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Tibret last won the day on October 2 2016

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About Tibret

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  • Interests
    Data-Analysis, Online-Marketing, Marketing Automation

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    Windows 10
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    More Than 9Gb
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  1. So I coded a bit in the last days and noticed I am able to connect to a Database. So a better solution would be to store the Input from my webform into a Mysql Database and later on let the bot connect to that Database to do its work.
  2. Wow awesome Plugin, did a long search today and this solves a lot of problems! Thanks!
  3. Depends on the Website and how good they are at bot detection. Using Proxy Lists and changing proxy every few minutes. Use random pauses in your bot, add random clicks non clickable elements or scrolls with javascript.
  4. Hi Guys! I do have some bots that I did upload to an Amazon AWS EC2 Workstation. Now I want to send my customers to a site, where they can input some data, pay a fee via paypal and then the data should be transefered to the bot. Right now I have the current solution: Customer comes to websiteThere is an offer for Data-ScrapingCustomer enters Data to a formCustomer has to pay a fee in the form with paypalForm sends Data to an EmailBot is running every 5 Minutes on Server, checks for MailBot is scraping Mail content and then does some stuff (Data-Scraping)Bot sends scraped Data via Mail to c
  5. Hey Deliter, thanks for that Advice! I still have some Problems when Building more complex Bots. I didn´t know that local variables don´t show up in the debugger, but makes sense now. Many thanks!
  6. Hey pash, thank you very much! Works just perfect! I didn´t know until now that you could use "AND" in the Scrape Attribute funcion! Great to know. I think I can get my project done now. Many thanks!
  7. Here is what I have so far, I load a list of URLs I got by manual collection: set(#Loopcounter,0,"Global") loop($list total(%Produkt URLS)) { navigate($list item(%Produkt URLS,#Loopcounter),"Wait") wait for browser event("Page Loaded","") set(#ProduktURL,$scrape attribute(<id="merchant-info">,"innerhtml"),"Global") set(#TEST,$plugin function("File Management.dll", "$Find Regex First", #ProduktURL, "(?<=href=\").*?(?=\">)"),"Global") set(#TEST,$replace(#TEST,"amp;",""),"Global") navigate("https://www.amazon.de{#TEST}","Wait") wait for browser event("Page
  8. Hey Deliter, I testet your Code, the Bot just works perfekt, it opens the product overview Page and then navigates to each product detail Page. One thing is very strange, when I look into the debugger it states that the list %href is empfy... But this can´t be true, because it navigates to every scraped URL. I don´t understand this behaviour, and it would be greate so save the scraped URLs as well.
  9. Hey Guys, I am trying to build a Amazonscraper but everytime I try it Ubot just crashes or displays very weird Errors. First Problem: When Visting Amazon and going to a product Overview Site like this: https://www.amazon.de/s/ref=sr_pg_6?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Awasserbett+konditionierer&page=6&keywords=wasserbett+konditionierer&ie=UTF8&qid=1476185127&spIA=B001JBYKB4,B00QQ8Q2XO,B002P55ZTE,B001RW5B7C,B00P94GZGK,B00OW7FBDS,B00PYEUIWM,B00S7Q67SI,B00MJ09CAI,B01GTS3FAI,B00P93REN4,B00P9598OK,B00P92PJDC,B00P965KD2,B01IPNV8P4,B00P80EMCO I try to Scrape the URLs with "Scrape Elemen
  10. Hi HelloInsomnia, thanks for your reply. I can do some basic formating and it just works fine and helps me automate my stuff. But I would like to go a step further and send some styled reports, which can only be done in xls format.
  11. Hi There! I automated a lot of my Reporting Work with Ubot. But there is just one thing I can´t seem to automate with Ubot. This is the task I want to automate: 1. Login to a Reporting Tool 2. Download a CSV 3. Open CSV 4. run a Macro to make the report clean and look better 5. save Report as xls 6. Send the new xls to customer via Email I can Automate step 1 to 3 Step 6 is also very easy. But I can´t seem to automate Step 4 and 5. I was thinking of using Windows Commands, but not sure if this is the right way. Can anyone help?
  12. Hey Pash, What is your native language? thanks for your help. But your described how to login with a password, I allready can do this. I am just concerned that if I save my password in a compiled bot, a customer can find out my password using my bot. I don´t know if it is even possible or if I should/ can secure my passwords.
  13. I want to share my experience with you guys and how I make money with automation. My background: I am an Online-Marketing Consultant and call myself a one-man army. I can do some basic coding, but would not call myself a programmer. I allways had a lot of tasks that felt like a waste of my time: -downloading Data -handling Data -Invoicing -Keyword research So I startet out writing Guidelines for the repetitious tasks and hired someone to do them for me. First everything went finde then the person did not deliver on time, got ill an so on. So I was searching for a solution and came acro
  14. Hi TheBigWeb, yeah that makes sense and I do understand what you are trying to do. I just recently startet to learn how to use API´s (bought Udemy courses and so on) so will definetly look into this method. On the other side I think this won´t work for everything. Some services don´t have an API and I need to pull Data with a logged in Account.
  15. Hey pash, I did read that post and all it does is hide a password that the end-User does type in. So when I ask for a password in a UI Box I can hide it with ****. But I want to work on a special case, my bot does a login (built in by me), the login information is in the ubot code. So the bot does login to my Semrush Account, pulls some Information and continues the other tasks. When I compile my bot and ship it to the enduser, I am afraid he might find out my password, which is somewhere in cleartext in the bot. I hope this clears things up a bit.
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