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Everything posted by odeesuba

  1. The gmail settings look wrong check the setting in a post TJ made a while back.
  2. Open Threads() define Open Threads { loop(2) { thread { in new browser { Run Fill Form() } } } } define Run Fill Form { add list to list(%Data, $list from text($Get Variables Set As Local(), ","), "Don\'t Delete", "Local") navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/playground/simple-form", "Wait") wait for element(<first name field>, "", "Appear") type text(<first name field>, $list item(%Data, 0), "Standard") type text(<last name field>, $list item(%Data, 1), "Standard") wait(20) } define $Get V
  3. I think you have to allow remote connection in the mysql in your hosting account. Don't know how, but maybe someone else can help.
  4. define Startup { clear list(%Main Menu) navigate("http://www.dafont.com/", "Wait") wait for element(<class="dl">, 120, "Appear") comment("Build Main Menu") add list to list(%Main Menu, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<a href=\"./alpha.php?lettre=*\"> *</a>">, "fullhref"), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") } define Go To Main Page { navigate($list item(%Main Menu, 0), "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") wait for element(<class="dl">, 120, "Appear") if($comparison($scrape attribute(<name="fpp">, "value"), "!=", 5
  5. I have just tested it, and it works. Congratulation Aymen , great job. Looking forward to buy your commercial plugins. Also interested to buy a video explaining how you created this free plugin.
  6. clear table(&Dates Table) add list to table as row(&Dates Table, 0, 0, $list from text("12/9/2012 6:56,1/20/2013 1:47", ",")) add list to table as row(&Dates Table, 1, 0, $list from text("11/7/2012 11:06:00,1/19/2013 22:38:00", ",")) add list to table as row(&Dates Table, 2, 0, $list from text("1/8/2013 1:21,1/20/2013 1:30", ",")) set(#Current Row, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&Dates Table)) { navigate("http://www.preceden.com/calculators/duration", "Wait") type text(<name="start_date">, $table cell(&Dates Table, #Current Row, 0), "Standard") ty
  7. Happy Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!
  8. set(#Country, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<b style=\"font-weight:normal;\">*</b>">, "innertext"), "Global")
  9. This removes all one word except if it happens to be the last one. (Did not have time to add that, sorry) set(#Temp, $replace regular expression("Richard Basehart, Phyllis Kirk, Stephen Elliott, Russell Collins, Richard Hale, Charles Wagenheim, Alan Wells, Tommy Cook, William Pullen, Paul, Lee, Vaso, Kaan, Ali", ",\\s[a-zA-Z]*(?=,)", ""), "Global")
  10. Please add me too: odeeseuba
  11. Great that it worked for you. For math just put the math sign you need between the variables and it will change. For example + will change to add
  12. Try this ui stat monitor("Total", #List Total) clear list(%List) add list to list(%List, $list from text("1 2 3 4 5 6", $new line), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") set(#List Total, 0, "Global") loop($list total(%List)) { set(#List Total, $add(#List Total, $next list item(%List)), "Global") }
  13. Here is an idea that can make you money without selling your bots, you can give your bots free when someone buy from your affiliate link. The trick is to make your bot specific to the offer. Let us take an example. You go searching for products that are selling well, and join as an affiliate. Example http://www.woothemes.com/affiliates/ it is a word press themes website that pays you $50 + $5 pm for the developer package. Their themes do not update directly in wordpress, you have to download the updated theme and install to your wordpress manually. What if you made a bot that makes i
  14. Hi Jonathan, I only wanted to tell you that you can download in ubot from the site you mentioned, and to give you the code to do that. That code works if you run it while ubot browser is displaying the download page to any of the videos. Below is the complete code , just subsititue ***** with your username and email, in line 2 and 3. navigate("https://www.videoblocks.com/login/", "Wait") type text(<username field>, "*****", "Standard") type text(<password field>, "*****", "Standard") click(<outerhtml="<input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit_button\">">, "Left Clic
  15. try this code, tested it works great, download takes time click(<class="download-now">, "Left Click", "No") save downloaded file("{$special folder("Desktop")}\\{$rand(111111111, 9999999999)}.mov")
  16. Ok the signup worked for me this time around.
  17. Could not signup , something wrong when I submit the form, removes my details.
  18. There is a command that goes like "save downloaded file" or something like that. Put that command after the click for the download, and it will download the file. I have downloaded the keywords from adwords keyword tool using this method. I will upload the source when I get back to my computer.
  19. Use the below code to download download file("http://www.qqpr.com/p/p3r68-cdx67/7izhl-zdgjy.pdf", "{$special folder("Desktop")}\\testnew.pdf")
  20. I think it's the right of any company to charge whatever they want for their products. If they want to sell the software for $1000 and $100 per month, it up to them. On the other hand the customer has the right to know in advance what he is getting into. My recommendation is for the charges to be explicitly explained on the order page, so future customers are not surprised with the monthly charges. As for the customers that did not get the explicit explanation, some kind of compromise maybe the old price of $5 per month.
  21. Thanks for the share. Hope the @ bug gets solved in ubot.
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