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About unurohack

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/06/1991

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  • OS
    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
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    Professional Edition

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  1. How can I change https://network.ubotstudio.com/ ? I did it with on load("Bot Loaded") , but it seems that in this version of Ubot, it doesn't work.
  2. Ubot won't start but stays stuck...anyone same problem?
  3. You can comment in ubot. comment("comment 1 here") navigate("google.com","Wait") comment("comment 1 here finished")
  4. Hi guys, Please help me with a solution, I tried for 3 days to solve this without success. I need this, I feel like I'm going crazy. How can I change the language of the browser? If you go on https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/what-http-headers-is-my-browser-sending You can see ACCEPT-LANGUAGE en-US,en;q=0.9 I need to put fr or it or other language.... This is my code: I don't know what else to do. I feel I'm going crazy. I am limited by ubot to try other tricks with javascript. Anyone a solution? Thank you in advance.
  5. Hi , Is possible to change startuppage? When I open Ubot, this page appears automatically http://content.ubotstudio.com/resources/, I would like it to start with google.com I know that I can use onload and navigate to google.com But I would like to know if there is a setting somewhere to change the startup page Also in \AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio , in options.xml is that row, but is not working if i change the url here. <StartupPage>http://www.ubotstudio.com/didactic?d=experimental,5.9.50,True</StartupPage>
  6. Javascript is enabled in my browser, but not in ubot. Just check https://www.whatismybrowser.com please. Any solution?
  7. can someone open the onlyfans website in ubot? It just keeps loading. I tried with various user agents, in vain. https://onlyfans.com/
  8. "span variable" is magic. Thank you! You're good!
  9. Hello, I have a simple example for you, maybe someone is able to help me understand how I can make something change in Ui Html Panel. Thank you! on load("Bot Loaded") { set(#variable_here,1,"Global") } ui html panel("<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <p><strong><font size=\"13\" color=\"red\">{#variable_here}</font></strong></p> </body> </html>",200) set(#variable_here,"NEW TEXT HERE","Global")
  10. Yes thank you. i know that. But, i have this js code: "<p id=\"test\"></p> <script> document.getElementById(\"test\").innerHTML = \"The full URL of this page is:<br>\" + window.location.href; </script>", "Global" I want navigate to any website and add in website. source code this preview js code
  11. Hello, I have 1 question. I want to navigate to x and after page is completed load, i want add a js code in the html page. is possible that? This is my code: set(#js, "<p id=\"test\"></p> <script> document.getElementById(\"test\").innerHTML = \"The full URL of this page is:<br>\" + window.location.href; </script>", "Global") clear cookies set user agent("Chrome") navigate("fb.com", "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") load html($replace($document text, "</script>", "</script>{#js}")) I want add in page this code, but not usin
  12. I'm working on a script more complex than that, but I encountered a problem and can not find a solution to this. The script below is just to find the solution for what I need. The bot creates a table using html "load html" with links in the text file, then browsing on it. I need to modify in real time the result of hits each link in the table. I send a donation of $20 to find this solution. Download the archive below bot test.ubot websites urls.txt http://unuro.com/codecanyon/123.png
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