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Everything posted by magoo

  1. Nice one Jane!! If you code at noob level as Duane said or more advanced makes no difference...Its still your hard work and you shouldn't leave yourself exposed for some wanker to come and take it without your permission, thanks Jane.
  2. magoo

    multiple replace

    Is this what you are after? set(#text, "bu yazıdaki türkçe karakterleri nasıl çevirebilirim", "Global") set(#text, $replace regular expression(#text, "ı", "i"), "Global") set(#text, $replace regular expression(#text, "ü", "u"), "Global") set(#text, $replace regular expression(#text, "ç", "c"), "Global")
  3. Tables are global so any information can't be held local to the thread, unlike lists which can be set to local. This means its harder to use tables when multi threading because any information will be shared across all threads, to be held local information from the table needs to be passed to the thread from the table as a variable or list before the multi thread environment. There are ways to use tables inside multi threads but its like I said just harder.
  4. Tables are just a little bit harder to use if you are multi threading.
  5. Sorry about my previous post it was wrong, here is a stop pause script that should do what you're after. Paste this in ubot anf hit the start button and you will see how it works. ui html panel("<button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'run_bot()\')\">Start</button> <button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'stopbot()\')\">Stop</button> <button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'pausebot()\')\">Pause</button> <button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'un_pausebot()\')\">Un-Pause</button>", 300) define run_bot { load html("Hey") wait(1) Stop Pause Check() loa
  6. Hi zenos, I'm away from my computer, just have my phone with me. When I get back I will post what you need here.
  7. Within a define create a variable named pause set true and then within another define create another variable named pause set false call these from a pause and an unpause buttons from the ui panel. Now create another define and call it pause and place a pause command in a loop while with the condition being " pause true". Now place you pause command throughout your script any wear a navigate action or the top of any loop, basically anyplace the script does something.
  8. Put each letter of the word you are typing into a separate type text command and place a wait command between each letter. To make the wait time random place several wait times in a list and then call random list item for the wait time.
  9. Re-read VaultBoss's post....Have you purchase or downloaded free, any extra plugins?? If not then all you have to do is tick the box and NOT click add.
  10. when threading, anything in the thread is usually set in a define, all variables and lists are set to local within the define, but if you have an action that you want to happen outside of the define or thread which is generated from within it, then you need to have a variable or list set to global so that the script outside of the thread can read it. Make sence?
  11. should do if the variable is global.
  12. Hey Darryl, Obviously I'm not Aymen, but to use the plugin, after you down load it to your computer, open ubot and got to tools, select plugins hit the add new button and navigate to the close bot.dll file you downloaded, once uploaded tick the box next to the close it plugin. Then look in the side bar of uBot and it will appear under Action commands. Aymen@ Nice work, Thanks very much!
  13. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10042-new-v4-tutorial-multi-threading-example/
  14. Add html to your list. Here is how to add a <br/> to the end of each line in a list. clear list(%words) clear list(%html_words) navigate("http://ebay.com/", "Wait") wait for element(<id="glbfooter">, "", "Appear") add list to list(%words, $list from text($scrape attribute(<class="thrd">, "innertext"), $new line), "Delete", "Global") loop($list total(%words)) { add item to list(%html_words, "{$next list item(%words)}<br/>", "Delete", "Global") } load html(%html_words)
  15. In your example I cant see if you have selected new line but you need to use new line delimiter when using list from text. add item to list(urkeywordlist, #uburkeywordlist, "Delete", "Global") add list to list(urkeywordlist, $list from text(#uburkeywordlist, $new line), "Delete", "Global")
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