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odeesuba last won the day on December 7 2011

odeesuba had the most liked content!

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24 Excellent

About odeesuba

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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    Windows 8
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    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. The gmail settings look wrong check the setting in a post TJ made a while back.
  2. Open Threads() define Open Threads { loop(2) { thread { in new browser { Run Fill Form() } } } } define Run Fill Form { add list to list(%Data, $list from text($Get Variables Set As Local(), ","), "Don\'t Delete", "Local") navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/playground/simple-form", "Wait") wait for element(<first name field>, "", "Appear") type text(<first name field>, $list item(%Data, 0), "Standard") type text(<last name field>, $list item(%Data, 1), "Standard") wait(20) } define $Get V
  3. I think you have to allow remote connection in the mysql in your hosting account. Don't know how, but maybe someone else can help.
  4. define Startup { clear list(%Main Menu) navigate("http://www.dafont.com/", "Wait") wait for element(<class="dl">, 120, "Appear") comment("Build Main Menu") add list to list(%Main Menu, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<a href=\"./alpha.php?lettre=*\"> *</a>">, "fullhref"), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") } define Go To Main Page { navigate($list item(%Main Menu, 0), "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") wait for element(<class="dl">, 120, "Appear") if($comparison($scrape attribute(<name="fpp">, "value"), "!=", 5
  5. I have just tested it, and it works. Congratulation Aymen , great job. Looking forward to buy your commercial plugins. Also interested to buy a video explaining how you created this free plugin.
  6. clear table(&Dates Table) add list to table as row(&Dates Table, 0, 0, $list from text("12/9/2012 6:56,1/20/2013 1:47", ",")) add list to table as row(&Dates Table, 1, 0, $list from text("11/7/2012 11:06:00,1/19/2013 22:38:00", ",")) add list to table as row(&Dates Table, 2, 0, $list from text("1/8/2013 1:21,1/20/2013 1:30", ",")) set(#Current Row, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&Dates Table)) { navigate("http://www.preceden.com/calculators/duration", "Wait") type text(<name="start_date">, $table cell(&Dates Table, #Current Row, 0), "Standard") ty
  7. Happy Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!
  8. set(#Country, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<b style=\"font-weight:normal;\">*</b>">, "innertext"), "Global")
  9. This removes all one word except if it happens to be the last one. (Did not have time to add that, sorry) set(#Temp, $replace regular expression("Richard Basehart, Phyllis Kirk, Stephen Elliott, Russell Collins, Richard Hale, Charles Wagenheim, Alan Wells, Tommy Cook, William Pullen, Paul, Lee, Vaso, Kaan, Ali", ",\\s[a-zA-Z]*(?=,)", ""), "Global")
  10. Please add me too: odeeseuba
  11. Great that it worked for you. For math just put the math sign you need between the variables and it will change. For example + will change to add
  12. Try this ui stat monitor("Total", #List Total) clear list(%List) add list to list(%List, $list from text("1 2 3 4 5 6", $new line), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") set(#List Total, 0, "Global") loop($list total(%List)) { set(#List Total, $add(#List Total, $next list item(%List)), "Global") }
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