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Everything posted by pftg4

  1. start with 100 zero's get ubot to pick a number between 10-100 use that in substring quickest way set(#test,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,"Global") set(#new item,$substring(#test,0,$rand(10,100)),"Global") keep pushing run and watch in debugger
  2. count me in (not a plugin owner)
  3. why don't you have Dan do support and pay him what you payed jane...????? couldn't think of a better stand up guy to do it i do not have this plugin but to let a plugin of this quality die would be completely crazy come on whizz you can sort this
  4. you can use find index then count backward with substring to do that easy check out those to commands
  5. run your javascript in eval don't forget to echo it out at the end or you won't see result
  6. how about doing just the easy stuff like that would leave room for more complex stuff stop ubot choking on to much code
  7. hey kev have you considered using mj ultimate plugin run ubot script command that way you store all the define in text inside the program i do have the plugin works great but just tested for little stuff not sure it would work on program that size just a thought Dave
  8. you are navigating to a site that has javascript installed first because you can only use javascript after that just an fyi
  9. pftg4

    Popup Over Ui

    daryl's builder has all that and more you should check it out
  10. simple way would be run wait command in a thread
  11. this is to stop spam plain and simple
  12. yep add list to list add the 2 llists in
  13. you have to navigate to a site with java script enabled first
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