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How to Change Useragent in Ubot.

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http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/5816/54046799.jpg   Here is an old program I wrote that changes the Useragent in Ubot. Seeing as people are requesting this feature, I recompiled it and put it here

@Meter Thanks alot for this wonderful share, you get my +1   Are we allowed to add to our bots and distribute it?   Ok I thought to make this curry a little more spicy I'll add some chillies to it..

Oh and one last note: The new useragent's length must be equal to or less than the old useragent's length. Seeing that the old Ubot useragent was:   Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1;

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  • 1 month later...

im sure its not that complex to add this feature to Ubot straight kjust like with generate account or email thinge.

ubot oculd have like 20-30 agents savbed and have a coomand for rotating em [not even speaking of adding our own options]

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Thank's meter for this tip !


But your soft return sometime a cut user agent ...

I don't anderstand why ? it's realy your soft because i test with "write browser and it not cut ?


Do you have an idea ?


here you are my pack :



Thank's and good week end ! ;o)


This is because your new useragent is longer than the old useragent. If new useragent is bigger, then it will be 'cut', or shortened, to the size of the old useragent.

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hi meter


same problem here everything fire's up ok but not changing


could you lend a hand????




Well, did you clear cache? Does the output window of my tool look ok? etc etc...

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im sure its not that complex to add this feature to Ubot straight kjust like with generate account or email thinge.

ubot oculd have like 20-30 agents savbed and have a coomand for rotating em [not even speaking of adding our own options]

It's not that simple due to the memory hacking issues mention previously in the post.

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This is because your new useragent is longer than the old useragent. If new useragent is bigger, then it will be 'cut', or shortened, to the size of the old useragent.


Why ? Why your soft cut it ? there is a reason ?

can we overcome this difficulty?


Thank's for your answer ! ;o)

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I'm not sure if this is what's giving everyone trouble lately but I remember when I first started playing with useragents I had a hard time tracking down why sometimes it would work, while other time it wouldn't...


Basically what it boiled down to was the studio vs compiled exe's.


What I've done was wrapped Meter's exe with a ubot sub that accepts two parameters. The first being the name of the bot and the second being the name of the compiled exe. I did this in a sub so that if I was developing in studio I could leave the exe parameter blank and it would auto fill the setting for UBotDevTool.


Considering how important it is to keep control of UserAgents I'm pretty sure you guys would like something like this so I'm putting the entire library up for download.


Download The Pack Here

Instructions are included in an email as well as a README file in the pack

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Why ? Why your soft cut it ? there is a reason ?

can we overcome this difficulty?


Thank's for your answer ! ;o)



Unfortunately Meter's program is limited to the memory already set by uBot. If ubot sets X characters of a useragent, Meter is only able to manipulate those bits that make up the current UA. It's this limitation that 'cuts' the remaining characters from the new UA

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Just an update. I have been researching this issue extensively and have come up with a lot of valuable information regarding the feasibility of integrating a feature like this into UBot.


I put together an application that accomplishes the function with good success and it will be evaluated by the developers further over the next couple of months.


There are things that need to be considered when dealing with user agents, not the least of which is the "half-life" of a user agent change...in most cases changing the user agent can be reversed back to the original simply by navigating to a new page or clicking on a link. I may have found the solution to this problem for Ubot, but again, it will be evaluated and tested by the developers before any decisions are made.


It's a good idea at the very least to consider a feature like this, but just be patient, because the integration is not as simple as it would appear on the surface.



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If you want to pay someone to develop something for you then you need to go to this sub-forum.




This is where some botters earn extra bucks for their services. They would not see your request here.

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