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jianhuili last won the day on September 17 2019

jianhuili had the most liked content!

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1 Neutral

About jianhuili

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    Windows 8
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  1. Does anyone know how to solve the verification code of hotmail registered account? I have been unable to solve it, does anyone know? help!!! https://outlook.live.com/owa/?nlp=1&signup=1 The following is my program code: type text(<name=w"wlspispSolutionElement*">,$solve captcha(<(id=w"wlspispHIPBimg*" AND alt="Visual Challenge")>),"Standard") Please help!!!
  2. The Ultimate Captcha Plugin won't run without a valid licensefile. Either a valid license file could not be found or your license file is expired. .
  3. Why Ultimate Captcha will expire? Ubot can add this plugin. who know it?
  4. WebSite: https://signup.mail.com/#.7518-header-signup2-1 I reference video Just like follow link: https://www.screenca...om/t/2d0Xzb2BaH set(#ApiKey,"XXXXXXafab534ba50e40XXXXXXX","Global") click(<class="recaptcha-checkbox-checkmark">,"Left Click","No") wait(10) set(#text,$plugin function("UltimateCaptchaServices.dll", "$2Captcha Service", #ApiKey, "", "", "", "", "Solve Captcha", "Recaptcha-NoCaptcha", "", "Yes", "No"),"Global") But what is the problem with no response? Please Help Me, thank you!
  5. If don't need to add a text box, just click on the recaptcha, imitate the manual operation, does anyone know the code? Just like follow link: https://www.screencast.com/t/2d0Xzb2BaH anyone konw the code??? Help!!!
  6. Every time it is this error, it prompts the error to fill in, not the error. I feel that this recaptcha is running, there is no effect, the webpage can't identify it.
  7. navigate("https://signup.mail.com/#.7518-header-signup2-1","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait for browser event("DOM Ready","") type text(<autocapitalize="none">,#emailPrefix,"Standard") type text(<first name field>,#firstname,"Standard") type text(<last name field>,#lastname,"Standard") change dropdown(<state dropdown>,"Random - Skip First Choice") type text($element offset(<birthday field>,0),#month,"Standard") type text($element offset(<birthday field>,1),#day,"Standa
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