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  1. Ubotplugin.com End of Business Good day Ubot community. Over the last 9 years I invested a lot of time in developing the plugins. I hope that it was of good use for all of you. Only in the last months you did not hear much from me anymore. This has some reasons: Because of inevitable personal and health reasons I am no longer able to sell and provide plugins or to work on the code anymore. The license servers run out of payment in the end. Sorry for the inconvenience. My plugins (Ubotplugin.com) have reached the products end of life cycle with me now. Ubotplugin.com will become
  2. Anybody can solve this kind of google captcha using Recaptcha Plugin. https://www.google.com/sorry/index?continue=https://www.google.com/search%3Fei%3DgjBZX-S-CPaK4-EPy5edEA%26q%3Dallintitle%253A%2522it%2Bcompany%2Bin%2Bjaipur%2522%26oq%3Dallintitle%253A%2522it%2Bcompany%2Bin%2Bindia%2522%26gs_lcp%3DCgZwc3ktYWIQDFAAWABgpSNoAHABeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCqAQdnd3Mtd2l6%26sclient%3Dpsy-ab%26ved%3D0ahUKEwjkh7fj6tzrAhV2xTgGHctLBwIQ4dUDCA0&q=EhAkCUByZB3sPBXxYYTnDbnyGIjh5PoFIhkA8aeDS8rxFtXSyKXDEWUudbjR6FP5jeUsMgFy I tried solving it but it is not working out. It would be great if anybody ca
  3. Hello guys i know ubot studio can make a bot for every website. I need some help i want to make a special bot. Dailymotion.com subscriber bot it needs ip rotation/captcha 2 bypass/solve email creatìon and verify/need verified account to subscribe would be cool to customize the channel wich get subscribers. it needs 2 windows one active for dailymotion and one active to get mail. temp-mail.org works fine to make mass email it would be great if someone can help me cause i dont have to much time i also would pay for your help earnings of dailymotion are small so i
  4. Hello i have this issue that i never had before. Its either the website txt.bell.ca or google recaptcha recognising ubot browser. I tried everything Heres a video to let you understand better. I will pay 200$ if someone can find the issue Questions are welcome. If you found whats wrong, i will require a video before I pay. Thank you https://youtu.be/Jo8l5CqsLz4
  5. navigate("https://signup.mail.com/#.7518-header-signup2-1","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait for browser event("DOM Ready","") type text(<autocapitalize="none">,#emailPrefix,"Standard") type text(<first name field>,#firstname,"Standard") type text(<last name field>,#lastname,"Standard") change dropdown(<state dropdown>,"Random - Skip First Choice") type text($element offset(<birthday field>,0),#month,"Standard") type text($element offset(<birthday field>,1),#day,"Standa
  6. hello can someone help me implement this code within ubot to solve recaptca v3 heres the API https://anticaptcha.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API/pages/5079073/createTask+captcha+task+creating thank you for your help
  7. Hi i am trying to bypass distil network block when i navigate url in exbrowser message come"Pardon the Interruption" how to bypass , if any solution to solve this? Any help is so appriciated. "Pardon the Interruption As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. There are a few reasons this might happen: You're a power user moving through this website with super-human speed.You've disabled JavaScript in your web browserA third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript is preventing JavaScript from running. Additional information is available in this s
  8. i have this captcha plugin that works well in sinle thread As soon as i increase threads it doesnt work , it solves captcha in only 1 thread this is the code Please help to separate list item in each thread set(#ApiKey,"67fefergtrgesfdwdweedweedewdew","Global") set user agent("Chrome") loop(20) { thread { in new browser { navigate("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) set(#GoogleSiteKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-sitekey"),"Global")
  9. Hello I am working on a Google My Business Bot and got into an issue. I am using ultimate captcha between. Everything is working, i mean raw captcha has been identified and googlesitekey too, but it is not solving captcha. It remains the same. I am using 2captcha service paired up with the bot I have been trying it all day, please can anbody could help. Here is the code that i used for the captcha: set(#GoogleSiteKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-sitekey"),"Global")change attribute(<id="g-recaptcha-response">,"style",$replace($scrape attribute(<id="g-recapt
  10. Hi , i use exbrowser. i have a problem with recaptcha. i i want to use it for pinterest login. i can not find submit button for recaptcha, so i use chromex extension to solve this problem. but now i get a problem is how to input 2captcha API key on exbrowser. i open the extension setting page. but when i run my bot to change attribute or type text to insert API key, it always failed. i can't insert my api key. is there any advice to setting it? thanks chrome extension : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/recaptcha-solver/hapgiopokcmcnjmakciaeaocceodcjdn?hl=en plugin command("ExBro
  11. Hey guys! So im new here and need some help. If you try to log in on twitch, you will need to solve recaptcha before loggin in. Can someone please teach me how to do it. I wanna use it with 2captcha. I tried looking at the API Page but i still dont know how to do it in uBot. I hope somebody could help me out with the code. Thank you so much!
