!
  2. UBot Secure is now available! 1. Login to your customer dashboard. http://www.ubotstudio.com/system/resources/W1siZiIsIjIwMTQvMDEvMjYvMTFfMDJfMDhfMzc2X1N0ZXBfMS5wbmciXV0/Step_1.png 2. Click the "Subscribe to Secure" button in the bottom left corner. http://www.ubotstudio.com/system/resources/W1siZiIsIjIwMTQvMDEvMjYvMTFfMDJfMDlfMTk2X1N0ZXBfMi5wbmciXV0/Step_2.png 3. You must be subscribed to Updates and using UBot Studio 5 to use UBot Secure. If you're already subscribed to Updates, you'll have the option to purchase Secure on the next page. http://www.ubotstudio.com/system/re
  3. It is probably http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13446-sell-plugin-file-folder-manipulation-commands/ It should be free now. If you need a copy, let me know.
  4. Dang! I'll be there in a few weeks!
  5. Are you sure it's not active? The button to run the scheduled event does "pop back up", but if you allow the repeated event time to complete, it should still complete. We've been unable to reproduce this error. If you can send a screencast of it we can take a look here: http://tracker.ubotstudio.com Thanks!
  6. Please visit http://tracker.ubotstudio.com and let us know how to reproduce the error that you're experiencing and we will absolutely make it a priority. Of course we would make any large scale problem a priority, as it is our goal to have the best user experience possible. However, as you are probably aware, there is not a single "browser.exe" crash. There could be a variety of reasons this occurs, and unless we can reproduce the problem that you are experiencing specifically, we will not be able to fix it. We are finding the majority of crashing bugs in UBot Studio 5 to be minor, and they
  7. Because it's an ongoing security and license management service, there will be a fee.
  8. It's ready. Months of development of super tight security, as well as licensing management - built right into your bots, no hassle, no complicated instructions to follow, no database to set up. Just PM me here with your UBot username. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=L5CxemVIFY4 More info about UBot Secure is here: http://ubotstudio.com/blog/2013/10/01/introducing-ubot-secure/ Testers will receive a special bonus period of UBot Secure for free!
  9. We've now introduced a scheduler right inside UBot Studio! See how it works here: http://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/The_Scheduler and here: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15440-does-the-scheduler-work-in-ubot5/?hl=scheduler
  10. Could you open a support ticket explaining this issue in more detail - the version of UBot Studio 5 you have, etc? We will make sure it gets taken care of by reproducing it and putting it in the tracker. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  11. 1) Set a define. 2) Compile your bot and be sure to check the schedulable commands for that define. 3) Open the scheduler under the tools menu. 4) Set the scheduled command. 5) Hit "Run On Schedule" and walk away. You may be experiencing two issues which make you unsure if this is working correctly. The first is that reopening the scheduler window in a compiled bot will not show your scheduled tasks. However, they are in the memory and they will run. We'll try to have this fix out in the next update. The second is that the scheduler may pop back up after the first run, if you have a task on
  12. UBot Studio and our website should be accessible for most customers, and within 12 hours for the entire globe. If you are having trouble accessing any aspect of the software but can still see the site, you may want to restart your machine. Thanks for your patience while we make important changes to our server!
  13. Can you post an example vid or snapshot of this?? worked fine on my end. http://screencast.com/t/VTR8PZkzz2R
  14. If you're short on time, HOLY CRAP watch this anyway! JUMP to 6:30 to see this in action, then reverse to see how it's setup, everyone. The possibilities here are so vast....I'm going to dream some up and come back and post my ideas, and then maybe kev will build them and we can make an amazing demo video for how anyone can use ubot to build...well...robots!!
  15. Hello! I am assuming this is regarding ticket JAT-686-55550, where two free plugin keys and a paid plugin key were requested. The day after this request was made, I asked the requester to narrow down which free plugin key he wanted first, and did not hear back. I sent an additional response to remind the requester that he had not responded. If you have responded, there may an issue with the email or updating system on your ticket? Those responses did not come through. I've been hoping for a clarification! Jason PS - Feel free to message me here so we can see what the problem is.
  16. Kev got the ball rolling here: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15245-run-your-software-on-an-iphone-step-by-step-tutorial/?hl=mobile Who else is working on mobile projects and UBot? - 56% of American adults have a smartphone - 21% of all adult cell owners now do most of their online browsing using their mobile phone What are you doing to take advantage of this?
  17. Can you determine which portion of this script is causing the error and let us know at the tracker, at tracker.ubotstudio.com?
  18. If you re-open the Editor after opening it once, you will get styles. There's a small bug where it doesn't display them the first time. http://tracker.ubotstudio.com/issues/119 is the issue to follow. We updated the style of the UI itself by the time we did the initial UB5 release, to make it more in line with the rest of the design in the new UBot Studio. We also updated the elements. Header is now called "Label".
  19. If you or anyone has any questions regarding anything that might make UBot Studio "unusable," visit tracker.ubotstudio.com for a list of all bug reports. Remember, this tracker is public, so not all have been verified.
  20. Make sure to whitelist ubotbase.dll in your AV - it is located in %appdata%/ubot studio/browser/(whichever version)!
  21. There was a brief period where that error may have occurred. It shouldn't be happening now. Please try to re-update if you haven't already.
  22. UBot_guy - sorry for any time you've lost. Everyone, while it may take a little more time, submitting a complete bug report with steps to reproduce the issue is often the way to determine if there is an issue and to get the problem solved. Remember - we've got a fully public bug tracker at tracker.ubotstudio.com, so you can see exactly what we can see. While the majority of our many customers haven't had any problems, if you do experience an issue it is extremely useful if you help help us by letting us know! Thanks!
  23. Bump hoping someone builds one of these and sells it. The market is wiiiide open.
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