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Scheduled Date & Time Script - (Just a Share....)

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Just been playing around to see if I could schedule a bot to run a define command and it worked!


Just thought id share to see if anyone wanted to play around with the script...


ui html panel("<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=\"en\">
    <meta charset=\"utf-8\">
    <meta name=\"generator\" content=\"CoffeeCup HTML Editor (www.coffeecup.com)\">
    <meta name=\"dcterms.created\" content=\"Fri, 15 Feb 2013 12:42:09 GMT\">
    <meta name=\"description\" content=\"\">
    <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"\">
    <!--[if IE]>
    <script src=\"http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js\"></script>
  <body style=\"background-color:#F4F4F4\">
 fieldset \{border:1px solid #FF0000;\}

<fieldset style=\"width:30%;\">
<legend style=\"font-weight:bold;\" >Schedule Submissions</legend>
<th>Current: </th>
<th>Scheduled: </th>
<select variable=\"#Month\">
<select variable=\"#Day\">
<select variable=\"#Year\">
<span variable=\"#Current\" fillwith=\"innertext\"></span>
<span variable=\"#Scheduled\" fillwith=\"innertext\"></span>
<select variable=\"#Hour\">
<select variable=\"#Min\">
<td><button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'Check()\')\">Current</button></td>
<td><button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'Set()\')\">Set</button></td>
<td><button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'Run()\')\">Start</button></td>
<td><button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'Stop()\')\">Stop</button></td>

Stat: <span variable=\"#Stat\" fillwith=\"innertext\"></span>
</html>", 200)
define Run {
    set(#StartLoop, 1, "Global")
    set(#StopLoop, 1, "Global")
    loop while($comparison(#StartLoop, "=", #StopLoop)) {
        set(#Current, $date, "Global")
        if($comparison(#Current, "=", "{#Date} {#Time}")) {
            then {
                set(#StopLoop, 0, "Global")
                set(#Stat, "Running script...", "Global")
                Run Script()
            else {
define Set {
    set(#Date, "{#Month}/{#Day}/{#Year}", "Global")
    set(#Time, "{#Hour}:{#Min}:00", "Global")
    set(#Prompt, $confirm("Set Submission To Run On:{$new line}Date:  {#Date}{$new line}Time:  {#Time}"), "Global")
    if($comparison(#Prompt, "=", $true)) {
        then {
            set(#Scheduled, "{#Date} {#Time}", "Global")
            alert("Submission Scheduled!")
        else {
            alert("Schedule NOT set!")
define Check {
    set(#Current, $date, "Global")
define Stop {
    set(#StopLoop, 0, "Global")
define Run Script {
    navigate("http://www.ubotstudio.com/playground/simple-form", "Wait")
    type text(<username field>, "Scuedule ", "Standard")
    type text(<first name field>, "Is Running!", "Standard")
    set(#Stat, "Finished running script!", "Global")




Hope You Like...




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So the purpose of this is so that bots you sell can be scheduled?  I have lots of bots that run automatically on a schedule.  I just do a define command with the script and onload run that command.  Schedule the bot to run inside windows task scheduler.  It's very easy, but I guess I can see the benefit of scheduling bots you sell to customers.

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So the purpose of this is so that bots you sell can be scheduled?  I have lots of bots that run automatically on a schedule.  I just do a define command with the script and onload run that command.  Schedule the bot to run inside windows task scheduler.  It's very easy, but I guess I can see the benefit of scheduling bots you sell to customers.


You are relying on windows task scheduler (personally I use winautomation) this neat little script is a self-contained option...

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  • 2 months later...

Carl. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get so good at this bot stuff?? You're like Neo and I'm that dumb broad in the red dress.


I've been messing around with the script and it's going to be super helpful for me. I know it's possible but how can I schedule a list of things? If I was able to schedule the scripts needed to run for the coming month then keep the bot open in my virtual desktop I could die a happy man. It can be the same script but how am I able to schedule a series of scripts to run? I was messing around with this before with check boxes and didn't get nearly this far. 



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