  12. Getting an error in web console "VM228 about:blank:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'l' of undefined" When running run javascript("___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[0].aa.l.callback('{#callback}');") It worked just fine all morning and suddenly started giving this with NO CHANGES. If someone can please advise.
  13. For the life of me I can't beat Discord's Captcha- I've tried everything, and it seems to be infinitely appearing- Anyone broken this or have any ideas?
  14. Hi, I Downloaded and installed ReCaptcha V3 PlugIn and made all good (I think) But always when I'm changing recaptcha-token and clicking confirm it says that captcha is bad. Using 2captcha. Page Source code: https://pastebin.com/tfT9Xzhw If someone can set up the code for this page offset or help me by discord or skype...
  15. How can i solve fun captcha i have tried to solve by 2 captcha to solve this but not success, i also search in forum but not exact solution for this any one have idea about fun captcha plz help i will be appriciated for this-- :https://prnt.sc/9k5hur Thanks & Regards Hare
  16. Hi everyone, I want to click on submit button in google page after solving captcha images but it fails to click on submit button.I think before solving captcha image i have to run javascript code that is missing and i am using 2captcha services for solving captcha's. plz give any solution i stuck at this point since 2 days. i attach screenshot of that page which i have to solve. Thanks in advance
  17. Hi guys, First of all, we have the cheapest rate in the market with recaptcha tokens solution. we have the best offers. we can share with all developers revenue from customers. if you are big developer we have better and the best offers for you. On the other hand, we have the best speed in the market and we can go down with our prices, if you would send more than 20k-50k recaptchas daily, we can offer better prices. http://www.imagetyperz.com/ Recaptchas price with tokens: $2,50 per 1000 recaptchas! 1. 10% developers fee. each developer can get 10% income from all incoming captchas via own
  18. My Plugin : Advanced Ubot | Advanced Dialog | Advanced Systems | Advanced Screen and Windows | Advanced DateTime | Advanced Captcha | Advanced Captcha (V3) | Create Table From Excel (Lite) I am searching for a provider Captcha., And as well to write the Plugin API. My tested deathbycaptcha.comhumancoder.comde-captcha.comantigate.com Not tested (not for credit). beatcaptchas.comimagedecoderz.comimagetyperz.comshanibpo.com If it does not work, please tell me here. Download
  19. Hello All, Let's start with I am an absolute nubi but I dig working with Ubot. Ubot Developer Version: 5.9.50 Exbrowser: I am trying to download and save to file, a captcha image from a URL that starts with blob:http:// and has no file extension associated with it when I scrape the element attribute. Can anyone help me learn how do it pull this image down? <img class="photo" alt="CAPTCHA image" src="blob:https://securea.mlb.com/8c48ac80-5be2-4919-a6c4-d8c735bea042"> Thank you in advance for your help. Regards,
  20. Hi guys, We have started to solving recaptchas with cheaper rate and best time. Guys just ping me if someone will be interested in this.
  21. hey i need some help i see its possible to use captcha sniper as some old threads i tryed many things but i dont get it to work would be awesome if yomeone could help me
  22. Running into a unique issue when trying to log into Deviant art. I'm hit with this page - https://www.deviantart.com/users/wrong-password?url=%2fusers%2flogin&uuid=419830d0-7b07-11e7-858c-d546eeb35de6&vid=42f74ba0-7b07-11e7-a379-6547ec215717 The captcha requires you to actually open and submit the captcha in order to verify. So the captcha plugins aren't working. Any ideas? ( I've already slowed down the bots to try and avoid this captcha but it still pops up often )
  23. Right now I have my bot just clicking the images at random but it can take 100s of tries before getting it right. I've tried to use deathbycaptcha and 2captcha to solve it but I guess they don't solve this captcha type. Is there a better way to solve this captcha outside of 100s of random attempts? You can see a live example here - http://canariblogs.com/signup http://jessegrillo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/cap.png
  24. When solving the captcha on https://www.livejournal.com/create I have no issue in Ubot. However, in the compiled bot the captcha appears as a pop up and doesn't get solved. The bot solves a variety of other captchas without issue but this one site gives me a pop up. Live Journal is a Russian website so I'm thinking that might somehow be causing the issue? Screen shot below. What am I missing? http://jessegrillo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/captcha.png
  25. hello someone knows how to migrate captcha soluions to decaptcher and use credentials of captchasolutions in the decaptcher menu, since pasha plugin not working in captcha solutions
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