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Ptrick125 last won the day on February 26 2014

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About Ptrick125

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/27/1999

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    Near Austin, Texas

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  1. I can't confirm whether or not the plugin still works, but he has the download link on his site: http://ubot-plugins.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/File-Management.zip
  2. Are you saying the download doesn't work or the update doesn't work?
  3. The user interface behind the bot and the logic behind the scraping works, but it is not functioning the same as when I posted this thread. You can still learn from it, but you can't just re-name it and sell it.
  4. The source code actually doesn't use API requests, so you won't need an API key or anything. It uses an external website that accesses Instagram on your behalf, and automates that.
  5. Thanks for buying, hope you can learn a lot from it!
  6. Change the Ubot "User Agent", that tells the website what version of browser you're using.
  7. To be honest, I would steer away from using the bot bank. By using the bot bank, you have to pay for the renewing subscription, and if you don't continue paying your subscription, you lose access to the bot bank completely.
  8. I haven't experienced the issue myself, what version of Ubot are you using?
  9. Have you tried taking a look at the link that the button takes you to? You may be able to bypass clicking on the button completely.
  10. Are you lost trying to figure out Ubot? Don't worry. I've spent hundreds of hours doing exactly that. Recently, I was contacted by a client to create a bot to register free domain names on Freenom.com, a domain service that offers .tk and .ml domains for free. Unfortunately for me, after I made the bot the client charged me back on PayPal. I want to get something out of it since it's already made, so I'm selling the source code! The source code uses Aymen's HTTP Post plugin to register dozens of domains in mere seconds! Included in the source code are examples
  11. What response are they sending you? You may have to parse it
  12. Glad you figured it out, in the future I would recommend having the bot look for a piece of text such as "Log Out" or something similar!
  13. I would figure out the url's "base", then I would create a variable to put after the "base". For example: we have the url www.website.com/subtree/YOURVARIABLE you would set the "base" to be "www.website.com/subtree/" and then you could just have the browser navigate to #Base#Variable
  14. You could use $Set to where you set the variable to Eval (#Variable + 50)
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