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Found 15 results

  1. I'm having difficulty saving the images on an example teepublic page. https://www.teepublic.com/en-gb/mug/1000159-downhill-mtbI've tried loading the page on mobile, and its still the same, its like it selects, all of the slider, and I'm not sure how to separate the images, and save all 3 views. Anyone got any ideas? thanks.
  2. hi, I am using my php script that contains my PHP my admin database tables. when this PHP script is ran, it will download the MYSQL database table. When I use the 'Download file' and run the node for http for the PHP script it works fine and downloads instantly. However when I compile the bot to .exe, it isn't even running the script. Can someone help please? Thanks Code: download file("https://XXX.XXX/refresh.php","C:\\Users\\GOAT\\Desktop\test.csv")
  3. I am having difficulty installing UBot 5.9.50 on my new laptop. For some reason, not all of the required files and folders are being downloaded and/or written to the disk. Here are the steps that I have tried: Begin by uninstalling UBot,delete or rename the AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio folder,reboot computer,connect to my UBot account and download the .msi installer file;launch the installer filer which begins by "Downloading base files", and the progress indicator appears which seems to take the usual amount of time to "Download Support Files", about 4 or 5 minutes to download,When it finish
  4. Hi folks, does anyone know why the Chrome Browser always throws a WARNING "downloaded file is potientieally harmful" when: - downloading a compiled bot from an http ressource (download from a server or website)? - downloading a compiled installer .exe script from an http ressource (download from a server or website)? It looks like this: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-daarKD9UaMg/TZtdGDuxx3I/AAAAAAAC22k/4j6y3nM3MtE/s1600/warning.png I hope there is some kind of " work a round". Because it scares end users off to buy and use the software. Thanks for any backup on this.
  5. I generated a bot yesterday. Today i run the bot and it comes up with the following message while contacting the IP address of the uBot server. Why is this? http://i.imgur.com/ciRAe.png This is something we don't want to happen, SPECIALLY if you keep in mind we have a DEVELOPER version of uBot Studio (thus, BRANDING FREE). Imagine, what if we send this file to clients??? The generated .exe file is already about 4MB so i assume there are no suspicious "updates" needed! All required files ARE already in the .exe, right???
  6. Anyone knows a way to determine filesize of downloads? This is possible because when i use a download manager as soon as the download starts within one second it shows the size of the download and the time left of the download finishes.
  7. Realising that not everyone has access to the Developer Edition forums http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/17189-download-file-referrer/&do=findComment&comment=103819 i duplicate the question here to have more chance for an answer. I have an issue with the Download File command. I am working on a site where they seems to have a referrercheck on files. When i browse directly (navigate command) to the file with no referrer i get blocked, when i browse directly to the file with the correct referer send it works ok so at this point we know there is a referrer check. But now
  8. I am searching for an Adwords - Keyword planner download bot. Login to adwords Input KEyword Planner (Keyword as String and defined options) Downloading the keyword ideas as CSV and save it. Bot should look in a CSV File, Json or an Url for list of Keywords and go through it in groups or on each keyword.
  9. I saw a lot of people asking the question from title, so I've decided to share this code: click($element offset(<(innertext="Download" AND class="goog-button-base-content")>, 0), "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") wait for element(<id="gwt-debug-adwords-editor-csv-radio-input">, "", "Appear") click(<id="gwt-debug-adwords-editor-csv-radio-input">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") click(<id="gwt-debug-download-button-content">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") wait for
  10. For a while, I had no idea how to use the HTTP post plugin on websites to signup, and especially on websites that had captchas. I sorted of learned it by testing different commands one at a time, and then I decided that I would try to put them all together to solve the problem I was having. The tutorial I have put together will show you how you can make a signup bot using the HTTP post plugin without the browser even doing a thing! This will cut down on your ram and bandwidth usage. You may need to change some of the regex algorithms, but the process stays the same. ui text box("Loops", #loo
  11. I'm working on a Google images scraper that I plan on selling the source code to, and I was looking for beta testers to test out the compiled version that I have so far. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mhpdfavejlxpwoo/Google%20Image%20Scraper%20Beta.exe http://gyazo.com/b41c599680001be9e2b70e90d40d0de6.png http://gyazo.com/72e65a98c0d98396d4c8ffbe716da4c0.png
  12. Hello, I have been a ubot studio customer for the past 10 hours and am loving it so far. The functionality is much better than visual webripper with much better refrences and tutorials. Unfortunatly none of the tutorials were able to solve my problem download documents with ubot. I am trying to download files from a series of pages. Each page has one link to a file on it. The starting page is http://booksc.org/book/1 with each additional page ending in"book/2 book/3 etc.." The download link uses the same tag on every page so that is not a problem. The problem I am running into is gettin
  13. Hey guys Im trying to download videos from youtube with my bot, with no success. I dont want to embed them. Only download. Anybody did that before?? There is alot of sites that I can use like savemedia.com, keeptube.com etc. But I want to do it with my bot. Please help me guys
  14. hello, I am trying to add a profile pic to a site. Here is a screen shot: http://i46.tinypic.com/2mblzc.png
  15. I am trying to download a file from a site. If I click on the export button in a regular browser, it opens up a window asking where to download the file. When I click on it in the ubot browser, a 2nd window pops up as shown in screenshot two. Any ideas? Thanks http://taplead.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/export.png http://taplead.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/export2.png
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