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sk8rjess last won the day on January 16 2018

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About sk8rjess

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    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
    v3.5 & v4.0
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  1. I've been using this email generator... and I freaking love it. Saved me from having to make one myself and this works fantastic. It's as fast as I think it could be and even has DBC support. Not only that but the dev is pretty good as supporting his products, too!
  2. Maybe update your version of UBot? I'm on 5.9.17 and it's using all native functions. $now is a date function built into UBot. Good deal! I was going to update this to show the days and months of time running but I didn't think anyone would honestly have a bot running that long anyways so I stopped pursuing that.
  3. Was in the for sale sub-forum but decided to make this free since it's not very big. It's just an execution timer for up to 24 hours - and as of right now(5/23/2016) it won't show the proper time overnight. Add the start function at the beginning of your script and the end timer at the end and you'll have variables of the hours, minutes, and seconds that the bot ran. Works on all versions of UBot. Put "Start Time()" at the beginning of your script and "End Time()" at the end. The alert is just to give you a visual. define Start Time { set(#timeStart,$find regular expression($no
  4. Honestly I have 0. The closest thing I have is some subtraction and division, and I sure hope those aren't considered in the bot bank commands.. I'll PM it to you though
  5. Unfortunately it's normal.. as annoying as it is, it should just be an option.
  6. Anyone else constantly getting this? My subscription just ran out and my script runs for about a minute before this dialog pops up notifying me that the bot bank commands are for subscribers.. I don't use any bot bank commands so I don't really care but every time the dialog pops up it stops my script.
  7. This was moved to free http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/19444-free-execution-time-script/ Mods, feel free to delete this thread or close it
  8. Lately I've been working a lot with scraped and free proxies and have gotten annoyed by some of them working with UBot and some not - despite other proxy checkers saying they are good. Here's a simple script that will test a list of proxies(chosen by you) and will save the successful ones to the desktop under "successful proxies.txt". This has a good amount of idle while checking, this is because my UBot has a mind of its own at times and needs to catch up - so you can lower the wait times if you'd like. ui stat monitor("<span style=\"font-size:30px;\">Proxy Checker</span>", "")
  9. Anyone else noticed this since the last update? Kaspersky is now marking my compiled bots as trojans.
  10. I've already solved this one by using my previously posted solution and for me it works flawlessly, thank you though! I'm still running into bugs with ubot. Constant crashes get old.. I'd guess they are memory leaks.
  11. This must have been a bug. I kept getting script errors(it listed all the HTML from my page so I can't give any more info, sorry) which would make me restart ubot for anything to work. After another restart everything as functioning properly.
  12. So i've learned! I can't tell you how many properly working statements I've had that don't work in ubot. I didn't know there was a built in editor, i should have looked for it! Thanks, i'll start testing in there. I still can't figure out why it's adding a line break, though.
  13. And Nick, thank you for adding your input! I confirm the above DOES indeed work. I would have had to modify it slightly as I don't actually know the provided name, was just using that as en example Always good to have more approaches to a solution though!
  14. Since I don't see a need in starting another thread for something semi related, I was writing an expression to grab the second word. Had it working successfully when I realized that no matter what I put in ubot, it constantly added a new line to my result. Does anyone see why? you can see I've stripped it down to a basic expression to grab anything. add item to list(%guestInfo,$find regular expression(#middleName,".*"),"Don\'t Delete","Global")I can put a standard string in place of the expression finder and it works just fine.
  15. I wasn't taking it as an insult, just clarifying! Wasn't trying to come across as defensive. Very good to know! Thanks for adding the information. What I'm learning about ubot is that instead of me having to code individual functions by hand as I'm used to, there are already pre-made ones as well as 1,000 different ways to approach something!
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