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About nicolai

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
    Not Telling

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  • OS
    Windows Server 2012
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Looks like good plugin. I downloaded. thank you. So if I put in my script: plugin command("Diagnosticfunctions.dll", "Stop Watch Start") where I want the stop watch to start, how I make it show the elapsed time in ui stat monitor()?
  2. In theory its a great idea, but majroity of ubot users like things such as changing proxy ip's and web app would not do that I dont think.
  3. I would like to run a stop watch feature showing how long the bot has been running since clicking the start button. Would the above script work for this?
  4. In the end I used FileFolderCommand plugin to get file size. This function gets the file size of the downloaded file and then, displays the file size in the html + also increases the total data downloaded and also converts the bytes to two decimal MB number. Took me around 6 hours to get it working correctly! define get_file_size(#file_path) { set(#this_file_size,$plugin function("FileFolderCommands.dll", "$get file info", #file_path, "Total Size"),"Global") set(#total_data_downloaded_bytes,$add(#total_data_downloaded_bytes,#this_file_size),"Global") set(#this_file_size_downlo
  5. Sorry, I meant file size ie bytes.
  6. I am using code view. EG: set(#this_file_size_mb,$eval($divide(#file_size,1024)),"Global") This does not seem to work even when #file_size is a numeric value.
  7. and the answer is? I am trying to simply divide two numbers and its driving mental trying to look for answer. I can see its possible to add numbers. multiple numbers. Subtract numbers. but divide number? Is a mystery.
  8. Hi everybody. Why is this so complicated? Surely there is an easier way to get the size in bytes of a downloaded file? Is it not built into ubot studio already?
  9. Thank mate. do you have a links to this plugin?
  10. Yes exactly the same. They count up for a while and then simply stop. Here is screenshot of code... I have ui stat monitor at top of the page and the variables are being updated in the loop of the main process.
  11. Hmmm...I put stat monitor but seems to stop working after a while.
  12. Thanks for that! I have the basics working for me now.
  13. I dont really know how to explain well what I want to do so have made a screenshot. If its not possible topass the variables to the header part, is there anyway to reduce the blue block?
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