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Everything posted by Jeredoc

  1. Hello, I do not have much time to devote to ubot to code. so in the meantime I decided to leave all my source codes at a price more than black friday! a code 40 € two codes 70 € 3 codes 100 € So take advantage of my codes to learn ubot or directly resell my bots Do what you want! cordially Jeredoc Some example : https://youtu.be/tOMmNVNDMa0 https://youtu.be/M1n_cxzFsHY https://youtu.be/s4u-FHt8LcE https://youtu.be/Bt0HkuKDPQI https://youtu.be/AcIHKHiHN0g Send me PM
  2. "blocked by IAS" hi can u explain what is IAS ? please !
  3. Hi, see here too : http://lasocietesecrete.fr/boutique/les-bots/wayback-scrapper-schema-creator/
  4. Sorry but another problem i cant load at same time sqlite plug-ins and exbrowser plugins ! the one disable the other ! have someone same issue ? the two plug ins are checked but only one is working !
  5. i know but during development, which solution to find xpath if i see nothing?
  6. PhantomJS runs int he background so you should check the html that os produced from PhantomJS to see what is has done for you Nothing happen, i dont have any browser open ! i ve browser only for chrome and firefox ! not with phantomjs ! No one have same problem ?
  7. hi everyone ! i have big problem ! when i ask : plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Firefox", "", "") no problem browser open !plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", "") no problem browser open !butplugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "PhantomJS", "", "") nothing happen, process load on background process !what is the solution please ?
  8. Piece of code to understand the MOZ API! take advantage of it to find good backlinks for yourself! with this bot and a php file that contains your api moz credentials, enjoy the MOZ API!Choice: treatment of a list of url!or search for backlinks from a domain! (choose the best and make your own links)from the footprints of the bot, or from yours!Explanation of the API!And as a bonus, find the sites that are on the same server as the targeted site ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfYlOnRDLZk Only 40€ for Ubot user ! Must have: File Management.dll , HTTP post.dll , LocalDictionary
  9. now visits with sources like google shopping (ads), and like social networks and strong site: facebook, instagram, viadeo, pinterest, twitter, wordpress, wikipedia ... (possibility of adding to infinity) and always top 50 google news, and google search! http://jettemplates.com/Vue.png
  10. organic traffic supports public proxy and private proxy (with password and login) they are looking for the long tail on a dedicated keyword, a referrer list of your choice + the top 50 list of google search on the chosen keyword + the top 50 list of google news on the same keyword + the list social networks (viadeo, linkedin, pinterest ...) always on the same keyword, it then sends random visits from all these sites in referrer with a maximum choice of google visits on the various keywords, in short as natural tours that please google. and of course multi user agent and multi screen resoluti
  11. Hy ! Have you see this ? http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/21495-code-source-organic-trafic-blaster/ Regards
  12. Here is a code to retrieve domain names registered in the week for .fr you are free to adapt it for other registrar and other extensions so it recovers a file in .gif format cutting and then sending for character recognition "OCR" the top a bulk whois is made to finally extract the mails and the such of the people / companies who registered these domain names. Free to use the list, there are many commercial advantages of having this kind of list before everyone else. I made an English translation total translation A log in the bot keeps you informed of the progress. Code Price: $
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