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Sure... here is an example (I hope it makes sense)   Original Starting File: http://i61.tinypic.com/md1ais.jpg     File process options with plugin   http://i59.tinypic.com/e0qqet.png   Hope my exampl

V3.1.3.0 - Update library - image to icon: update code to high quality icon image converter webp: converter .jpe,.png to .webp or .webp to .jpe,.png

Posted Images

@Pash you have any idea why when you crop an image loses quality and the pixels change color ?


Normally when you crop am image the pixels in that sector/area should stay the same nad have the same color/code.


2. How can i change an image bit.depth?   32bit - 24bit - 16bit - 8bit


3. (get color code from image pixel) what is the 0,0 pixel?     width,height?     it starts from 0,0 or 1,1 bottom or top left?

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@Pash you have any idea why when you crop an image loses quality and the pixels change color ?


Normally when you crop am image the pixels in that sector/area should stay the same nad have the same color/code.


2. How can i change an image bit.depth?   32bit - 24bit - 16bit - 8bit


3. (get color code from image pixel) what is the 0,0 pixel?     width,height?     it starts from 0,0 or 1,1 bottom or top left?

1. see 3.

2. no this command if you want update. wait next week. because i working other job.

3. yes. width,height (X,Y)

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No worries about the update.


3. starts from top left / bottom left ?

3. starts from 0,0 / 1,1 ?


Sorry i'm a little confused.

top, left


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Thanks for the updates Pash, awesome work!


When you have time this week can you please take a look why the "crop image" is loosing a lot in quality, plus add a "bit rate converter" from 32bit - 24 - 16 - 8bit and vice-versa.


Thanks bud!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Pash,


Recently I hired someone to build a part of a bot for me for a specific function that I just couldnt figure out how to do.

I had gotten the code and was told I needed this plugin for it to work.

I had gotten the script and it didnt work properly at all.


I was given a refund by them for the amount paid for that part of the bot but now I'm left with a useless piece of code that doesnt work properly and this plugin that I dont need or find a use for right now.

I'm wondering if there is any way to get a refund and my license to your plugin cancelled?




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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late reply pash. I was on vacation.


Anyways. There's nothing wrong with your plugin. I havent really used it.


I hired someone to do a job and after they were done they told I needed this plugin. I got it and his code doesn't work. Or for me it doesn't work. He refunded me anyways but now I'm stuck with a plugin I don't need. Do you understand?

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Sorry for the late reply pash. I was on vacation.


Anyways. There's nothing wrong with your plugin. I havent really used it.


I hired someone to do a job and after they were done they told I needed this plugin. I got it and his code doesn't work. Or for me it doesn't work. He refunded me anyways but now I'm stuck with a plugin I don't need. Do you understand?

Please Read Returns and Refunds Policy.


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Add new command
image split: image split by Equal dimensions & Width x Height

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Sorry, I meant file size ie bytes.



use "$image dimension" (inside have option)

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Add new command
image tile: create image tile from multi image

Add sample file
image tile >> image tile.ubot







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