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About surya1687

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    Windows 7
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  1. Anybody can solve this kind of google captcha using Recaptcha Plugin. https://www.google.com/sorry/index?continue=https://www.google.com/search%3Fei%3DgjBZX-S-CPaK4-EPy5edEA%26q%3Dallintitle%253A%2522it%2Bcompany%2Bin%2Bjaipur%2522%26oq%3Dallintitle%253A%2522it%2Bcompany%2Bin%2Bindia%2522%26gs_lcp%3DCgZwc3ktYWIQDFAAWABgpSNoAHABeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCqAQdnd3Mtd2l6%26sclient%3Dpsy-ab%26ved%3D0ahUKEwjkh7fj6tzrAhV2xTgGHctLBwIQ4dUDCA0&q=EhAkCUByZB3sPBXxYYTnDbnyGIjh5PoFIhkA8aeDS8rxFtXSyKXDEWUudbjR6FP5jeUsMgFy I tried solving it but it is not working out. It would be great if anybody ca
  2. Hi I am having the following: Ubot 6.1.8 Windows 10 (64 Bit) I recently changed the system and i have created multiple bots using ubot. But with my new system, the software is not even running when checkbox option is ticket. Example: If checkbox is ON, use the If or Else Function. It is not running, just skipping the whole process. Has anybody been running the ubot properly with the above config. I am 100% sure it is the bug with ubot itself. Waiting for anybody to help me. thanks!!
  3. Hello I am working on a Google My Business Bot and got into an issue. I am using ultimate captcha between. Everything is working, i mean raw captcha has been identified and googlesitekey too, but it is not solving captcha. It remains the same. I am using 2captcha service paired up with the bot I have been trying it all day, please can anbody could help. Here is the code that i used for the captcha: set(#GoogleSiteKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-sitekey"),"Global")change attribute(<id="g-recaptcha-response">,"style",$replace($scrape attribute(<id="g-recapt
  4. Man, you are awesome. It worked finally Thanks for this. Cheers!!
  5. Hi I am being struck on coding a bot. It is "Google My Business" small bot. What is happening is the ubot gets struck once it is logged in. It is not able to click the button which leads to a captcha. Here is the code for the button: <div jscontroller="nzI87d" jsaction="JIbuQc:OIy9gb;aWRkAb:FSsIQd;" class="NkRK6b" data-account-id="103795291667481242655"><div role="button" class="U26fgb c7fp5b FS4hgd fw9iKd evtaPc Zgauvd" jscontroller="iSvg6e" jsaction="click:cOuCgd; mousedown:UX7yZ; mouseup:lbsD7e; mouseenter:tfO1Yc; mouseleave:JywGue; focus:AHmuwe; blur:O22p3e; contextmenu:
  6. Anybody has a solution for this. Still now i am struck up with this. Only a blank page comes up.
  7. Same issue, now i cant use 5.9 and also the 6.0 version. Totally not able to use both the versions. Waiting for the support to fix it asap.
  8. Still the same issue. Can anybody help me out. I want to work on a software immediately. Thanks!!
  9. I too face the same issue, struck on license verification part. Hope ubot fix this asap with a solution.
  10. Still the issue has not been fixed by the ubot team. Do any of you guys have any solution for this? Maybe what was the working ubot version which compiled properly. I want to compile one of my clients bot and still cant do it. Thanks!!
  11. Can anybody help me on this. I can upload youtube videos through ubot but i can change the title or click youtube "publish" button. I am struck on this for over the past few hours. Can anybody give me an idea of how to do this or is it not possible with ubot? Thanks!!
  12. was the issue fixed. I too have the same issue. This looks like a bug with the recent version of ubot
  13. Hello Darry I paid for dynamic tables, but still didnt get my license details. My transaction id is: Unique Transaction ID 7WV13693TH275500E Please let me know the details. Thanks!!
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